Friday, February 24, 2012

At Ewa´s Mardi Gras

Tonight I dropped in at my friend Ewa Aska´s Mardi Gras celebration at the Gimli Theater. The event was packed with avatars from Sweden, Norway and everywhere else when I arrived but I had "grey issues" so the pictures I took where pretty useless.

The picture above is from later in the evening, when the crowds had thinned out, and shows me enjoying the music of DJ Peppe, who was a good surprise. He played great slow music that put the couples in a romantic mood, if they weren't there already.

An acquaintance of mine complained "Not all of us have someone to hug!". When I offered him to come to me, he just laughed and teleported out of the place. Imagine... well, better luck next time perhaps...


  1. Thanks Bock that is always an honor to have you at my parties

    puss kram

    1. It was my pleasure Ewa, I always enjoy your events! ;)


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