Monday, March 26, 2012

Upcoming Events: Viking Gods

Ms Ewa Aska (producer & star), and the rest of the Gimle Team are proud to invite you all to the dance and music show Viking Gods (a performance in five acts) for the opening night of the show on Wednesday April 4, 2012, 12:00 PM SLT at the Gimle Theater on the Yadkin sim..After the show you will get the chance to mingle and rub shoulders with the stars of the show while enjoying the music of DJ Apollon.

Please make sure to mark the time and date in your busy calendars, or you will regret it because everyone will want to  be there.

As you may happen to notice the event is privileged to be hosted by the adorable Mrs Svessa Hax-Beornsen and yours truly.

I am already preparing for this assignment and coming up with usable phrases like
  • "You are looking wonderful tonight, dear lady, what a truly beautiful gown. I must add though that you are out-shined by your delicious companion, he is simply mouthwatering!"
  • "Please sit down and be quiet, sir, or I will have to shoot you!"
  • "Apmel, please put your clothes back on or I must eject you for the third time this evening!"
  • "Madam, I understand your desperation but this is not the restroom. Please stand up and put down your skirts at once and I will accompany you to the ladies room directly."

This will be fun! Please come back for updates as we get closer to the event.


  1. Hahahhaha.. VERY useful phrases! Except the third one that I don´t understand at all..

    1. Put it down to divine inspiration, bosom buddy ;)


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