Monday, June 18, 2012

She Made Me Proud

Art by John Bauer

This evening I listened to a  podcast that I have had difficulty listening to before. but after a long time of fiddling around with the settings of the firewall. I finally got it to work just before the program I wanted to listen to started.

The program was of course "Jändi är arg" (Iendi is angry) on Iendi´s Transistor. I have followed the origins of the discussions that lead up to the radio program, but have not really taken part much.

Iendi was - as always - calm, cool and collected throughout the radio show, however angry she claims to have been it did not shine through in the least during the program. She answered all the personal attacks on her by trolls and drama queens of both sexes and big-busted and small-minded valkyrias.

I am proud to have Iendi Laville as my fiend! Never take their shit to heart, my darling ex-missus for a day!


  1. Hi was there and listen too, buddy did you get my email ?

    1. Hey NEO, you I got it buddy, so sorry I havent answered earlier.

      I think its a great idea, hopefully some of them will connect!


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