Monday, December 8, 2014


To quote the Swedish author Astrid Lindgren in her description of her fictional character Karlsson-on -the-Roof, the lairds consort Tomais Ashdene is "a handsome, thoroughly clever, perfectly plump man in his prime".
Tomais photographed by JJ Goodman
Yesterday, the consort put up Christmas decorations and lights on the lairdly couples main residence at Southern Charm. The laird was not in the least worried, such work is quite safe in SecondLife as we all know. Today, however, the wonderful man is repeating his feat in first life and that is quite a different matter... 
"If you aren't the type of man who usually repairs your roof or cleans out the gutters, what the hell motivates anyone to climb up a very tall ladder to put Christmas decorations up there?", the laird wondered to himself when he was informed of this upcoming adventure yesterday. 

Well, my darling Tomais, please make sure you wear rubber-soled shoes and use a sturdy ladder. Plant the ladder firmly on the ground and make sure to tie a rope around your slender midriff and anchor yourself to something steady. Or better yet, wouldn't those lights would look better much closer to the ground or even on the ground?

Be safe, my darling!


  1. I am always careful, my prince. However the weather took a turn this afternoon and it began raining. There's some decent weather in the forecast, so putting lights up on the RL house is postponed until then. ;-)

    1. Yikes, then I am on my way inworld NOW babe! ;)

  2. I think dressed in just a jockstrap would be best for the breath taking visuals alone.


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