Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Predict How SL Will Do in 2013

My mentor in blogging Eddi Haskell over at Eddi Haskell´s Second Life (url) has a poll running, for only two more days, concerning what SecondLife inhabitants believe will  be the state of SecondLife´s health at the end of 2013.

The poll can be found in the upper right hand corner of the blog. Go there and tell us what you think!


  1. Thanks Bock! For some reason this has been a slow poll - only 42 responses. I like to see over 50, and maybe this will help.

    1. You´re welcome, Eddi, I hope it helps!

      Did you by any chance happen to notice my little trick to subliminally influence the outcome of the poll? LOL

  2. Yes you put down better! Right now things are evenly split between the two outcomes.

    1. I can´t slide anything past you, Mr. Eagle Eye! ;)


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