Showing posts with label junivers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label junivers. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Swedish Invasion Adhoc Reunion

Yesterday evening I got a surprising teleport offer from Ambrooshia. The surprise was that she more or less left SecondLife a couple of years ago and has only been back at infrequent intervals.

Well, as my hubby wasn't online yet and I had nothing better to do, I took the teleport and landed in a gathering of avatars from the period of the big Swedish SL-Invasion in the spring of 2007.

At that time there was an article in the largest Swedish news paper about SecondLife and the Swedish Institute had decided to open a virtual Swedish Embassy in SecondLife that was going to be inaugurated by the Swedish foreign minister at the time, Carl Bildt.

Those of the avatars that don't still regularly come into SecondLife seemed to decide on coming back for regular reunions every Monday at 21.00 C.E.T. (i.e 9 PM C.E.T. or 12 PM SLT)

Monday, December 9, 2013

Vote for Your Favorite Anything in SL

Voting is now going on in SecondLife's 2013 Avi Choice Awards.

You can vote for absolutely a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g and e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g concerning SecondLife, from your favorite Skin Designer, Hair Designer, Avatar Accessories and Mens and Womens Apparel over your favorite groups, dance troupes, dance choreographers or  & AO-creators (male or female) to favorite blog/blogger, male Petite avatar-maker & machinima producer. Anything and everything I tell you, even your Favorite Linden. Just go there and start voting and see for yourself.

It is with great pride I noted that my friend, mentor and fellow Rhino Writer Eddi Haskell has been nominated in the category Favorite SL Blog/Blogger, that the awesome Arcangelo Hellman has been nominated in the category Favorite DJ,, that junivers Stockholm has been nominated as Favorite Male Musician and the Second Pride Festival in the category Favorite Event.

Go here to vote in SecondLife's 2013 Avi Choice Awards (url)

The voting ends on December 12 at 8:00 PM SLT.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Change

THE CHANGE, is a rock opera created for the metaverse through months of collaboration by an international team.

Sundays at 1pm SLT at Benvolio (SLurl) 

The CHANGE is about the huge challenge and choice facing our world - will we continue the way we are to one future - with the world destroyed or change direction?

The show uses symbolic imagery. The audience is led by a dark and a light shaman into alternative futures. We voyage into other realities -  into the distant future and into the distant past.

We face the questions - what have we done? Is it too late? Shall we awake or shall we die? Answer the questions for yourself when you have seen this ambitious original creative show

The CHANGE is part of the Intergrid Metaverse Arts Biennial (Url). The Biennial Website will show all the events as the full programme develops on the different grids.

The festival celebrates the emerging fantastical and creative worlds of virtual reality. In the hyper gridded metaverse new worlds spring into being, each with its creators and arts. Already avatars can travel between some of these worlds. The IMAB festival calls for all grids to provide hypergrid freedom for our virtual selves to leap world to world! Let the citizens of the metaverse explore, encounter, create and express themselves!
(Tipped by my buddy junivers Stockholm)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

junivers Stockholm Serves 190 Meals

 Did you know that for L$ 100 one can give a child a meal in Kenya? Well, that´s what I learned yesterday while enjoying the wonderful music of junivers Stockholm.

I had a great time, even if I made the faux pas of breaking the dress code that had been requested by the organizer of "Feed A Smile" by turning up at the fundraiser not dressed in white.
Well, I didn't know there was a dress code and that´s my poor excuse. Who cares really, because while I was there we saw junivers prepare 190 meals for the charity and that was the important thing!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

"Feed A Smile" Fundraiser with junivers Stockholm

Who: junivers Stockholm - LIVE
What: Fundraiser for "Feed A Smile"
When: Saturday May 19, 2012, 12 PM (noon) SLT
Where: The Lavender Field - Feed A Smile (SLurl)
Why: Great live music, great show and a good cause

From junivers Stockholm´s bio:
"junivers is a composer. He worked together with the international team CARP. (Cybernetic Art Research Project)  Juni made the music to The Rings and Emoticon (Director Velazquez Bonetto). Both shows ran for many months.
You can find some of his music on CD Baby, Itunes and Spotify, CD Baby - search results for junivers Stockholm (url)
Now and then juni plays live. He works with The Imaginals, led by Medora Chevalier (choreographer & lyricist)  performing "Follow the Light" and "The Dance of Life".
juni plays almost only his own original music. He mostly uses backtracks in which he has composed and played/programmed all instruments. junivers has made several collaborations with Jana Kyomoon.
During 2012 a new show with CARP - The Change -is opening.
juni has a wide range of styles, some with vocals and some instrumental."

Thursday, April 5, 2012

At "The Viking Gods"

Yesterday was the all-worlds premiere of the music and dance show "The Viking Gods", written, produced, directed and starred by Ewa Aska, owner of the Gimle Theater on Yadkin sim. As you may have noticed I was asked to co-host the event with the amazing Svessa Hax-Beornsen.
To prevent lag the number of avatars on the sim was limited to 40 guests and the production team of ten avatars, including your truly and my wife-for-a-day Iendi Laville. As I was extremely busy with my chores before and during the show I did not have much time for taking pictures. I had also been assigned the arduous task of keeping a close eye on the honored guest Apmel Goosson, to see to it that he kept his clothes on. My burden was lightened a bit by the presence of Millimina Salamander during the greater part of the show (because Apmel usually behaves when my sister is around).
All the Swedish and International glitterati had squeezed into the sim, among them junivers Stockholm and his sweet partner Medora Chevallier.
Millimina and Apmel (with clothes)
After the show I was able to take some pictures while Apollon Allen supplied us with music for the dances.
Svessa and I
The ex-missus Iendi and I

Monday, May 30, 2011

Second Pride 2011 - Satisfaction Survey

The organizers are asking us to do a satisfaction survey on Second Pride 2011. Please click on the picture above to get to the survey!

I have a few views which I have already shared in doing the survey.

It was a great party and the DJ´s were awesome. I had a lot of fun and met old and new friends but
  • I would have preferred if everything had taken place in the same area
  • I missed the opening and closing ceremonies
  • I missed the opening and closing parades
  • I missed the live acts (below I mention a few that I am sure would have loved to be there)
    • Bara Jonson
    • Strum Diesel
    • Jaynine Scarborough
    • SOAR
    • Junivers Stockholm and the Cardinals and
    • DJ Elfay Pinkdot with her Coffee and Pajamas Jazz show

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dance In Light - Sunday April 17th, 12 PM (noon)

Dance in Light is a 45 minutes show with original music, dance, lights and particles.

It is brought to you by an international team:

junivers Stockholm: Composer, Music performer Stage and Light design (Sweden)
Medora Chevalier: Choreography, Costumes, Dance Performer (UK)
Sunshine Vayandar: Dance Performer (South Africa)
TheDove Rhode: Dance Performer (USA)
Southern Riptide: Dance Performer (USA)
Efrantirise Morane: Light Show operator (Italy)
Warpy Centaur - Musician animation operator (Ireland)

Dance in Light's original numbers:
Dance of Life
Are You an Angel?
No More
Carp Rock

For more information contact junivers Stockholm, Medora Chevalier or Sunshine Vayander

Landmark to the Garden of Change

The Bock McMillan Art Foundation (a part of the BMcM Corporation) encourages everyone to visit this event although it does not have the formal or financial support of the foundation.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dance in Light

Dance in Light is a 45 minutes show with original music, dance, lights and particles.

It is brought to you by an international team:
junivers Stockholm: Composer, Music performer Stage and Light design (Sweden)
Medora Chevalier: Choreography, Costumes, Dance Performer (UK)
Sunshine Vayandar: Dance Performer (South Africa)
TheDove Rhode: Dance Performer (USA)
Southern Riptide: Dance Performer (USA)
Efrantirise Morane: Light Show operator (Italy)

Dance in Light's original numbers:
Dance of Life
Are You an Angel?
Carp Rock

For more information contact junivers Stockholm, Medora Chevalier or Sunshine Vayander


The dance company will be giving an open rehearsal on Saturday March 26th, 2011, 12:00 PM (noon) SLT
Take me to the show!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Don´t Forget Our Date Tomorrow

Tomorrow Sunday December 12th, 2010, at 11 am and 1 pm SLT I hope to see you all at the Swedish Embassy in SecondLife for the Celebration of Saint Lucia.

junivers Stockholm, Medora and The Imaginals with a lightshow by firemasters extraordinaire Jannne Janus and Ambrooshia DeCuir at about 11:30 AM SLT

Bara Jonson sings LIVE at about 12:10 PM SLT

Big party afterwards with amazing DJ Midnattsdotter Fride.

Come and see Bock McMillan in his first leading role as Starboy #3 (...or was it #4?).

We are doing this just for fun and for the fifth consecutive year in SecondLife. No competition with other pageants is intended.

Taxi to Swedish Orientation

Produced by: The Bock McMillan Entertainment Group Inc (part of the BMcM Corporation) Swedish People in SL
Funded by The Swedish Institute.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ohh What a Night..

Starting of with the opening of Iendi´s and Apollon´s OneLove (with some of the hottest women in SecondLife) and ending with Eddi´s and Jago´s second anniversary party (with some of SecondLife´s hottest men). I danced, danced and danced...

Well I know I sat through the wonderful show that junivers Stockholm and his team of beautiful women gave us together with the firemasters extraordinaire Jannne Janus and Ambrooshia DeCuir, but that was not for long.

It was during the amazing light show that I got this picture from Lelle Kidd ... proving once again that I don´t always look as hot and cute as I think I do....

But I felt a little better when I returned his favor with this snapshot of him.

Which goes to prove that you only know what you see on your own screen, others may see it in a completely different way!

All in all, I had a great time last night. Thanks everyone for making it heavenly! 

"I could have danced all night!
I could have danced all night!
And still have begged for more.
I could have spread my wings
And done a thousand things I've never done before.
I'll never know 

What made it so exciting.
Why all at once my heart took flight.
I only know when he
Began to dance with me.
I could have danced, danced danced all night!"

P.S. HELL YEAH! I did try out dancing on the bar at the new Grenouille Inn, and I can attest to the fact that it is quite safe!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Sneak Preview of OneLove Events today

The amazing junivers Stockholm and firemaster extradordinaire Jannne Janus are going to give you all amazing shows today at the grand opening of the OneLove Events, Saturday November 27th, 2010, at 1 pm SLT..

Here are some teasers from their rehersals yesterday!

For fore information and updates please visit the website OneLove Events.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh en sån kväll, en sån underbar kväll...

...som de kallar "splendida serata" och då är det naturligtvis Nationaldagsfirandet på den svenska Ambassaden i SL jag talar om!

Festligt, folkligt och absolut fullsatt!!! Liksom på alla de bättre fester jag har varit på i SL kraschade simen, men det gjorde absolut inte saken sämre.

Frostland var underbar som alltid, Bara var enastående som alltid, junivers och hans dansare var fantastiska som alltid, dronningen (PetGirl) var lysande som alltid, PJ var härlig som alltid, Chickendales var ljuvliga som alltid och alla andra som var där var på ett satans gott humör och soliga.


Till råga på allt vann jag Svenska Institutets specialpris för "sexigaste och mest kreativa avatar i blå gult", tror jag det var (men minnet är lite lite dimmigt just där). Bild kommer så fort jag hittar någonstans jag kan stjäla den på någons blogg eller om någon vänlig själ skickar den till mig.

Stöldgods från "Mer eller mindre KRANFEL", tack Vesper!

Stöldgods från "Blanche´s arena", tack Blanche!
(Taget på Måndagsbörsen dvs. dagen efter Nationaldagen, men jag hade inte orkat klä om...)
Jag har sett att några har klagat på lag, men vad väntar man sig egentligen när man beger sig till ett evenemang som lockar fler än 80 avatarer i nästan två timmar? Jo visst, blir det en del följdproblem av lag som gör livet besvärligt men vad fan gör det. Stå stilla - om du kan - och ha kul säger jag!!!

Redan som noob i SL kläckte jag 2007 den devis som sedan alltid följt mig i dylika sammanhang "Lag is a state of mind, don´t blame the Lindens!". Med detta menar jag ungefär det samma som "Klaga inte över mörkret, tänd ett ljus istället" med tillägget "...och skapa inte problem och otrivsel omkring er genom att gnälla över något som ingen kan göra något åt, i vart fall inte just då".

Jag har också förstått att några klagade på att de inte kom in på simen, men herredjävlar vilket naturreservat kommer de ifrån? Är det fullt så är det fullt, skyll dig själv och kom i tid nästa gång!!!

Tack Eventgruppen, Svenska Instiutet och Swedish People in SL!!!

Ett särskilt tack även till min gossar i Chickendales, love you guys! Ni bevisade att ni kunde klara även en besvärlig situation!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Nationaldagsfirande idag!

11 am SLT (kl. 20.00) börjar vårt firande av Sveriges nationaldag i SL. Festen kommer att vara på den svenska Ambassadens i SL tak. Limousin direkt till festen finns här.

Under kvällen kommer vi att LIVE - få se Bara Jonson och junivers Stockholm med vänner på scenen.

Även de nu så efterfrågade Chickendales kommer att göra ett unikt framträdande...kanske för sista gången...

Tal kommer att hållas. DJ Frostland och DJ PJ kommer att underhålla oss med musik fram till kvällens stora avslutning - ett fyrverkeri utan dess like!

PRISTÄVLING blir det också! TRE: Bäst klädda och roligast - KLÄDD I BLÅGULT! 2 500 LD delas ut till vinnarna!

Hjärtligt välkomna till detta samarrangemang mellan
Eventgruppen, Swedish People in SL och Svenska Institutet


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Nationaldagen firas den 6 juni

"Nationaldagen, eller det svenska folkets födelsedag, firas den 6:e juni, lagom till att syrenerna blommat och landet klätt sig i sommarskrud.

Sverige är ett demokratiskt land med fred, frihet och respekt för mänskliga rättigheter, oavsett religion eller ursprung. Sveriges nationaldag är dagen då vi firar dessa värden, hälsar nya medborgare välkomna och hyllar Sverige som en fri nation med fritt statsskick." (Från hemsidan för "Rikskommittén Sveriges Nationaldag")

Sverige har inte deltagit i något av krigen i modern tid (inte efter freden i Waterloo 1815), vilket kanske kan förklara vår något avvaktande hållning till att fira en nationaldag. Visst är vi stolta över vårt land men vi tycks inte känna något större behov av att visa det. Vi har också en vederbörligen försiktig attityd i vårt förhållande till överdrivet nationalistiska yttringar. Före 2005 var ju den 6 juni inte ens en helgdag, och för många har det enda tecknet på att denna dag var något speciellt måhända varit utsmyckningen av bussar med svenska flaggor.

Det är dags, anser jag, att göra nationaldagen till en angelägenhet för oss vanliga svenskar. Det är också dags att ta tillbaks andra nationella symboler - som vår flagga - från de extremister som har gjort dem till sina och förvrängt deras innehåll och symbolik till något som är fullständigt främmande för den överväldigande majoriteten av oss svenskar.

Nationaldagen och flaggan ska inte längre tillåtas vara angelägenheter endast för vurmare av stormaktstiden och deras glorifierande av krigarkonungar eller främligsfientliga och extremister.

Därför tänker åtminstone jag fira nationaldagen!

Eftersom jag bor i Second Life tänker jag göra det på "Ambassadens" tak tillsammans med mina landsmän och alla våra internationella vänner. Där kommer nationaldagen att firas söndagen den 6 juni, kl. 20.00-23.30, med deltagande av bland andra
DJ Frostland Beornssen,
junivers Stockholm,
Bara Jonson,
DJ PirateJenny Whybroe
och säkert några till...