Today I have been testing as required by my friends at Linden Lab. This is the full report that I am sending to my dear friend Theresa Linden today. It is essentially a copy/paste from my SecondLife chat log.
I have
corrected the post as I noticed my first stop at KMADD had somehow been lost (10:01-10:04 in the chat log).
Please do not forget to turn on your music at the bottom of the post before reading, as prescribed by +Eddi Haskell.
"Hello again dear Theresa,
I hope you are having a wonderful Super bowl weekend. I have been busy conducting the tests the developers recommended and am sending you a copy of the report with pictures enclosed.
So it seems the suggested changes have cured my repetitions of chat/purchases/teleports but instead I am crashing all the time.
However, I will ask that you please keep the support ticket and the Jira open until I have tried again tomorrow, because there have been a few times earlier that I thought the problems were over but when I logged in the next day they had returned.
I would also like to know how long I must keep the HTTP Textures unchecked and remain in the Male Test Avatar.
The Test Report February 3, 2013.
[2013/02/03 09:57] Bock McMillan: This is the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, speaking.
[2013/02/03 09:58] Bock McMillan: Greetings my friends at Linden Lab!
[2013/02/03 09:59] Bock McMillan: As you see from the enclosed picture (Test 1) I have unchecked HTTP Textures in the Develop Menu and I have also reverted to the Male Test Avatar.
Test 1 |
[2013/02/03 10:01] Bock McMillan: Let the testing begin! I wish you all the best of luck in solving the problems I have encountered lately, may your intelligence, your skills and your creativity be with you in assisting me with these annoying problems.
[2013/02/03 10:02] Bock McMillan: It is time for the first teleport, here we go!
[2013/02/03 10:02] Second Life: Teleport completed from
[2013/02/03 10:03] Bock McMillan: We have now arrived at the KMADD store.
[2013/02/03 10:03] Bock McMillan: We have now arrived at the KMADD store.
[2013/02/03 10:03] Bock McMillan: Testing 123
[2013/02/03 10:03] Bock McMillan: Testing 123
[2013/02/03 10:04] Bock McMillan: Ahhh as you see the repeats are still occurring
[2013/02/03 10:04] Bock McMillan: Ahhh as you see the repeats are still occurring
[2013/02/03 10:04] Bock McMillan: Let us move to another sim
[2013/02/03 10:04] Bock McMillan: Let us move to another sim
[2013/02/03 10:04] Second Life: Teleport completed from
[2013/02/03 10:12] Bock McMillan: OK, I crashed soon after I arrived here at the Sey Main Store. The local chat did not go through. I have cleared my cache and come back to the last location.
[2013/02/03 10:13] Bock McMillan: I could not move either.
[2013/02/03 10:13] Bock McMillan: Both those problems seem to be gone now,
[2013/02/03 10:14] Bock McMillan: And it seems the chat is not repeating either...? But sometimes there is a short delay...
[2013/02/03 10:15] Bock McMillan: Let me try buying a Demo here
[2013/02/03 10:15] Second Life: :SEY =Mesh= Vest+T-shirt [DEMO ver.] owned by an unknown user gave you ':SEY =Mesh= Vest+T-shirt [DEMO ver.]' ( ).
[2013/02/03 10:16] Bock McMillan: well no buy, but a single click gave me a single demo
[2013/02/03 10:16] Bock McMillan: Lets go back to KMADD and see what happens there
[2013/02/03 10:17] Second Life: Teleport completed from
[2013/02/03 10:17] Bock McMillan: Back at KMADD
[2013/02/03 10:17] Bock McMillan: Lo and behold, no repeat?
[2013/02/03 10:18] Bock McMillan: I bought Shape Demos
[2013/02/03 10:18] Bock McMillan: and I actually only got one set
[2013/02/03 10:19] Bock McMillan: Lets try an IM
[2013/02/03 10:24] Bock McMillan: OK I am pasting in my IM with my son in-law Ziggy here.
[2013/02/03 10:25] Bock McMillan:
[10:22] Bock McMillan: Greeting son in-law! Be courteous as I am going to ask you to copy and paste our conversation so that I can send it to my friends at Linden Lab who are examining and trying to help me with my problems.
[10:22] Bock McMillan: Do you get repeats, darling?
[10:22] Ziggy Starsmith: no repeats at all you seem fine
[10:22] Bock McMillan: Yeahaaaaaaaaaaaaw!
[10:23] Bock McMillan: Could you please copy and paste?
[10:23] Ziggy Starsmith: ok 1 sec
[10:24] Bock McMillan: Thanks so much sexy!
[2013/02/03 10:26] Bock McMillan: Moving along
[2013/02/03 10:26] Second Life: Teleport completed from
[2013/02/03 10:26] Touch For ROF iNFO OR TO JOIN gROUP:
Hello Bock McMillan!
[2013/02/03 10:33] Bock McMillan: OK I crashed again and am back after clearing cache
[2013/02/03 10:34] Bock McMillan: As you see from the screenshot marked Test 2 I was at the Remembering Our Friends sim
Test 2 |
[2013/02/03 10:34] Bock McMillan: When I arrived there I could not chat in local and I could not move
[2013/02/03 10:35] Bock McMillan: With "could not chat" I mean, I sent a message in local but it never showed up on my screen
[2013/02/03 10:36] Bock McMillan: When I tried to move away from ROF to Moa, I crashed
[2013/02/03 10:36] Bock McMillan: I will go back to ROF now and see what happens
[2013/02/03 10:36] Second Life: Teleport completed from
[2013/02/03 10:36] Touch For ROF iNFO OR TO JOIN gROUP:
Hello Bock McMillan!
[2013/02/03 10:37] Bock McMillan: Back again at ROF
[2013/02/03 10:37] Bock McMillan: This time I can chat and move
[2013/02/03 10:38] Bock McMillan: I will try donating by buying candle light for my Ars
[2013/02/03 10:39] BDG - ROF - Gas Light (low Prim) V2: THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND DONATION,WE REALLY APRECIATE
[2013/02/03 10:39] Bock McMillan: Excellent, I only paid once and chat is still not repeating...
[2013/02/03 10:40] Bock McMillan: OK, I am buying another five weeks of oil for the candle
[2013/02/03 10:40] BDG - ROF - Gas Light (low Prim) V2: THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND DONATION,WE REALLY APRECIATE
[2013/02/03 10:41] Bock McMillan: Working fine
[2013/02/03 10:43] Bock McMillan: Cannot seem to find the donation boxes here at ROF, they are not rezzing for me
[2013/02/03 10:43] Bock McMillan: I will come back another time
[2013/02/03 10:43] Bock McMillan: OK off to Moa
[2013/02/03 10:44] Second Life: Teleport completed from
[2013/02/03 10:49] Bock McMillan: OK back again after a third crash, see picture Test 3.
Test 3 |
[2013/02/03 10:50] Bock McMillan: I am now at Moa, I can move and I can speak in local
[2013/02/03 10:50] Bock McMillan: no repetitions either
[2013/02/03 10:57] Bock McMillan: OK I am going to a meeting at Second Pride HQ now, after I have reloaded my Inventory
[2013/02/03 11:00] Second Life: Teleport completed from
[2013/02/03 11:01] Kiosk.Net Greeter: Welcome Bock McMillan! Enjoy your visit.
[2013/02/03 11:04] Bock McMillan: OK I crashed again here at Second Pride HQ, before crashing I could not see my local chat here and could not move either
[2013/02/03 11:04] Bock McMillan: Chat and movement work again
[2013/02/03 11:04] Bock McMillan: Hello everyone!
[2013/02/03 11:04] Rocky Constantine (rockridge.constantine): Hi Bock
[2013/02/03 11:05] Tylo Mabellon: hey Bock
[2013/02/03 11:05] Tylo Mabellon: hey Rocky and Axel
[2013/02/03 11:05] Khar (kharissa.indigo): Hi there Mister Bock
[2013/02/03 11:05] Doc Spad: Was your barber drunk or something Bock?
[2013/02/03 11:05] Axel-the-fox (axelfoxthefoxyfluff): Hi
[2013/02/03 11:06] Bock McMillan: You must excuse my appearances; I am following Linden Labs orders
Bock at the Second Pride meeting
(not included in the report to Linden Lab) |
[2013/02/03 11:06] Axel-the-fox (axelfoxthefoxyfluff): he's wearing a box for a head
[2013/02/03 11:06] Doc Spad: boxes are easy to hold onto
[2013/02/03 11:06] Bock McMillan: Well, with that single addition of my own
[2013/02/03 11:07] Kyle Beckett: I'm back, but I will be invisible because I had to clear cache and reload inventory, lol
[2013/02/03 11:08] Rocky Constantine (rockridge.constantine): fun fun
[2013/02/03 11:08] Khar (kharissa.indigo): wb Kyle
[2013/02/03 11:08] Khar (kharissa.indigo): Hi SquirtN
[2013/02/03 11:08] Doc Spad: afternoon Squirt'n
[2013/02/03 11:08] Tylo Mabellon: sure Kyle... you just can't find anything to wear : P
[2013/02/03 11:08] Bock McMillan: Hi Kyle and Hello Squirt
[2013/02/03 11:08] Bock McMillan: Oh just so you all know, parts of this chat will be sent to Linden Lab - so mind your language...
[2013/02/03 12:19] Tylo Mabellon: i second Khar's motion to adjourn
[2013/02/03 12:19] Doc Spad: Those in favoir?
[2013/02/03 12:19] Khar (kharissa.indigo): aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] Tylo Mabellon: aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] Baz Ceawlin: aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] Tootsie Nootan: Aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] SquirtN Wonder: aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] Doc Spad: This meeting is adjourned
[2013/02/03 12:19] Kyle Beckett: aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] Khar (kharissa.indigo): Thank you all for coming
[2013/02/03 12:20] Bock McMillan: Thanks everyone, this has been a great meeting!
[2013/02/03 12:20] Doc Spad: Thank you everyone for being here...lending your voice and caring about Pride
[2013/02/03 12:20] Bock McMillan: Byeee
[2013/02/03 12:20] Second Life: Teleport completed from
[2013/02/03 12:23] Bock McMillan: Ughhh when I teleported from the Second Pride HQ to home I crashed again
[2013/02/03 12:24] Bock McMillan: I could not chat in local and move before I crashed after I had arrived to home
[2013/02/03 12:24] Bock McMillan: then I crashed