Wherein this avatar's fates, adventures and experiences in, his thoughts and feelings about and his reactions to his first and second life are depicted with written messages, images and other audiovisual tools.
I am Bock in SecondLife and Bock is I in first life. We share thoughts, opinions, feelings, actions and reactions. We are one and the same and inseparable. On this blog I choose to share both my realities.
Showing posts with label secret. Show all posts
Showing posts with label secret. Show all posts
Friday, May 5, 2017
Coded Message for Kahvy
Posted by
Bock McMillan
3:28:00 PM
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Saturday, January 7, 2017
[Secret Message - Only Readable By A Chosen Few]
O.M.F.G. I cannot believe it but my brother JJ found me A-N-O-T-H-E-R beautiful hair that suits me splendidly. Can you believe it? When it rains it really pours. I think that even the catty Anonymous person is going to adore it.
Over and out and talk amongst yourselves. I a now going to cover the secret part of this post with something eye-catching that "the others" can look at.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
3:52:00 PM
Thursday, June 2, 2016
The GA Summerfest 2016 Starts Tomorrow
The GA SummerFest starts tomorrow Friday June 3rd and will continue through Sunday June 12th with the theme "The Summer of Love".
The SummerFest will be opened by an inaugural speech by the GA Lead Weylin Vale at 4PM SLT at the festival sim (SLurl).
After the speech the opening party will follow at 5PM SLT with two live singers, Samm Quendra and Clyde Barrow, and after them the Romanum and Blue Ball parties.
Secret message to Tomais, should we perhaps drop our search for the perfect male mesh head temporarily to set up the Bock in SecondLife thing-a-magee...?
The SummerFest will be opened by an inaugural speech by the GA Lead Weylin Vale at 4PM SLT at the festival sim (SLurl).
After the speech the opening party will follow at 5PM SLT with two live singers, Samm Quendra and Clyde Barrow, and after them the Romanum and Blue Ball parties.
Secret message to Tomais, should we perhaps drop our search for the perfect male mesh head temporarily to set up the Bock in SecondLife thing-a-magee...?
Posted by
Bock McMillan
1:58:00 PM
Blue Ball
Bock in SecondLife
Gay Archipelago
mesh head

Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
"Secret Lover"
(via +Joe Jervis on J.M.G.)
Anthony Antoine's "Secret Lover"
This is actually a music video relationship I can relate to, I have been there myself once and for a long time. It is totally devastating for your sense of self-worth, avoid it at all costs. You are the one who loses, every time and always!
Posted by
Bock McMillan
9:00:00 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2012
On the Raft
Sunday didn´t get a good start for me in SecondLife. I crashed six times within an hour and ended up at tele hubs three times when I tried logging in to home, so when I finally could log in to Southern Charm I decided to scratch my plans of going to Grenouille Inn to listen to my ex-missus Iendi Laville´s regular Sunday radio show and instead find a calm spot and stay there awhile to think about the evening before.
During the crash period, I had unsuccessfully tried to carry on a conversation with my BIL (brother in-law Andrey Messmer), but it seemed like the instant messages kept getting stuck. When I finally got back and could actually stay in, I could no longer see him inworld.
Yesterday one of my friends tried to pick a fight with me, why I did not understand. Whatever I said to him was met by a snarky comeback. I do not mind fights, in fact sometimes I find them rather refreshing, but I was not in the mood for one last night. So telling him I was tired and going to bed I logged off leaving him there to nurture his bad mood in whatever way he could find. While floating around on my raft today I thought through what had happened and came to some kind of vague plan of action.
As I was going to leave I was hailed by one of my newest family members, Fabiano Dover, we had a pleasant conversation about the relaunching of his blog (Heart Break Ridge) and the interesting subject of secrets. It was good he had stopped me when he did, because I was much calmer when I finally logged off for my afternoon nap.
During the crash period, I had unsuccessfully tried to carry on a conversation with my BIL (brother in-law Andrey Messmer), but it seemed like the instant messages kept getting stuck. When I finally got back and could actually stay in, I could no longer see him inworld.
Yesterday one of my friends tried to pick a fight with me, why I did not understand. Whatever I said to him was met by a snarky comeback. I do not mind fights, in fact sometimes I find them rather refreshing, but I was not in the mood for one last night. So telling him I was tired and going to bed I logged off leaving him there to nurture his bad mood in whatever way he could find. While floating around on my raft today I thought through what had happened and came to some kind of vague plan of action.
As I was going to leave I was hailed by one of my newest family members, Fabiano Dover, we had a pleasant conversation about the relaunching of his blog (Heart Break Ridge) and the interesting subject of secrets. It was good he had stopped me when he did, because I was much calmer when I finally logged off for my afternoon nap.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
11:48:00 AM
Grenouille Inn
Heart Break Ridge
Southern Charm
tele hub

Sunday, September 9, 2012
The Secret Trekkie
I have a close friend in SecondLife who has a deeply buried secret, which he confided to me not long ago. He is a Star Trek fan but is afraid to go public with this secret because he does not wish to be stamped as a "geek" by those who are so quick to judge others.
Ever since my dear friend joined SecondLife about five years ago he has combined the two passions. Over time he has learnt how to build, script and texturize. What at first must have looked as a weird desk has now turned into the most astonishing, accomplished and thrilling piece of work I have seen in SecondLife.
When you come into the room where he keeps his secret building project you see only a modest desk and a chair in front of it. If you sit in the chair and start pushing a few buttons the desk quickly changes to a Starship console. Pieces fold out everywhere, on top and to the sides, and screens get turned on showing the most complicated moving digits, warnings on screen and with sounds, flickering images with instructions and astronomical charts and more, much more. In fact everything one has ever seen in the movies and more and better. It is a quite a unique and overwhelming experience.
I have taken a few pictures, but must tell you that I would have needed to film it to do it justice. The pictures do not show the changing screens or the sounds. (In the pictures below I have taken care to protect my friends anonymity by covering him with a hexagon, so that's why you see an ugly blob in the pictures.)
Thank you so much, my dearest friend, for sharing this secret with me!
Ever since my dear friend joined SecondLife about five years ago he has combined the two passions. Over time he has learnt how to build, script and texturize. What at first must have looked as a weird desk has now turned into the most astonishing, accomplished and thrilling piece of work I have seen in SecondLife.
When you come into the room where he keeps his secret building project you see only a modest desk and a chair in front of it. If you sit in the chair and start pushing a few buttons the desk quickly changes to a Starship console. Pieces fold out everywhere, on top and to the sides, and screens get turned on showing the most complicated moving digits, warnings on screen and with sounds, flickering images with instructions and astronomical charts and more, much more. In fact everything one has ever seen in the movies and more and better. It is a quite a unique and overwhelming experience.
I have taken a few pictures, but must tell you that I would have needed to film it to do it justice. The pictures do not show the changing screens or the sounds. (In the pictures below I have taken care to protect my friends anonymity by covering him with a hexagon, so that's why you see an ugly blob in the pictures.)
Thank you so much, my dearest friend, for sharing this secret with me!
Posted by
Bock McMillan
8:55:00 AM
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Break in Regular Programming
The blog takes a break in it´s regular programming to send out this short - and cryptic - message in the language of honor and heroes.
Jag har fått ditt meddelande vidarebefordrat till min e-post. Den tid du föreslår passar mig utmärkt.
Vi ses då istället, kram!
We will now resume regular programming and thank you for your patience.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
3:00:00 AM
Friday, July 8, 2011
Secret Message To Taco

Dear Sir,
I have received your latest message in our most recent discussion in IM. It was forwarded to my e-mail.
My response is, that whatever number or amount you say I am now asking for the +1-rule to be applied. According to the Kindergarten rules I cannot be beaten now, because I was the first to call for the +1 rule.
Hugs you lovingly +1
(P.S. Don´t even think you can confuse me with a godawful Google translation, I may laugh but I will not budge an inch.)
Posted by
Bock McMillan
6:01:00 PM
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Transatlantic Greetings
I sent an e-mail greeting to Ars´s family for Liberty Day and yesterday I got a response from his sister Marsdeb Yoots (the family´s avatar name).
In the message she asks me to "Tell everyone in 2nd Life hello for me."
So there goes, I fulfilled my obligations, and of course I told her you all said hi back!
Posted by
Bock McMillan
12:24:00 PM
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Upcoming Election for Board of Directors of Second Pride 2012
Second Pride and its LGBT Festival finished it´s 2011 edition. The organization is not permanently owned by any person, it has democratic elections each year to allow anyone to get involved and be part of the next Board of Directors to organize the event.
SP 2012 ELECTIONS ARE HERE! Make a change, get involved, go to http://www.secondpride.com/
Register to be a voter for elections (Not needed if you already registered a previous year).Click here http://www.secondpride.com/secondpridevotes.htm and follow ALL steps for registration.
Elections are coming up and you may register to become a Second Pride Board member and join the adventure of organizing the biggest LGBT Festival in Second Life!
Challenge, Teamwork, Creativity, Perseverance, Dedication, Optimism, Leadership, Imagination, Respect, Change, Purpose
Applications are open from June 25th until July 9th 2011!
Apply for a position on the Second Pride Board of Directors here
Submit your details to be part of the 2012 staff helping the Board here
Second Pride - To serve, support and empower
the diverse LGBT communities of Second Life!
Posted by
Bock McMillan
1:06:00 PM
What Kind of A SecondLife Patriot Are You?
My friend Eddi Haskell pointed me to a poll on "New World Notes" about what you think of the future of SecondLife.
Take the poll and see the results!
Take the poll and see the results!
Posted by
Bock McMillan
12:03:00 PM
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Hair Fair 2011
The Hair Fair 2011 has started.
Get all the landmarks to all the designers at my good friend Tina´s blog Tinas universum - Hair Fair 2011 (url).
I will not even attempt to go there until the end of the week, and then only when the Americans are sleeping!
A good idea could be to join the "Hair Fair DEMO Group" (url), then you can try on the demos hey are esnding out in your lag free homes to decide what to buy.
Get all the landmarks to all the designers at my good friend Tina´s blog Tinas universum - Hair Fair 2011 (url).
I will not even attempt to go there until the end of the week, and then only when the Americans are sleeping!
A good idea could be to join the "Hair Fair DEMO Group" (url), then you can try on the demos hey are esnding out in your lag free homes to decide what to buy.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
9:15:00 AM
I Cannot Help It
There are so many beautiful parts on a mans body but I must admit I am a leg-man myself. Hell - not even the full leg - for me it´s the calves that do it, I couldn't care less about the thighs, the knees or the feet.
Just plain amazing, nice, fully developed, thick calves! Not necessarily the body builder ripped and overdeveloped ones, just normally nicely rounded ones.
It´s not really a fetish for me - not yet. I am sure I could become one really fast if I set my mind to it, but at the moment it´s just a thing that catches my attention and makes me interested. And of course they have to be hairy too...
This post was actually brought on from seeing Rafael Nadal´s beautiful calves as he was playing at Wimbledon today.
Just plain amazing, nice, fully developed, thick calves! Not necessarily the body builder ripped and overdeveloped ones, just normally nicely rounded ones.
It´s not really a fetish for me - not yet. I am sure I could become one really fast if I set my mind to it, but at the moment it´s just a thing that catches my attention and makes me interested. And of course they have to be hairy too...
This post was actually brought on from seeing Rafael Nadal´s beautiful calves as he was playing at Wimbledon today.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
7:21:00 AM
The Wedding of Kicki and Detron
As I told you yesterday I was on my way to a wedding in SecondLife. My friend, the always charming, funny and beautiful, Kicki Springflower was going to marry her Detron Soern.
This is not Kicki´s first marriage in SecondLife, as we discussed and had fun with when she sent me this invitation. But as we both agreed, we have to do what we must do when the guy we happened to marry turns out to be a creep. In our conversation I even suggested she should perhaps let me screen the guys in the future, but to that she responded with great confidence that "Detron is a keeper!".
Well I don´t know Detron at all, except for seeing a discussion he had once in the Swedish chat where he held his ground and argued his case well without becoming abusive. After my conversation with Kicki I thought to myself that I better give him a fast screening to check if he passed the "Bock test of men, geeks, creeps and douche bags". So I made sure to get to the church early...
This test is a sort of quick litmus test loosely based on my Ars adage "Action not words". I engage the subject in conversation and study what happens carefully. It´s not so much what they say - even if that is also important - but how they say it, what they do and how they interact with myself and people around us.
The wedding was taking place at the most wonderful church I have seen yet in SecondLife, "Stavkirken" in Second Norway. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion.
When I arrived the groom was already there (+10 points) waiting at the altar with his best man. So I dived into the testing straight away by engaging him in conversation and seeing how he handled it.
Let me just say, Detron passed the test with flying colors. He scored 93 points of the total 100. To my great relief I can therefore report that I agree with Kicki, this man is a keeper for sure!
And then the most important person of any wedding arrived, the beautiful bride. Kicki was wearing a stunning - albeit a little daring - wedding gown. I first managed to get a picture of her outside the church and then we see her walking up the isle to her groom.
The reverend Herman Bergson was officiating at the ceremony. Almost everything went well, but the good reverend should in the future always remember to make sure his manuscript is updated and includes the correct names of the bride and groom.
However Detron handled the reverend´s "faux pas" marvelously and saved us all from greater embarrassment by inserting his own name. (+10 bonus points as this happened after the official testing had been concluded.)
Thanks for the invitation Kicki and Detron, I had a wonderful time! I wish you both all the happiness in the world. To Kicki, I would like to add, "Nice catch, gurl!"
This is not Kicki´s first marriage in SecondLife, as we discussed and had fun with when she sent me this invitation. But as we both agreed, we have to do what we must do when the guy we happened to marry turns out to be a creep. In our conversation I even suggested she should perhaps let me screen the guys in the future, but to that she responded with great confidence that "Detron is a keeper!".
Well I don´t know Detron at all, except for seeing a discussion he had once in the Swedish chat where he held his ground and argued his case well without becoming abusive. After my conversation with Kicki I thought to myself that I better give him a fast screening to check if he passed the "Bock test of men, geeks, creeps and douche bags". So I made sure to get to the church early...
This test is a sort of quick litmus test loosely based on my Ars adage "Action not words". I engage the subject in conversation and study what happens carefully. It´s not so much what they say - even if that is also important - but how they say it, what they do and how they interact with myself and people around us.
The wedding was taking place at the most wonderful church I have seen yet in SecondLife, "Stavkirken" in Second Norway. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion.
When I arrived the groom was already there (+10 points) waiting at the altar with his best man. So I dived into the testing straight away by engaging him in conversation and seeing how he handled it.
Let me just say, Detron passed the test with flying colors. He scored 93 points of the total 100. To my great relief I can therefore report that I agree with Kicki, this man is a keeper for sure!
And then the most important person of any wedding arrived, the beautiful bride. Kicki was wearing a stunning - albeit a little daring - wedding gown. I first managed to get a picture of her outside the church and then we see her walking up the isle to her groom.
The reverend Herman Bergson was officiating at the ceremony. Almost everything went well, but the good reverend should in the future always remember to make sure his manuscript is updated and includes the correct names of the bride and groom.
However Detron handled the reverend´s "faux pas" marvelously and saved us all from greater embarrassment by inserting his own name. (+10 bonus points as this happened after the official testing had been concluded.)
Thanks for the invitation Kicki and Detron, I had a wonderful time! I wish you both all the happiness in the world. To Kicki, I would like to add, "Nice catch, gurl!"
Posted by
Bock McMillan
2:59:00 AM
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Sometimes when things are piling up, things get to hectic and confusion and worries mounts I have found that it usually helps to stop in my tracks and just breathe - deep, long and slow breaths.
In the old days Ars and I would sit down in the garden swing together. Just sitting there, focusing on breathing and being close together with the one you love always calmed me down immensely. After a while we always started talking, making sure we listened to what the other had to say, what was on their mind. We would breathe and talk, talk and breathe. Being together.
Nowadays my favorite "sitter-with" is Millimina. Even if she was busy today, she took the time to sit with me.
It´s good to have someone to breathe with.
In the old days Ars and I would sit down in the garden swing together. Just sitting there, focusing on breathing and being close together with the one you love always calmed me down immensely. After a while we always started talking, making sure we listened to what the other had to say, what was on their mind. We would breathe and talk, talk and breathe. Being together.
Nowadays my favorite "sitter-with" is Millimina. Even if she was busy today, she took the time to sit with me.
It´s good to have someone to breathe with.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
4:05:00 PM
Dressed To Kill
I am going to a wedding today. So I threw on my old family rags, the McMillan tartan.
This tartan was made to order for me by my dear friend Elle74 Zaftig, owner and designer of "Bellissima", the best tartan makers in SecondLife.
The best thing about a tartan is that you can wear it anytime and anywhere and always be appropriately dressed as well as looking stunning!
Pictures from the wedding will be posted tomorrow.
This tartan was made to order for me by my dear friend Elle74 Zaftig, owner and designer of "Bellissima", the best tartan makers in SecondLife.
The best thing about a tartan is that you can wear it anytime and anywhere and always be appropriately dressed as well as looking stunning!
Pictures from the wedding will be posted tomorrow.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
1:53:00 PM
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