Showing posts with label snapshots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snapshots. Show all posts

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Five Naked Guys In A Pool x 2 (NSFW)

I was hanging out with Tomais, JJ, Wayne and Garrett today and we ended up in the pool at Wayne's & JJ's home.

This is my snapshot from the event.
Five Naked Guys in a Pool
Snapshot by me
And below the fold you will see my brother JJ's version (NSFW) of the same event. Only click "Read more" if you are willing and prepared to see male nudity.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Difference Between A Master & His Pupil


It's the same wonderful chair by Apple Fall and the same man (although in another avatar-shape and unclothed), but a different venue and a different photographer.

It is easy to spot the differences between the two works, this one by Tomais is the better one in every sense of the word. If you should wish to compare with my snapshot, see my post My Man. I have much to learn, but will keep at it.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

My Man

This morning Tomais and I had a nice talk with Garrett & Kahvy up at The Northmead Gallery.

While we were talking I unpacked the two new arm chairs (one with pattern textures and the other with solids) by Apple Fall that I had bought yesterday.

As I was checking out the textures of the patterned chair, Tomais jumped into it to try out the animations. He looked so absolutely beautiful so I decided to snap a few shots.

I am a truly fortunate man to have such a handsome, intelligent, charming, lovable and extremely patient husband.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Depth of Field, New Try

After my last post about using the Depth of Field (DoF) in the Phototools in the Firestorm viewer, I got a few tips from husband Tomais and Skip Staheli, both renowned SecondLife photographers.

Skip told me to play with the settings and Tomais showed me a few of the settings he uses in Phototools and also told me to Alt+Click on the part that I wanted to be sharp. 

So I have given it a new go.
There may be some improvement in the first snapshot, but the second and third ones are much better. My conclusion is possibly that the DoF feature works best if you are closer to the subject you wish tp photograph.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Depth of Field

So while my hubby Tomais had hustled off to work yesterday, I tried to use the "depth of field" in the photography tools of the Firestorm viewer while taking a few snapshots.

I must have done something wrong, because to me the whole picture looks blurry, not only the background. 

Saturday, July 9, 2016


Today I dropped in on the Kekeland sim, because I wanted to intrude on my brother JJ while he was taking his daily picture of himself and his hot Grecian lover bear, Aeon.

You can find JJ's masterpiece here.

I naturally made my own hot American lover bear, my husband Tomais, come along. After we had messed up JJ's pic enough, I took a few snapshots of my own.
This last snapshot is for obvious reasons named "Sitting on Aeon's face, so he knows I love him"

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

He's My SecondLife

I was modeling for my hubby Tomais today, and has become my habit I take snapshots and play with Windlight settings while he photographs us and touches them up with Photoshop.
"He's my SecondLife_1" by BMcM
"He's my SecondLife_2" by BMcM

These two turned out rather nicely I think.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

At Trace Too

Yesterday I visited Kylie Jaxxon's sim Trace Too (SLurl) together with hubby.

Tomais has been there several times before and has posted a three beautiful photographs from there to his Flickr photostream, I'm sure there will be more. All of the photographs are - uniquely and highly imaginatively - named "Trace Too". (Yes, I have scolded him viciously. *smirk*)
I must agree with my Tomais and everyone else, Kylie Jaxxon has done a phenomenal job designing this sim. It truly is beautiful, inviting and serene, so I felt inspired to take a few snapshots, which I am sharing in this post.

All my snapshots from Trace Too are using the sims own Windlight settings.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Mate! Mine!

Well, with that title to this post, I am sure a few of my readers will soon surmise that I have been reading too many gay shifter novels recently. They wouldn't be completely wrong, but not completely right either.

Sure my Tomais has gotten me into reading loads of GayRomLit (Gay Romance Literature) by downloading books from the Kindle Store to my iPad, but it's not only been shifter romances.

No, the title of this blogpost jumped to my mind when I thought of posting this shot that I snapped while I was modelling as a werewolf for my Tomais and listening to him muttering to himself while he was going through a few of his 65,000,000 windlight settings.
"Mate! Mine!" a.k.a. "Hunger"
by snapshooter Bock McMillan 
To occupy myself during these sessions I sometimes like to take my own pendant version of the picture my photographer hubby is working with. This one turned out quite well, so I decided to post it for your enjoyment.

"Mate! Mine!", is what a shifter roars when he sniffs the smell of his fated mate - the one and only, the man the four gods and the universe created for just him. They fulfill each other's needs, wishes and wants.

My Tomais' scent is that of honey and almonds.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween Asses

My view at the Pine Valley Halloween Ball, and I was too tired to move my cam.
"Halloween Asses", snapshot by Bock McMillan
I am the dude in the ultimate black leather outfit, while Tomais is the one with the cute, perky and hairy ass.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Night Sailing

On Sunday evening my Tomais and I went out sailing. It was a beautiful night with a full moon so I decided to take a few snapshots. It was a very pleasant and relaxing trip in the best imaginable company.
Night Sailing 1, snapshot by Bock McMillan
Night Sailing 2, snapshot by Bock McMillan

Monday, July 7, 2014

On the Beach - Three Aspects

"On the beach - vertical"
"On the beach - square"
"On the beach - horizontal"
While I was modelling for my Tomais yesterday I played around with Windlight settings and taking snapshots to create my version of the same scene. 

What I wanted to achieve was to contain the central part of the picture and present it in differently cropped versions. It can possibly be seen as a comment on "truths".

For Tomais' vision, please visit PhotoMonkey SL:  "Together" (Possibly NSFW).

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Still Life

"One room, two men & three illuminations"
Triptych by pretentious snapshooter Bock McMillan