Showing posts with label Gay Archipelago. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gay Archipelago. Show all posts

Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Flat Bock 2016 is Here!

The new and improved "Flat Bock 2016" was released yesterday at Gay Archipelagos Summerfest. This years edition of the "Flat Bock" comes with both a front and a back! It is also slightly larger than SL Bock because, as the production manager and designer Tomais Ashdene said lovingly and with a tad of sarcasm, "Face it Bock, you are larger than life!"

Get your free copy today!

You can all get your own copy to take home with you, to cuddle with, make love to, throw darts at or use for target practise.  Simply visit the Gay Archipelago SummerFest 2016 (SLurl), find my booth, touch the vendor and - Hey Presto! - you will receive your own personal "Flat Bock".

User instructions
The Flat Bock 2016 is laminated for your protection and to prevent staining
Lickable, but not edible

May break or otherwise damage your teeth if chewed on
Rinse in lukewarm water and wipe clean after use or abuse
Not dishwasher safe
Do not place in microwave
Do not place in dryer
May fade severely if put in direct sunlight over extended periods of time

Friday, June 3, 2016

The Bock in SecondLife Party

Bock in SecondLife has the honour to invite ya'll to our party at the GA SummerFest.
Click picture to enlarge
The blog is extremely proud to present the return to the SecondLife Music scene of the awesome DJ Butch (i.e. Butch Diavolo-Gracemount).

This much longed for comeback of DJ Butch will proudly be hosted by the blog's editor-in-chief Bock McMillan. You are all cordially invited to join us, and bring your friends along, to The SummerFest festival sim.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

The GA Summerfest 2016 Starts Tomorrow

The GA SummerFest starts tomorrow Friday June 3rd and will continue through Sunday June 12th with the theme "The Summer of Love".

The SummerFest will be opened by an inaugural speech by the GA Lead Weylin Vale at 4PM SLT at the festival sim (SLurl).

After the speech the opening party will follow at 5PM SLT with two live singers, Samm Quendra and Clyde Barrow, and after them the Romanum and Blue Ball parties.

Secret message to Tomais, should we perhaps drop our search for the perfect male mesh head temporarily to set up the Bock in SecondLife thing-a-magee...?

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Gay Archipelago SummerFest 2016

27th April 2016

To: All LGBTQIA + S and friendly people, vendors, and groups on the grid

From: Weylin Vale, GA Lead

Re: GA Summerfest 2016 Sponsorship & Store Holder Invite

Good day all,

One of the missions of the Gay Archipelago is to coordinate grid-wide activities. That nine year tradition will continue on our watch.  Planning is underway for GA Summerfest 2016 which is scheduled for June 3rd to June 12th 2016 and I personally want you to be a part of this one.

This is your invitation to become a sponsor and a part of a great community event. The Festival comes after months of preparation and planning from a highly dedicated team.  Our last event, Winterfest attracted over 55,000 residents - so we are expecting to entertain very large numbers of people again from all over SL.

The GA has received this private Full Region Island Sim kindly donated by Lucretia Brandenburg which will be dedicated to such things as the Village Stores (vendors, merchant and organizations gathered together to promote their goods and services to the visiting public); the Entertainment Stage (for live performances, cabaret shows and dances); and various activities for everyone to enjoy.  We are dedicated to providing the widest variety of activities to suit every taste - all in a welcoming, all-inclusive environment!  As a sponsor, your SIM, business or organization will get great exposure to an always appreciative crowd.

Radio coverage will be from Universe Radio.

We've significantly cut the prices for GA Summerfest Sponsorship as we strive to promote and provide our community with an event that everyone can participate in and enjoy.    The sponsorship packages follow.

(The primary difference is the shop size, location and the personal event)

- Small sized sponsor store - with 50 prims available for you to display products/services/information
- Opening party dedicated to the Festival Sponsors on the "The Summer Of Love" festival sim on June 3rd 2016
- Special mentions by the DJ
- Advertisement of your logo on the Sponsor wall during the Festival.
- Advertisement of your logo on the Sponsor board at the opening party, special mentions by the DJ
- A two hour event scheduled at available times where your estate or shop is the sole sponsor
- Notices and announcements to all GA groups during your event
- Advertisement of your logo on the board at the closing party, special mentions by the DJ

- Medium sized sponsor store - with 100 prims available for you to display products/services/information
- Opening party dedicated to the Festival Sponsors on the "The Summer Of Love" festival sim on June 3rd 2016
- Special mentions by the DJ
- Advertisement of your logo on the Sponsor wall during the Festival.
- Advertisement of your logo on the Sponsor board at the opening party, special mentions by the DJ
- A two hour event scheduled at available times where your estate or shop is the sole sponsor
- Notices and announcements to all GA groups during your event
- Advertisement of your logo on the board at the closing party, special mentions by the DJ
- 30 second spot on Festival radio (Universe Radio) during non DJ times.

- Large sized sponsor store - with 150 prims available for you to display products/services/information
- Advertisement of your logo on the Festival posters and promotional banners.
- Opening party dedicated to the Festival Sponsors on the "The Summer of Love" festival sim on June 3rd 2016
- Special mentions by the DJ
- Advertisement of your logo on the Sponsor wall during the Festival.
- Advertisement of your logo on the board at the opening party, special mentions by the DJ
- A two hour event scheduled at peak times where your estate or shop is the sole sponsor
- Notices and announcements to all GA groups during your event
 - Advertisement of your logo on the board at the closing party, special mentions by the DJ
- 30 second spot on Festival radio (Universe Radio) during non DJ times.

- Extra large sized sponsor booth -200 prims available for you to display products/services/information  
- Advertisement of your logo on the Festival posters and promotional banners.
- Opening party dedicated to the Festival Sponsors on the "Summer of Love" festival sim on June 3rd 2016
- Special mentions by the DJ
- Advertisement of your logo on the Sponsor wall during the Festival.
- Advertisement of your logo on the board at the opening party, special mentions by the DJ
- 2 two hour events scheduled at peak times where your estate or shop is the sole sponsor
- Notices and announcements to all GA groups during your event
- Advertisement of your logo on the board at the closing party, special mentions by the DJ
- 30 second spot on Festival radio (Universe Radio) during non DJ times.
(Naturally Platinum is on the main landing point, dance arena, and theater. This gives you an idea of how the layout will be)

Visitors love a freebie, so we do ask where possible that every store holder put out a gift, great way to get folks shopping in your store or visiting your estate.

A rebate voucher of L$1,000 will be given to all estates on payment of sponsorship.
Members can hold estate events during the week additional to their weekend party(s)

We shall also be opening up the calendar for round one of the event bookings next week. To book the events however you must have a DJ and Host locked in at the time of booking, if you need a DJ or Host please let us know as we have many on reserve.

BOOKING YOUR STORE... Easy this year, we have a model of the village above the festival sim, each store has a payment terminal outside. Just click and pay and your done.

Go here to book your store at the mock-up of the SummerFest (SLurl)􀀀

A. Fill in the attached form and return to WeylinVale
For further information contact one of the festival event team today
Weylinvale - Festival Lead
Chade Dagger- - Festival Build
Situazian - Festival PR
Crito Galtier - Entertainment Manager
After having booked your store by paying at the mock-up, copy the following into a note card and send it to Weylin Vale.

Welcome Sponsor and GA Member Estates!

Thank you for your continued support to the Gay Archipelago. Please provide us with the following information and return it to WeylinVale (GA Lead).

It would be greatly appreciated if you use low script / low lag vendors during the event. (We recommend Casper)

Our thanks!

GA Lead


Name of sponsor:

Name of owner(s):

Type of sponsor (Vendor / Non for Profit / Estate / GA Estate):

Please place your logo here, must be full perm and non transparent (512x512 is preferred):

Please tell us about you:

Do you have a website or blog?:

URL of website or Blog:

Landmark or SURL of your store/estate:

Silver, Gold and Platinum sponsors please send your 30 second MP3 advertisement for Festival Radio to;

Which sponsor package have you paid for :
Bronze:     2500L
Silver:       5000L
Gold:      15,000L
Platinum: 20,000L

Would any of your members like to assist us with Summerfest 2016 planning and execution?

Please contact Weylinvale or Crito Galtier to make your party bookings.

Monday, October 19, 2015


In the beginning of October, I wrote a post entitled "The Drama Llama" Is Upbraided".

The same day it was pointed out to me by Nikolai Warden, the blogger to whose posts I was referring, that I had not done him the courtesy of reading the post correctly, that I had misrepresented what Nikolai actually said in his post and that I had also made a wrong assumption.

First off, the wrong assumption I made was that Nikolai alluded to me as "The Drama Llama". Nikolai assures me that was not his intention at all, he was in fact referring  to a completely different person.

Secondly, Nikolai stated in his post that the Gay Archipelago is not a dictatorship. When he used the phrase "the benevolent dictatorship", he was quoting a previous GA Lead.

I ask for Nikolai's and my reader's forgiveness for my sloppy reporting and for the unfortunate and unduly long delay in correcting the abovementioned aspects of my post. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

"The Drama Llama" Is Upbraided CORRECTED

In two post GET TO KNOW TODAY'S GA: Part 1 DICTATORS AND DRAMA LAMAS and GET TO KNOW TODAY’S GA Part 2 (the short version), a member of the current Lead Team of "the benevolent dictatorship" of Gay Archipelago takes me to task concerning my blog posts concerning the events of late in the Gay Archipelago.

I strongly recommend you read it if the matters of Gay Archipelago are of interest for you.

It isn't everyday one is granted such a cute nickname so I am going to celebrate.

Please read my post from October 19, 2015, entitled "Correction".

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Gay Archipelago: Recent Developments

While I have been taking a time-out from blogging for personal reasons, which I am sure will sooner or later spill into a post or maybe 263 of them.., life as we know it has gone on as if nothing had happened. (Now ain't that strange?)

A while back the Gay Archipelago welcomed three new member sims into their fold.

I am assured by several friends in the know at the Gay Archipelago that although the revised membership criteria that have been adopted may be different, they are by no means lower than previously.

About a week ago I received notification of a notice that reads:
The GA represents solidarity in the LGBT community, existing to promote and support member sims. A positive outlook and a desire to participate in GA events and cooperation with other members and the group as a whole are basic requirements. Regretfully, not all have such a positive outlook or wish to be a part of this. We are asking that Pine Valley Resort and Pandore leave the GA of their own accord or be ejected as of tomorrow.
Whether or not the above mentioned sims had actually themselves decided to leave the Gay Archipelago before they were asked to leave or be ejected is a matter of contention.

As far as I am aware both Pine Valley Resort and Pandore left the Gay Archipelago within the designated timeframe. It is of particular interest to note that Pandore was one of the founding sims of the Gay Archipelago.

A couple of days ago I was also informed that Ohiomike Lockjaw had decided to withdraw his Lockjaw Isles from the Gay Archipelago. Ohiomike's decision interestingly enough has some repercussions on one of the members in the lead team, who will now have to find a new roll on another member sim to continue being a member of the lead team.

So, summing up the Gay Archipelago has won some new member sims and lost the same number. However I am told, by usually well informed sources, that the Gay Archipelago has av many as fifteen or more applicants who are awaiting approval on their membership applications.

Friday, August 28, 2015

The GA SummerFest Starts Today

The Gay Archipelago’s Summerfest starts today and runs until September 6, 2015.

This year's theme is "Cirque Du So Gay" and is on it's own sim.

For complete information about the event,  and a full schedule of events look here!

Bock in SecondLife is naturally a sponsor of this event. You can find my booth at The SummerFest 2015 sim

Please also remember to check in at the blog's own event at the SummerFest on Saturday September 5, 2015, 12 PM (noon) - 2 PM SLT. Save the time and date, you will not be disappointed, there will be lots of wonderful bare male tits, chests, asses and other appendages! (More about this later...)

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Update on the GA Kerfuffle - Updated

Due to my mood swings and the fact that I managed to grind two of my teeth to pieces during my sleep, I have been remiss in my duties of informing you about some events in the Gay Archipelago after my latest post.

So here is an update on what has happened, as far as I am informed.

ricogenu (formerly known as Rico Bluestar), who was appointed as PR Lead by the GA Lead Weylin Vale a while back, has resigned from office after an altercation with Chade Dagger, the simultaneously appointed Treasurer. The two have differing versions of what actually happened, so I will leave it to them to give their versions in the comments should they wish to do so.

The following sim-owners have left Gay Archipelago (there may be more, I seem to have lost my note card on this):
Garth Raleigh,
Mitch Underby,
Othon Weiland,
Draghan Marksman,
Myles Capalini and - following ricogenu's resignation -
Evan Greymyst (5 sims) and
ricogenu (2 sims, co-owned with Evan Greymyst)
--- Update---
Ricky Silentghost,
Harrison Constantine and
Evan Rutledge (2 sims)

Saturday, July 18, 2015

New Logo for Bock in SecondLife

Bock in SecondLife is delighted to unveil its new logo.

The logo is to be used when the blog is represented at various SecondLife events, such as the Second Pride Festival or the Gay Archipelago SummerFest (among others).

This bolder, more retro and ironic approach features a Pristina font, which is the work of British designer Phill Grimshaw, a calligraphic typeface that displays all the natural, unrestrained qualities of cultured penmanship.

The logo is clearly inspired by the traditional Japanese Imperial flag and is designed to be both recognizable and highly visible. It comes in a variety of clear pastel colors which are pleasing to the eye, but it is also everso slightly asymmetrical, to indicate that the editor in chief is an opinionated and headstrong bastard who doesn't always aim to please.

The logo was created by the blog's own favorite graphic designer Tomais Ashdene after a concept by the blogger himself.

GA’s SummerFest 2015

The Gay Archipelago’s Summerfest will run from August 28 - September 6, 2015.

This year's theme will be "Cirque Du So Gay" and will be on it's own sim this year.

The GA Summerfest will be a truly international event and host sponsored events over the 10 days on the GA Festival sim and on our GA Estates. This is a huge goal and we will need your participation.

There are a big assortment of sponsor & vendor packages, ranging from free (terms and conditions may apply) up to L$100,000.

For complete information about the event, whom to contact and how to apply, please visit The GA WeBlog: Gay Archipelago's SummerFest 2015 - ’Cirque du So Gay’.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Garth Raleigh: Stop the Hate

I received this email from Garth Raleigh, former GA Lead (2011-2014), today and will share it with you all without comment.

My dear Bock,
As you well know, I have been actively trying to stay out of extended discussions revolving around events within the Gay Archipelago as most of it is merely gums flapping in the breeze.
However, after reading the post from Myles and now the post from Hiro, I am compelled to come forward thus toss my hat into the fray as it were.
Regarding our own estates decision to withdraw membership from the organization: 
This was a private, conscious decision made within our estate owner and managers group which involved deep discussion as to benefits and merits involved in continued membership. The unanimous decision to withdraw membership was reached, the GA Lead notified and fellow GA Owners notified. Simple.
I hardly think this is what one would term a 'hissy fit,' and it mystifies me as to why a group of adults making their own decisions and carrying them out would be seen or termed as such.
To the newly-appointed leadership team following this thread (waves):
I. There seems to be a LOT of public and 'behind closed doors' schoolyard name-calling, shaming and 'blame tossing' coming from within the GA leadership team. These actions are uncalled-for, undignified and unworthy of anyone who is supposed to be representing the GA or its membership in any capacity. Stop the hate.

II. From what I hear, the current state of the GA and any/all problems that exist or are imagined are being squarely laid at my feet. I understand how easy it must be to vilify someone who is not present and no longer a contributing member however, I must point out that there have been THREE GA Leads since my time in the office. One who is currently serving on the newly-appointed team as PR Lead.
Following that logic (if one can call it that) which, I assume, assigns responsibility for these 'problems' (real or imagined), I would call on these three men to also take their share of this 'blame.' Further, that line of 'logic' allows that net to be cast back even farther back in history to encompass multiple members of the GA Council structure and the various Leads involved during those years. Oh, and lets not forget to snare GA founder, Fabrice Snook, into that net as well.
I shall consider myself in good and intelligent company and point out that you have some excellent role-models to follow. Stop the hate.

III. I have heard none of the estates who have chosen to terminate membership with the GA, or ones who are considering doing such in the near future, publicly or privately express any degree of malice about or toward the GA.
This can only be some sort of self-defense mechanism generated by the newly-appointed team to perhaps bond and create a warm, fuzzy feeling internally. Decisions to terminate memberships and support do not equate imaginary 'political agendas' in any way. Stop the hate.

IV. While there are indeed some personalities in SL that are more in the forefront than others, anyone in SL that believes there is such a thing as 'power' in the virtual platform needs a RL reality check.
There is only 'do or do not.' Stop the hate.

V. As it has always been, members, estates and regions will come and go from any organization such as the GA. Being angry with people who do not share in your vision or believe your ideas are the best - will only serve to make you unhappy and further cement decisions to terminate membership as good ones, and quite possibly have a negative impact on decisions of those considering joining the organization in the future.
The estates and members who have chosen to leave the GA, and those who are to leave the GA for whatever reason, should be wished well and know that they would be welcomed back at a future date if circumstances dictate such.
Build a community, not an exclusive private boys club. Stop the hate.

VI. Bylaws, codes of conduct and other such rules and regulations are merely words on a dusty notecard in the end - only read and cared about by those who created them.
Lead by example first and foremost, then by notecards if needed. Stop the hate.

We've seen all this sort of thing before, Bock. Tiresome as it is, maybe it's just our innate nature that these situations happen or perhaps just one or two who thrive on dramas and fainting couches. As Hiro astutely pointed out, all this will pass.
I am blessed to have been one of the major builders of the Gay Archipelago and remain proud of the extraordinary achievements that were made for the LGBT community and for the Gay Archipelago, as well as the lasting true friendships I made during my long tenure as GA Lead.
Garth Raleigh
GA Lead, 2011-2014

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Shooting the Messenger (Edit 2015-07-19)

Wikipedia has an article on "Shooting the messenger" that starts like this:
"Shooting the messenger" or "killing the messenger" is a metaphoric phrase used to describe the act of lashing out at the (blameless) bearer of bad news.  
Until the advent of modern telecommunications, messages were usually delivered by a human envoy. For example, in a war, the messenger was sent from the enemy camp. An easily provoked combatant receiving such an overture could more easily vent anger (or otherwise retaliate) on the deliverer of the unpopular message than on its author.
"Attacking the messenger" is a subdivision of the ad hominem logical fallacy.
"A modern version of attacking the messenger can be perceived when someone blames the media for presenting bad news about a favored cause, person, organization, etc. The fact remains that "shooting the messenger may be a time-honored emotional response to unwelcome news, but it is not a very effective method of remaining well-informed."
Getting rid of the messenger may be a tactical move, but danger found in nondisclosure may result in either hostile responses or negative feedback from others. "People learn very quickly where this is the case, and will studiously avoid giving any negative feedback; thus the 'Emperor" continues with the self-delusion....Obviously this is not a recipe for success." 

My - former? (Edit 2015-07-19: Hiro and I have chatted and come to the conclusion that we are still friends even if we have differing positions in this case. I was extremely gladdened.) - friend Hiroku Kamachi, the recently appointed new IT-Director of Gay Archipelago, shows an interesting aspect of the phrase in a post on his blog today entitled "The Mind of Hiro: Pearls From Swine".

For easier reading, click the snips to enlarge.

You should know Hiroku, that whatever may happen now or in the future, I will always be grateful to you for the empathy and support you have shown me in the past. 

Although everything seems so self evident and natural to you, you could at least try to accept or admit that it wasn't so for everyone concerned. The fact that they - and I - perceive a problem where you don't see one, doesn't make us inherently bad, malicious, foolish or even - to use your word - "swine". Name calling and other verbal abuse ("Bitchy Old Queen", "The Old Boy's Club" and "The Old Guard") is usually quite counterproductive for a successful dialog - if that is what one wants. 

Myles Capalini On "Suddenness" & More

Today I received the following email from Myles Capalini, owner of the Cabria Estate which were formerly a part of the Gay Archipelago.

Hi Bock,
No worries about the reply issue, I think it is just bad karma between me and Google+
As to the "suddenness" of the meeting, let me clarify my point of view on that. It is true, that there had originally been a meeting planned the previous Sunday, July 5th, but that was rescheduled for July 12th, but with no time and no agenda (other than saying the meeting was primarily to be to discuss Summerfest. I.e., no major business issues on the table). So I waited all week to get a time, though I expected the meeting to be sometime midday, which it has always been for the last many years. Never got a notice, and was out early Sunday for breakfast, but when I got home, I discovered that the first notice of the meeting had been sent at 11:00 or 11:30 on Saturday night (Oh great, missed that one), and that the meeting was set for 7 AM Sunday. I think that may not necessarily fit everyone's definition of 'Sudden', but it was a big surprise, and of course I missed it.
Worse, really, was reading the minutes, and finding that there were Very Major business issues on the table, and little or no discussion of the Summerfest. And the appointment of an entire new leadership team, with no advance notice, or chance to voice any opinions on such appointments is also unprecedented in the 5 or 6 years that I have been involved with the GA.
Sadly, I doubt there is a set of written 'Bylaws', but there is a long history of precedent that was completely ignored. I don't think we are really talking so much about 'legality' here, as we are about a complete disregard for the 40 or more region owners, all of whom have a very large stake in the GA. But it was pretty clear from reading the minutes, that the new team is not interested in any feedback, or what the owners might really want. I fully expect them to fire the entire Membership committee, and establish totally new guidelines that will allow virtually any merchant or club anywhere on the grid to join the GA, which goes against all of the history of requiring only full region owners to join (or people renting full regions).
Without that requirement, there is no incentive for those merchants or clubs to rent land from the many owners already in the GA who like myself depend on renting land to make ends meet. Seeing that, I realized that I may as well just leave. 
There was one perk involved, I hear that I have been branded a Bitchy Old Queen award (not said to my face of course, but behind my back). That kind of behavior is another reason to just walk away. I have enough drama in RL, do not need any bitch fights in SL. I would, however, be more than happy to state my case, as I have here, or to answer any charges the new team may have the guts to present to me. 
Best regards, and thanks again for watching this,
Myles Capalini

The first sentence in the email regards a problem commenting on the blog. If anyone else should have a similar issue commenting please send me an email instead at

I would like to thank Myles for sharing his thoughts and sentiments on this issue with us, and especially for clarifying the question regarding the "suddenness" of the meeting.

It now seems there was a date set, but no time was announced until very late Saturday night for Sunday morning (eight hours or less before the meeting). Although there was no agenda for the meeting the proposed topic for it was the upcoming GA SummerFest not any major issues like a new leadership team. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Weylin Vale: "Unsubstantiated Gossip"

Today the GA WeBlog posted this statement by Weylin Vale, which is the first public reaction by the new GA Lead team on the events that have unfolded over the last few days.
"Good Day GA
Board Appointments and Estate Resignations.
On taking over the role of Lead I was informed by a previous lead and elder of the GA community that I should now put together my administration, there are no By-Laws to govern how this is done so as with my real world committees, appointments have been made purely on merit and suitability for the roles. Careful consideration was given to each role based upon experience, longevity in SL and trust.
Second Life in many ways is a small community and, as with all communities, personal disputes can arise and still cause difficulties years later. In this case, a past dispute, caused a member to decide to remove his estate from the GA. Another couple of members with close links to that estate decided to also leave the organization.
It is important to understand that these members were not asked or compelled to leave. They simply made a decision to leave the GA because they did not support the much needed changes. Changes that were urgently required to invigorate the GA, return it to its core mission and to prevent the loss of 12 member estates in the short term and, possibly, many more in the year ahead.
I am not going to name names or dwell on what has happened, neither will I fuel blog posts that are basically just unsubstantiated gossip based on the personal biases of one or two others. I am here to perform a job, as are those I have made a part of the administration team, part of that job is to work on producing Summerfest 2015, something that is fast approaching and also to future proofing the GA as we move forward.
Part of this has been to work on a new web presence and secure the domain name for the Gay Archipelago, this will include an interactive calendar to help member estates promote events. Also the GA’s promise to member estates is to be a community that promotes estates and raises traffic, something we need to do better, with a dedicated membership Director and admissions team I believe we can achieve better results.
More Festival Events.
With a permanent festival team and Director we are looking to move to seasonal quarterly festivals with the addition of the Autumn Hunt (showcasing all estates and merchants) culminating in a Halloween Party that will cross all the time zones. A spring equinox festival is also on the planning board.
So please rest assured, our mission statement has not changed, we are just putting weight behind our promises, the GA board along with the Treasury will be run transparently and I along with all the members of the team are here to answer any of our member estate owners questions (and dispel any myths). All major changes will continue to be presented at the estate owners meetings for approval and comment.
Together we are the GA community
GA Lead"
I am of course mortified (Not so much, no!) to be referred to as publishing "blog posts that are basically just unsubstantiated gossip based on the personal biases of one or two others", but would like to state that what some people call "unsubstantiated gossip based on the personal biases of one or two others", others call information from multiple usually well informed and independent sources.

It is true, I did report factually incorrect information concerning the GA Leads call to the meeting. This misinformation has been corrected.

It is worth noticing that the GA Lead in his statement stresses that "All major changes will continue to be presented at the estate owners meetings for approval and comment.". In hindsight, it would perhaps have been better if this had also applied to the composition of the new GA Lead team.

Later today, or perhaps tomorrow, I plan on publishing what information I have obtained concerning sim-owners/regions/estates that have already left or are leaving the Gay Archipelago.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Re: Coup Or Not In the GA? (Edit: 2015-07-15) (Update: 2015-07-16)

Today I received a note card from my friend Chade Dagger, the newly appointed Treasurer of the Gay Archipelago, partly rebutting correcting the information in my previous post Bock in SecondLife: Has There Been A Coup In the Gay Archipelago?.


Hi Bock, I have read your blog post and I will be speaking to you when you are ready as a representative of the GA governance team. But first allow me to correct one item on your post. :)
You write:
"According to information from several well informed sources Weylin Vale, the current Lead of GA, announced a meeting on Saturday at 11 PM SLT set to take place only eight hours later on Sunday at 7 AM SLT."
The meeting was announced considerably earlier than that. Because that group generates so many notices and SL only keeps so many I will have to dig out the first announcement, but below I give you the text of rescheduling when Wey remembered the 4th of July in the US (being Australians that celebration is not top of mind for us).
Due to the 4th of July Holiday and having received several messages from Estate owners and potential Summerfest participants, we shall be rescheduling to Sunday the 12th July (time to be announced shortly)
As this is the main Summerfest meeting, we shall be holding an open meeting after we have conducted the member business. This will be our season launch for those interested in sponsoring, volunteering, performing and to showcase this years theme.
Many Thanks
That was posted on the 4th of July so clearly your "well informed" sources are making stuff up to suit their political agenda.

(Edit 2015-07-15) My sincere apologies to everyone concerned for having published incorrect information and my thanks to Chade for supplying me with this correction.

I have today offered Chade and the new Lead team the opportunity to address the information given in my post on the condition that they also address the issue of whether or not it was within the bylaws (if any exist) or in the traditional practices of the GA for the Lead to appoint members to the Lead positions without being vetted by, approved by, voted upon or being elected by the Owners Group.

I will of course also offer the opposition the same opportunity.

Both parties will be given one post each to make their statements.

Update: Myles Capalini On "Suddenness" & More, where you will find that the date of the meeting was announced early, but the time of the meeting was not announced until eight hours (or less) before the meeting.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Has There Been A Coup In the Gay Archipelago? (Corrected 2015-07-15) (Updated 2015-07-16)

The Gay Archipelago (GA) is an association of landowners of multiple diverse LGBT/LGBT-friendly sims in SecondLife. They conduct Archipelago-wide events, and welcome LGBT newcomers into SecondLife.
"G Dragon Coup d'etat" by Sui-Kunoichi
The GA is governed by The Owners Group, which consists of the sim owners themselves or their appointed representatives.

Hitherto - i.e. until yesterday - the leaders of the governing body (the GA Lead, the Vice Lead and the PR Lead) have historically always been vetted by and voted upon by the The Owners Group.

According to information from several well informed sources Weylin Vale, the current Lead of GA, announced a meeting on Saturday at 11 PM SLT set to take place only eight hours later on Sunday at 7 AM SLT. (Correction 2015-07-15: This information was incorrect, please see the my later post  Bock in SecondLife; Re:Coup Or Not In the GA?. My sincere apologies to all involved and to my readers.) Update 2015-07-16Myles Capalini On "Suddenness" & More, where you will find that the date of the meeting was announced early, but not the time.

The purpose of the meeting was purportedly about the upcoming GA SummerFest 2015.

At the meeting yesterday Weylin Vale unexpectedly announced to the owners group that he had appointed the following positions
Vice Lead - Dextrum Boucher
PR Lead - Rico Bluestar,
Treasurer - Chade Dagger,
IT Director - Hiro Dagger-Clemenceau,
Membership Director - To Be Announced and
2015 Festival Director - Caeru Dubrovna.

As I understand it, this sudden and unexpected deviation from previous procedure by the GA Lead has raised concerns among many sim owners in the GA on the future direction of the organization and whether or not they wish to remain a part of it. 

I will try to keep you updated on further developments as they unfold.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Results of GA WinterFest 2014 Photo Contest

I have been remiss in my duties towards you, my few but dear readers, and have not reported the outcome of the GA WinterFest Photo Contest, SecondLife section. 

There has been a lot going on in my SecondLife, but the delay could possibly also reflect my disagreement with the jury's choices. Below are the top three in the competition according to the jury's decision.
"Catching Snowflakes"
Lycx Resident
Winner - 1st Place
Tomais Ashdene
First Runner Up - 2nd Place
"Over the Top"
Benjamin Glendale
Second Runner Up - 3rd Place

Saturday, December 20, 2014

GA WinterFest Awards Today at 10 AM SLT

Oh lordie, lordie, this will be exciting, this could be a great day for the the laird and his consort!

There will be an award ceremony today at the GA WinterFest for Best Booth Contest and the Best Photography Contest. 

I know that my Tomais entered into the photo contest by sending in his contribution. I also know that didn't apply anywhere for the booth contest, but who knows, perhaps no application was needed for that!.  

Your transport to the Winterfest sim!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The GA WinterFest is Here!

I am late to the party as I have been over in Copenhagen being soothed and commiserated upon by my BFF Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark. We share a mutual dislike for that other Scandinavian queen. So Margrethe invited me over to her digs at Amalienborg Castle for a few days.

We spent two wonderful days and a night together sharing horror stories and eating fast food and snacks in our pajamas only waited upon by a former who has gone completely deaf.

But I a dallying, on with the real subject of this post, the GA WinterFest that started yesterday and will continue until December 21st.
The theme of this years WinterFest is "Gay Archipelago 2034" and it will consist of 10 whole days of events around the clock.

For a schedule to all the events please visit the GA WeBlog. You will find the events of the day listed in the column to the left.

Take this ride to get to the GA WinterFest (SLurl).

Once you are there, please visit Tomais' and my booth which you will find here (This will only work once you are there.)

Don't forget to pick up your free gift from "Bock in SecondLife"!