In Trump's World:— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) August 4, 2018
Obama: Kenyan
LeBron James: dumb
Don Lemon: dumb
Maxine Waters: low IQ
black countries: shitholes
black athletes: SOBs
Black tenants: unwelcome
Black workers: lazy
Central Park 5: guilty
Mexicans: rapists
Muslims: terrorists
Indians: fake
Nazis: very fine people

Wherein this avatar's fates, adventures and experiences in, his thoughts and feelings about and his reactions to his first and second life are depicted with written messages, images and other audiovisual tools.
I am Bock in SecondLife and Bock is I in first life. We share thoughts, opinions, feelings, actions and reactions. We are one and the same and inseparable. On this blog I choose to share both my realities.
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
In Trump's World
Posted by
Bock McMillan
2:19:00 PM
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Will Assange Keep Promise?
@wikileaks When can we hope to see suspected rapist Assange board the plane to the U.S. now that @BarackObama has granted Manning clemency?— (((Bock McMillan)))™ (@BockMcMillan) January 18, 2017
Julian Assange, suspected rapist, who has chosen to be in self-elected isolation at the Ecuadorian embassy in London for a longer period than he would probably have been jailed if he had instead chosen to stand trial for his alleged crimes in Sweden, recently offered to go to the United States if President Obama granted clemency for Chelsea Manning.
Well, now that President Obama has done just that, and Manning will be set free in May 2017, it remains to be seen if Assange will keep his promise. I most certainly will not hold my breath.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
6:52:00 AM
Barack Obama
Bradley Manning
Chelsea Manning

Saturday, February 28, 2015
Live Long and Prosper!
Statement by the President of the United States of America on the Passing of Leonard Nimoy
"Long before being nerdy was cool, there was Leonard Nimoy. Leonard was a lifelong lover of the arts and humanities, a supporter of the sciences, generous with his talent and his time. And of course, Leonard was Spock. Cool, logical, big-eared and level-headed, the center of Star Trek’s optimistic, inclusive vision of humanity’s future.
I loved Spock.
In 2007, I had the chance to meet Leonard in person. It was only logical to greet him with the Vulcan salute, the universal sign for “Live long and prosper.” And after 83 years on this planet – and on his visits to many others – it’s clear Leonard Nimoy did just that. Michelle and I join his family, friends, and countless fans who miss him so dearly today."
"Long before being nerdy was cool, there was Leonard Nimoy. Leonard was a lifelong lover of the arts and humanities, a supporter of the sciences, generous with his talent and his time. And of course, Leonard was Spock. Cool, logical, big-eared and level-headed, the center of Star Trek’s optimistic, inclusive vision of humanity’s future.
I loved Spock.
In 2007, I had the chance to meet Leonard in person. It was only logical to greet him with the Vulcan salute, the universal sign for “Live long and prosper.” And after 83 years on this planet – and on his visits to many others – it’s clear Leonard Nimoy did just that. Michelle and I join his family, friends, and countless fans who miss him so dearly today."
Posted by
Bock McMillan
11:59:00 AM
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
From Children and Fools...
There is a Swedish saying that goes, "From children and fools you get to hear the truth". I thought of it when I was reading about the United States federal government shutdown today and came across a quote from Michele Bachmann in an interview with World Net Daily (via Joe.My.God.)
The federal shutdown was brought about by the Republicans in the House of Representatives. Michele Bachmann is an American Republican member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Minnesota's 6th congressional district.
The whole shutdown of the federal government of the greatest democracy in the world is extremely bewildering and totally offsetting for most of us not from the United States. We cannot imagine anyone going to these lengths, and to do so repeatedly is surely not helpful for the image of the United States abroad.
Today I atleast, thanks to Ms. Bachmann, got an inkling of why the House Republicans were prepared to go so far.
“I think the reason is because President Obama can’t wait to get Americans addicted to the crack cocaine of dependency on more government health care. Because, once they enroll millions of more individual Americans it will be virtually impossible for us to pull these benefits back from people.”
The fact that American Republicans are afraid that the American public will get used to a universal. affordable, efficient and decent health care system, that all the other civilized and democratic countries in the world already offer their citizens, is scary and makes one (i.e. me) wonder why anyone in the world would vote for such people.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
12:49:00 PM
Barack Obama
health care
Michele Bachmann
World Net Daily

Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Eddi Haskell Is A Meanie
According to that rascal Eddi Haskell, previously my dear friend and mentor in blogging, this is how I was looking today when I visited Stockholm - in disguise - to greet President Barack Obama despite having a case of "political flu".
He tried to butter me up by telling me "You are much prettier than Princess Madeleine btw lol!". Eddi's flattery was of course not sincere so it did not help alleviate my enormous pain by being ridiculed in this fashion. (*joke*)
Eddi Haskell hereby wins the trophy as "The Meanest Man in The Western Hemisphere", it would have been the whole world but Vladimir "Little Father" Putin, President of Russia, saved him from that disgrace by snatching the title as "The Meanest Man in The Eastern Hemisphere".
He tried to butter me up by telling me "You are much prettier than Princess Madeleine btw lol!". Eddi's flattery was of course not sincere so it did not help alleviate my enormous pain by being ridiculed in this fashion. (*joke*)
Eddi Haskell hereby wins the trophy as "The Meanest Man in The Western Hemisphere", it would have been the whole world but Vladimir "Little Father" Putin, President of Russia, saved him from that disgrace by snatching the title as "The Meanest Man in The Eastern Hemisphere".
Posted by
Bock McMillan
2:21:00 PM
Welcome to Sweden, Mr. President!
President Barack Obama arrives to Sweden this morning for the first bilateral state visit to Sweden ever by an incumbent American president. We had President George W. Bush here a couple of years ago, but that was for an International summit meeting.
Although we are well aware that the American presidents short visit to Sweden occurs only because of the the gap that arose in his plans when the Americans decided to show displeasure with the Russians for granting a temporary refuge to Edward Snowden (who leaked information about America's massive surveillance online) and cancelled a scheduled meeting with the Russian President Vladimir "Little Father" Putin.
Nonetheless we are thrilled to receive Obama as a guest and hope that he will have a wonderful stay with some straightforward and serious discussions with the Swedish representatives.
Alas the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls and sovereign ruler of The Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment with Outer Territories, will not be able to meet with the American President due to a "political flu", which has been brought on by the prevailing enmity between the beloved laird and the awful Silvia, Queen of Sweden.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
12:00:00 AM
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Wonderful News for U.S. Politics!
Bachmann: Have fun in retirement! We hope you stay crazy, just far away from Congress. Sign to say bye to Bachmann:
— DCCC (@dccc) 29 maj 2013
"Michele Bachmann just announced she's quitting Congress. Good riddance!
Tea Party conspiracy theories, shady ethics and ridiculous attacks on President Obama. We're not going to miss her one bit."
(Via J.M.G.)
Posted by
Bock McMillan
2:43:00 PM
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Excessive, Cruel & Unusual
On Tuesday Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, renewed his promise to shut down the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.
The camp opened in 2002 as a detainment and interrogation facility of the United States to hold detainees it had determined to be connected with terrorism. As of March 2013 there remain 166 detainees remain in the camp. Approximately 100 of the detainees are currently taking part in a hunger strike protesting against being detained for years on end without being charged or put on trial and under conditions and with treatment that would be totally unacceptable if the camp was located on the U.S. mainland.
The president said he was going to raise the matter in Congress again, which I am sorry to say I do not understand.
The matter of releasing detainees, who aren't going to be charged or put to trial, cannot be a political decision but must rather be an administrative one, i.e. for the president himself or the Departments of Justice or Defense or agencies under those department to decide.
As those who have read this blog before already know I am an adamant supporter of president Obama in particular and the U.S.A. in general, the camp at Guantanamo and the conditions for the detainees are really one of my few major objections
Justice delayed is justice denied, which is not worthy of the United States or president Obama. Guantanamo Bay is a sordid stain on the American flag and a blemish on the International reputation of the United States, president Obama himself and his administration. So please Mr. President, shut the camp down and release the detainees or charge them and give them a fair trial as soon as possible. Justice has been delayed too long already.
The camp opened in 2002 as a detainment and interrogation facility of the United States to hold detainees it had determined to be connected with terrorism. As of March 2013 there remain 166 detainees remain in the camp. Approximately 100 of the detainees are currently taking part in a hunger strike protesting against being detained for years on end without being charged or put on trial and under conditions and with treatment that would be totally unacceptable if the camp was located on the U.S. mainland.
The president said he was going to raise the matter in Congress again, which I am sorry to say I do not understand.
The matter of releasing detainees, who aren't going to be charged or put to trial, cannot be a political decision but must rather be an administrative one, i.e. for the president himself or the Departments of Justice or Defense or agencies under those department to decide.
As those who have read this blog before already know I am an adamant supporter of president Obama in particular and the U.S.A. in general, the camp at Guantanamo and the conditions for the detainees are really one of my few major objections
Justice delayed is justice denied, which is not worthy of the United States or president Obama. Guantanamo Bay is a sordid stain on the American flag and a blemish on the International reputation of the United States, president Obama himself and his administration. So please Mr. President, shut the camp down and release the detainees or charge them and give them a fair trial as soon as possible. Justice has been delayed too long already.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
3:16:00 PM
Monday, January 21, 2013
I Am an American
For at least twenty minutes today, while listening to President Barack Obama´s second inaugural address, I did become an American.
He had me from the get go; when he quoted the first line of the American Constitution "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
That quote is one of the most beautiful and hopeful I have ever seen in any founding document and Obama filled it with even more passion and life and hope.
I have always wanted and expected from my leaders that they be filled with a vision and passion and that they are able to instill that vision and passion in me and all around me. What I have gotten from Swedish politicians the last twenty years is base economics and nitty gritty-hopelessness. Give me what I need, hope, vision, passion and a social consciousnesses and I will follow. Of course economic realities must be handled in a responsible way, but that should never be the only point - or even the main point.
For twenty minutes I became an American and proud of it. I was filled with hope for the future and our ability to handle the problems we would meet together.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
1:07:00 PM
Friday, December 21, 2012
NRA Calls for Police State
"The National Rifle Association (NRA), one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the U.S., has called for armed security guards to be posted in every school in the country and insisted that the only solution to gun violence in the wake of the Newtown massacre was more guns.
A week almost to the hour after a gunman blasted his way into Sandy Hook elementary school in Connecticut, killing 20 first-grade children as well as six staff members, the NRA's executive vice-president Wayne LaPierre finally broke his silence and delivered a defiant message to the nation.
Throwing down the gauntlet to Barack Obama, he declared: "The only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." That is a mantra that he has used after several previous mass shootings."Quote and video from
I have never heard a more blatantly cynical and stupid a**hole in any of my entire two lives.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
1:43:00 PM
Time Magazine´s Person of the Year 2012
Time Magazine on Wednesday, December 19, named the recently re-elected US President Barack Obama as its person of the year for 2012 - the second time it has awarded him this honor.
The American news magazine put Obama on its cover and said he deserved the accolade as "the symbol and in some ways the architect of this new America."
The magazine noted that Obama was the first American president since Franklin D. Roosevelt to win more than 50 percent of the vote in two straight elections.
The American news magazine put Obama on its cover and said he deserved the accolade as "the symbol and in some ways the architect of this new America."
The magazine noted that Obama was the first American president since Franklin D. Roosevelt to win more than 50 percent of the vote in two straight elections.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
12:31:00 PM
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Thank You U.S.A!
The New York Times "Presidential Map", November 7, 2012 |
Support for marriage equality won in all four states where there were referendums on that issue!
(P.S. J.M.G just reported that the count of the ballots in the referendum in Washington state has not been completed yet, although things look good.)
UPDATE: Washington state has now declared that marriage equality won in the referendum!
I couldn't stay awake long enough last night to get the result of the presidential election but it was althemore sweet to wake up to the news in the morning!
Governor Romney gave a nice concession speech and president Obama gave an awesome victory speech. Life is wonderful, living is beautiful and exciting!
Thank you so much my sisters and brothers in the U.S!
Posted by
Bock McMillan
10:33:00 AM
Monday, November 5, 2012
American Elections 2012
Photos Michael Key, design Jim Neal |
Whomever you vote for I and the rest of the world will learn to live with your choice, as is only right and proper. Sure I have my favorite among the two, but it is your election and only yours. The only wrong result from my point of view is if the largest democracy in the world cannot get at least half of the electorate to participate in their national elections.
Your elections affects the rest of the world also. We will be anxiously waiting for the results, both in the presidential election and the elections for the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
3:33:00 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Lena Dunham: Your First Time
(via J.M.G.)
I remember my first time too. How very important it felt to get it "right"! That was of course a very, very, long time ago and was way before I became a jaded and cynical old slut...
Posted by
Bock McMillan
9:40:00 AM
Thursday, June 14, 2012
He´s Not Alone
(via J.M.G.)
I Have A Crush On Obama
Hey Barry, It's me.
If you're there, pick-up already.
I was just watching you on LOGO, mmm-hmm
Anywayz call me back.
Way Back in 2008?
You just couldn't relate?
Your evolution.
You're my solution.
I put down my Prop 8 sign.
Now I'm gonna make you mine.
Progressive, caring, and kind.
Cuz I gotta a crush on Obama
I cannot wait for my soulmate.
Barry you're the finest candidate.
I can't wait to see you get hard on Romney in debate.
Why don't you pick up your phone cuz
I got a crush on Obama.
I cannot wait for my soulmate.
Barry you're the finest candidate.
Open, Honest, and Out.
That's what we're all about.
I can't leave you alone.
Cuz I got crush on Obama.
You let us serve openly in the military.
I'm so jealous of the first lady.
Gay marriage will soon be the norm.
It makes me shiny and warm.
You support me unlike the right.
You're my rainbow colored knight.
Stonewall is going to be crazy tonight.
I gotta a crush on Obama.
I cannot wait for my soulmate.
Barry you're the finest candidate.
I can't wait to see you get hard on Romney in debate.
Why don't you pick up your phone cuz
I got a crush on Obama.
I cannot wait for my soulmate.
Barry you're the finest candidate.
Open, Honest, and Out.
That's what we're all about.
Four more fantastic years cuz I got a crush on Obama.
(Spell out)
O B A M A 2 0 1 2
Posted by
Bock McMillan
7:10:00 AM
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Friday, December 30, 2011
Bock: "2012 Will Be Wonderful!"
![]() |
"Farm in fog", photography by Gary Hamburgh |
Just as we watch the fogs slowly lifting over the farmhouse in Gary Hamburgh´s beautiful picture, here are my predictions for 2012.
- The universe as we know it will still be here
- We will have made contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence. However, they decline any further contact because they think we are dumb asses.
- The answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything will remain 42.
- The Arab spring will continue with baby-steps and a few set backs, it will eventually also turn into a Persian spring. There will still be no Chinese spring in sight
- The Internet will remain free, power mongers must realize you cannot put the genie back in the can once it is set free.
- Barack Obama will be reelected for a second term as President of the United States of America
- SecondLife will still be here, things will improve inworld when Viewer 1 has been dropped
- Linden Lab will remain as owners of SecondLife and their financial situation will slowly improve
- Mesh will... ugh lets wait and see, my answer on this one is 42
- The blog "Tinas universum" (Tina´s Universe) will be up and running again, the oldest Swedish avatar known to man cannot hold back long
- "Bock in SecondLife" will most likely still be here, lets say 42 on this one
- As for the rest - 42
- I will be 42 and Bock will be 5, but we will still look like 32 and act like 12
- I and Bock will have had sex again with another human being and/or avatar. Finally!
- I will still be on antidepressants but vastly improved
That´s it folks! All in all, we have a wonderful and marvelous year waiting for us. Enjoy 2012!
Posted by
Bock McMillan
1:45:00 PM
Barack Obama
Bock in SecondLife
Gary Hamburgh
Linden Lab
Tinas universum
Viewer 1

Thursday, August 4, 2011
Happy Birthday, Mr. President!
Today is the 50th birthday of Barack Obama, the president of the United States of America.
I would like to start with wishing you a very happy birthday, Mr. President, and may you have many, many more!
Then I would like to stick my neck out - and prepare to get it chopped off - as I am now going to comment on conditions in a country of which I am not a citizen.
My excuse for doing this is firstly that I am Swedish, we have always been great at telling everyone else how they should run their countries. I will flatly admit that Sweden has taken some steps along the American highway, but luckily we haven't gone as far down the path yet. We have politicians here also with an overconfidence in the markets ability to solve problems in an acceptable way.
Secondly it is that I am totally flabbergasted when I hear that everyone is disappointed with Obama´s policies, the poor, the African Americans, the elderly, the sick, the gays and the workers, the trade unions and so on ad infinitum. Obama has not done enough it is said, he has not spoken out for this or for that position and he hasn't fulfilled the promises he made when he was running for president.
Thirdly it is that I, my countrymen, all Europeans and the whole world economy is dependent on the American state and it´s economy functioning well. From afar I must say that the only thing that seems to run effectively is the American military and the pornographic industry.
Politics is the art of the possible, ladies and gentlemen, and I must remind you that the Americans voted a majority of Republicans into Congress two years after Obama´s election, thus effectively making him a "lame duck". We have all seen and heard the Republican party of the U.S. reviling and constantly working again him. Most recently in the budget-crisis where they effectively held a loaded gun to the presidents head while pushing him against the wall. In fact it was not only Obama and the Democratic party of the U.S. standing there, it was the whole world economy and we all watched in awe to see how far they would push it. The whole world is dependent on the American economy
It is extremely strange to acquire some small insights into how the American political system works or doesn't work. For a Scandinavian and European there seems to be a "Friedmanesque" overconfidence in "the (holy) market" and "less government" solving all problems.
In my mind every civilized country - and especially the richest, most talented country in the world should at least take care of its poor, its sick, its young and its elderly. It is not possible to ask the market to take care of this without government regulation and without setting acceptable standards of what society wishes the market to achieve.
I wish you a wonderful day, Mr. President, you have your work cut out for you tomorrow and in the foreseeable future. I also hope you get four more years as president, because in my mind - and I think in most Europeans - you are the best thing that happened to American politics for a long time. And for the world.
Looking at the alternatives that are proclaiming themselves as candidates for the presidency in 2012 I get terrified.
Yes you can, Mr. President!
(P.S. I may delete most of this post because on second thought I do not think the ramblings of a gay, middle aged Swede will be to any benefit for Obama, it´s just me venting...)
I would like to start with wishing you a very happy birthday, Mr. President, and may you have many, many more!
Then I would like to stick my neck out - and prepare to get it chopped off - as I am now going to comment on conditions in a country of which I am not a citizen.
My excuse for doing this is firstly that I am Swedish, we have always been great at telling everyone else how they should run their countries. I will flatly admit that Sweden has taken some steps along the American highway, but luckily we haven't gone as far down the path yet. We have politicians here also with an overconfidence in the markets ability to solve problems in an acceptable way.
Secondly it is that I am totally flabbergasted when I hear that everyone is disappointed with Obama´s policies, the poor, the African Americans, the elderly, the sick, the gays and the workers, the trade unions and so on ad infinitum. Obama has not done enough it is said, he has not spoken out for this or for that position and he hasn't fulfilled the promises he made when he was running for president.
Thirdly it is that I, my countrymen, all Europeans and the whole world economy is dependent on the American state and it´s economy functioning well. From afar I must say that the only thing that seems to run effectively is the American military and the pornographic industry.
Politics is the art of the possible, ladies and gentlemen, and I must remind you that the Americans voted a majority of Republicans into Congress two years after Obama´s election, thus effectively making him a "lame duck". We have all seen and heard the Republican party of the U.S. reviling and constantly working again him. Most recently in the budget-crisis where they effectively held a loaded gun to the presidents head while pushing him against the wall. In fact it was not only Obama and the Democratic party of the U.S. standing there, it was the whole world economy and we all watched in awe to see how far they would push it. The whole world is dependent on the American economy
It is extremely strange to acquire some small insights into how the American political system works or doesn't work. For a Scandinavian and European there seems to be a "Friedmanesque" overconfidence in "the (holy) market" and "less government" solving all problems.
In my mind every civilized country - and especially the richest, most talented country in the world should at least take care of its poor, its sick, its young and its elderly. It is not possible to ask the market to take care of this without government regulation and without setting acceptable standards of what society wishes the market to achieve.
I wish you a wonderful day, Mr. President, you have your work cut out for you tomorrow and in the foreseeable future. I also hope you get four more years as president, because in my mind - and I think in most Europeans - you are the best thing that happened to American politics for a long time. And for the world.
Looking at the alternatives that are proclaiming themselves as candidates for the presidency in 2012 I get terrified.
Yes you can, Mr. President!
(P.S. I may delete most of this post because on second thought I do not think the ramblings of a gay, middle aged Swede will be to any benefit for Obama, it´s just me venting...)
Posted by
Bock McMillan
12:10:00 PM
Saturday, December 18, 2010
US Senate Votes 65-31 For Repeal
The US Senate today voted to repeal the abhorrent DADT law.
65 Yay, 31 Nay and 4 abstentions. The 57 democrat senators were joined by 8 republicans
Congratulations American servicemen and women, you have now been granted the right to serve as openly gay, well not quite yet the president needs to sign the law also - which Barack Obama is expected to do.
US President Obama on the DADT-vote:
Two Republicans switched their "no" cloture votes to "yes" for repeal: Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) and Sen. John Ensign (R-NV). (I have entered the updated info into the post)
65 Yay, 31 Nay and 4 abstentions. The 57 democrat senators were joined by 8 republicans
Congratulations American servicemen and women, you have now been granted the right to serve as openly gay, well not quite yet the president needs to sign the law also - which Barack Obama is expected to do.
US President Obama on the DADT-vote:
Today, the Senate has taken an historic step toward ending a policy that undermines our national security while violating the very ideals that our brave men and women in uniform risk their lives to defend. By ending Don't Ask, Don't Tell, no longer will our nation be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans forced to leave the military, despite years of exemplary performance, because they happen to be gay. And no longer will many thousands more be asked to live a lie in order to serve the country they love.
As Commander-in-Chief, I am also absolutely convinced that making this change will only underscore the professionalism of our troops as the best led and best trained fighting force the world has ever known. And I join the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as well as the overwhelming majority of service members asked by the Pentagon, in knowing that we can responsibly transition to a new policy while ensuring our military strength and readiness.
I want to thank Majority Leader Reid, Senators Lieberman and Collins and the countless others who have worked so hard to get this done. It is time to close this chapter in our history. It is time to recognize that sacrifice, valor and integrity are no more defined by sexual orientation than they are by race or gender, religion or creed. It is time to allow gay and lesbian Americans to serve their country openly. I urge the Senate to send this bill to my desk so that I can sign it into law.
Two Republicans switched their "no" cloture votes to "yes" for repeal: Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) and Sen. John Ensign (R-NV). (I have entered the updated info into the post)
Posted by
Bock McMillan
9:56:00 AM
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Barack Obama declares LGBT Pride Month
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
May 28, 2010
Presidential Proclamation--Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month
As Americans, it is our birthright that all people are created equal and deserve the same rights, privileges, and opportunities. Since our earliest days of independence, our Nation has striven to fulfill that promise. An important chapter in our great, unfinished story is the movement for fairness and equality on behalf of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. This month, as we recognize the immeasurable contributions of LGBT Americans, we renew our commitment to the struggle for equal rights for LGBT Americans and to ending prejudice and injustice wherever it exists.
LGBT Americans have enriched and strengthened the fabric of our national life. From business leaders and professors to athletes and first responders, LGBT individuals have achieved success and prominence in every discipline. They are our mothers and fathers, our sons and daughters, and our friends and neighbors. Across my Administration, openly LGBT employees are serving at every level. Thanks to those who came before us the brave men and women who marched, stood up to injustice, and brought change through acts of compassion or defiance we have made enormous progress and continue to strive for a more perfect union.
My Administration has advanced our journey by signing into law the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr., Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which strengthens Federal protections against crimes based on gender identity or sexual orientation. We renewed the Ryan White CARE Act, which provides life saving medical services and support to Americans living with HIV/AIDS, and finally eliminated the HIV entry ban. I also signed a Presidential Memorandum directing hospitals receiving Medicare and Medicaid funds to give LGBT patients the compassion and security they deserve in their time of need, including the ability to choose someone other than an immediate family member to visit them and make medical decisions.
In other areas, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced a series of proposals to ensure core housing programs are open to everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. HUD also announced the first ever national study of discrimination against members of the LGBT community in the rental and sale of housing. Additionally, the Department of Health and Human Services has created a National Resource Center for LGBT Elders.
Much work remains to fulfill our Nation's promise of equal justice under law for LGBT Americans. That is why we must give committed gay couples the same rights and responsibilities afforded to any married couple, and repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. We must protect the rights of LGBT families by securing their adoption rights, ending employment discrimination against LGBT Americans, and ensuring Federal employees receive equal benefits. We must create safer schools so all our children may learn in a supportive environment. I am also committed to ending "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" so patriotic LGBT Americans can serve openly in our military, and I am working with the Congress and our military leadership to accomplish that goal.
As we honor the LGBT Americans who have given so much to our Nation, let us remember that if one of us is unable to realize full equality, we all fall short of our founding principles. Our Nation draws its strength from our diversity, with each of us contributing to the greater whole. By affirming these rights and values, each American benefits from the further advancement of liberty and justice for all.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2010 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon all Americans to observe this month by fighting prejudice and discrimination in their own lives and everywhere it exists.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
1:15:00 AM
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