Wherein this avatar's fates, adventures and experiences in, his thoughts and feelings about and his reactions to his first and second life are depicted with written messages, images and other audiovisual tools.
I am Bock in SecondLife and Bock is I in first life. We share thoughts, opinions, feelings, actions and reactions. We are one and the same and inseparable. On this blog I choose to share both my realities.
Showing posts with label Cascade Falls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cascade Falls. Show all posts
Monday, June 5, 2017
Cancelled Due to Lack of Interest
Posted by
Bock McMillan
10:10:00 AM
Cascade Falls
Southern Charm

Thursday, March 16, 2017
Laird: "Prachtig Nederland!" (Updated)
The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls etc., etc., today commented on the results of the Dutch elections.
"The people of the world, and especially Europe, should thank the Dutch voters for putting a stop to the growth of the Islamophobic and anti-EU populists.
Hopefully the results of this election will break the onslaught of the growing populism in Europe, I even dare to wish that it may set a trend for the upcoming national elections in Germany and France.
The Dutch example gives us all hope and shows the political leaders of Europe that it is possible to quell the rise of populism, even after Brexit and the American presidential election. Prachtig gedaan, Nederland!"
I found this quote by Jesse Klaver, leader of the GreenLeft party, that I cannot withhold from you. On polling day he said that the left’s answer to the far right’s rise in Europe was to stand up for its ideals. “What I would say to all my left wing friends in Europe: don’t try to fake the populace. Stand for your principles. Be straight. Be pro-refugee. Be pro-European. We’re gaining momentum in the polls. And I think that’s the message we have to send to Europe. You can stop populism.”
"The people of the world, and especially Europe, should thank the Dutch voters for putting a stop to the growth of the Islamophobic and anti-EU populists.
Hopefully the results of this election will break the onslaught of the growing populism in Europe, I even dare to wish that it may set a trend for the upcoming national elections in Germany and France.
The Dutch example gives us all hope and shows the political leaders of Europe that it is possible to quell the rise of populism, even after Brexit and the American presidential election. Prachtig gedaan, Nederland!"
I found this quote by Jesse Klaver, leader of the GreenLeft party, that I cannot withhold from you. On polling day he said that the left’s answer to the far right’s rise in Europe was to stand up for its ideals. “What I would say to all my left wing friends in Europe: don’t try to fake the populace. Stand for your principles. Be straight. Be pro-refugee. Be pro-European. We’re gaining momentum in the polls. And I think that’s the message we have to send to Europe. You can stop populism.”
Posted by
Bock McMillan
12:02:00 PM
Cascade Falls
Jesse Klaver
presidential election
Southern Charm
The Netherlands
United Kingdom

Friday, November 18, 2016
The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls etc. etc. will be unreachable this afternoon and evening. The official reason given is an alleged summit meeting among the world leaders concerning ramifications on International security by the election of Mr. Donald J. Trump as president of the United States.
The unofficial - and more truthful reason - is that the laird yesterday received the full DVD-collection of Game of Thrones, season 6, and will spend the Friday evening kicking back and frolicking in frisky murder and mayhem with the characters of that wondrous production.
The unofficial - and more truthful reason - is that the laird yesterday received the full DVD-collection of Game of Thrones, season 6, and will spend the Friday evening kicking back and frolicking in frisky murder and mayhem with the characters of that wondrous production.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
10:02:00 AM
Cascade Falls
Donald J Trump
Game of Thrones
presidential election
Southern Charm

Tuesday, October 18, 2016
If the Mountain Won't Come to Muhammad...
"If the mountain won't come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain" is a phrase coined by Francis Bacon, probably based on a Turkish proverb.
Well, the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls etc., etc., has for some time been pressured by his old friend Francis to come visit him in Rome.
The laird has made up one ridiculous excuse after another for not going, the truth is possibly that he is a bit overwhelmed that his old pal, the seminar student Jorge has suddenly become a sovereign like himself since being elected Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, the Bishop of Rome and Sovereign of the Vatican City. (The man may actually, however hard it may be to believe, hold more titles than the laird.)
Anyway, Jorge wasn't having any more evasions so he saw to it that he could travel to the lairds first life home in style. Ostensibly he will be in Lund from the 31st of October to the1st of November to commemorate the 500th year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation with other church leaders. However, the two of them know the true reason. They are to hang out, drink some beer and/or wine, eat pasta and talk about bygone days.
It seems, that the laird - once he got over his exasperation and surprise - is looking forward to the reunion.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
10:07:00 AM
Bishop of Rome
Cascade Falls
Pope Francis
Protestant Reformation
seminary student
Southern Charm

Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Boo Yah!
After more than three months of trepidation and with some lingering fears about everything that could possibly go wrong today The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls, Sovereign Ruler of the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment and Outer Territories, UN appointed Protector of the Mount Whitney sim in SecondLife and pretender to the throne of Macedonia and dependent territories, finally decided to undertake the task of installing a router.
Contrary to his usual habits when dealing with technical products the laird decided to read the instructions carefully - three times. It is not certain if this change of regular behavior perhaps was the key to the success - but that aside - the process of installing the device and managing the settings went miraculously smoothly.

In honor of his amazing achievements the laird declared the day to be a National Holiday and sent all the princesses and princes home - except a mere 50 of them to serve his personal needs. He also awarded himself the Imperial Star, 1st class with Emerald in honor of his technological brilliance and wizardry.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
9:41:00 AM
Sunday, January 11, 2015
The Laird Bestows Princehood on Pook
In a solemn ceremony at Southern Charm today The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls, Sovereign Ruler of the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment Region and Outer Territories and finally UN appointed Protector of the Mount Whitney sim in SecondLife bestowed princely honors upon his son Pook Cypher.
![]() |
H.R.H. Pook, Le Prince du Nord |
Pook, as you all may know, is a result of genetic experimentation whereby the DNA of the laird, his consort Tomais, Bre Czaroux and Erik Czaroux were mixed in a perfect combination.
Attending the ceremony were most of the princesses and princes of Southern Charm and all four of his fathers.
At the ceremony the new prince also received the title of H.R.H. Pook, Le Prince du Nord.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
12:10:00 PM
Friday, January 9, 2015
The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls, Sovereign Ruler of the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment Region and Outer Territories and finally UN appointed Protector of the Mount Whitney sims in SecondLife, today issued the following proclamation.
"It is with great pleasure We today congratulate Dejerrity Mycron, Our brother and Our dearest friend, on his first 3.000 days in SecondLife.
Although Our sweet, crazy and supportive brother first rezzed into SecondLife on October 23rd, 2006, he doesn't look a day older than 2.000 days, We are certain that you will all agree.
It is therefor a great joy for Us to - in honor of Dej - proclaim this day a day of celebration of "Oldies but Goldies", in all of the territories under Our benevolent rule.
Though We cannot command it, We express the hope that all other realms who wish to maintain good relations with Us in the future follow us in this.
Happy #Dej3000Days to you all!"
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Snubbed Again!
"That tired old spiteful German tart, she has done it again!"
The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls, Sovereign Ruler of the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment Region and Outer Territories and finally UN appointed Protector of the Mount Whitney sim in SecondLife, has been frantically repeating that sentence all day, to anyone who cared to listen.
The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls, Sovereign Ruler of the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment Region and Outer Territories and finally UN appointed Protector of the Mount Whitney sim in SecondLife, has been frantically repeating that sentence all day, to anyone who cared to listen.
It is of course the lack of an invitation to today's Nobel prize ceremony and banquet that has upset the laird. He blames Silvia, the Queen of Sweden, and their long-lasting feud for being snubbed yet again.
This year the Commonwealth of Southern Charm even sent a delegation to the Nobel Prize Committee and the Royal Court of Sweden to ensure an invitation. Alas the mission was unsuccessful as no one could convince the queen to forgive the laird.
The Foreign Ministry of Southern Charm today summoned the Swedish Ambassador, her excellency Ms Kandinsky Beaumont, to meet with Wild Zepp, Minister of the Exterior, to inform her of the lairds great displeasure over this continued animosity and hostility.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
2:37:00 PM
Saturday, October 19, 2013
A Mission to Krakow
“Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła” are the first words is the national anthem of Poland. Translated to English they mean "Poland Is Not Yet Lost".
The words became relevant in a discussion yesterday at a summit meeting at Southern Charm. The recent discovery of an age-old peace treaty in SecondLife from as far back as 1993 whereby the citizens of the Polish town of Krakow with SecondLife avatars swore eternal allegiance to the laird of Southern Charm (or his legitimate predecessor). Over time the treaty had been forgotten and no efforts had been made to develop or consolidate the alliance.
The discussion concerned whether or not it was meaningful for Southern Charm to try to revive or revitalize the treaty or if Krakow should be given up. At one point in the discussion HRH prince Wild Zepp, who always finds a way to show off his multilingual talents exclaimed, "Noch ist Polen nicht verloren", which is the German translation of the initial words in the Polish anthem.
This enthusiastic outburst completely changed the mood of the meeting, and instead of asking whether or not a mission should be sent to Krakow to salvage what was possible the conversation switched to when and how the mission should be formed.
It was finally decided that the mission of "love, peace and cordiality" much include the laird himself accompanied by an unwedded prince and a an unwedded princess of his immediate family. The latter two would be married off with some Krakowians to further strengthen the bond. "With their beautiful faces, bodies and minds and their charming dispositions the residents of Krakow will not be able to resist us!", HRH princess Hedda Millar said.
The two unmarried royalty that were chosen from within the family were HRH princess Minerva Xenno and HRH prince Matt Gaboian, who were both able and willing albeit a bit concerned about how this would end.
It was determined that the mission would leave, with a rudimentary following of only fifty people to care for and serve the royal's immediate needs. as soon as possible, i.e. the next Tuesday and return back on Sunday.
"Krakow is still Ours", the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls, Sovereign Ruler of the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment Region and Outer Territories and finally also UN appointed Protector of the Solace Island and Mount Whitney sims in SecondLife, concluded with a happy smile.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
12:40:00 AM
Cascade Falls
Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment
Southern Charm

Monday, September 30, 2013
Lazy Sunday
![]() |
The laird rests while his guardian angels Butch and Guyke watch |
Noblesse oblige, so between his laden social calendar, his lairdly duties and his investigative blogging (or being a general busybody as some call it when he doesn't report as they would wish he reported) take a heavy toll on even a strong man.
Yesterday an opportunity for some rest opened up, as the board meeting of Second Pride was not unduly prolonged, although some unsuccessful attempts were made.
The candidate statements are already posted here: Second Pride; Board Candidate Statements (url).
Although I will not spoil your fun when going there to check out the applicants, I must say that I welcome them both. The two would, in my not so humble opinion, be a tremendous asset for the Second Pride Board in its future work.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
10:37:00 AM
Cascade Falls
Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment
Second Pride
Southern Charm

Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Welcome to Sweden, Mr. President!
President Barack Obama arrives to Sweden this morning for the first bilateral state visit to Sweden ever by an incumbent American president. We had President George W. Bush here a couple of years ago, but that was for an International summit meeting.
Although we are well aware that the American presidents short visit to Sweden occurs only because of the the gap that arose in his plans when the Americans decided to show displeasure with the Russians for granting a temporary refuge to Edward Snowden (who leaked information about America's massive surveillance online) and cancelled a scheduled meeting with the Russian President Vladimir "Little Father" Putin.
Nonetheless we are thrilled to receive Obama as a guest and hope that he will have a wonderful stay with some straightforward and serious discussions with the Swedish representatives.
Alas the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls and sovereign ruler of The Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment with Outer Territories, will not be able to meet with the American President due to a "political flu", which has been brought on by the prevailing enmity between the beloved laird and the awful Silvia, Queen of Sweden.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
12:00:00 AM
Friday, August 9, 2013
Security Arrangements
Following the events of the day the McMillan Household today decided to increase the protection offered to the much honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls and sovereign ruler of the Southern Enchantment Region with Outer Territories. Two hunky bodyguards have been assigned to follow the lairds every move.
It is rumored that the laird is not entirely pleased by these measures but has patiently suffered the inconvenience of the enforced company - so far.
It is rumored that the laird is not entirely pleased by these measures but has patiently suffered the inconvenience of the enforced company - so far.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
7:54:00 PM
Thursday, June 6, 2013
The Tag Crisis
My sweet friend Butch seems to create and dissolve a fan-group in SecondLife every third month or so. Recently he created a more general fan-group that - hopefully - could encompass all his future ventures and/or clubs, Butch Diavolo | Info Group.
I was of course invited to join, as I am one of his biggest fans. All would have bee good and well, if it had not been for his unfortunate choice of group tags. Butch tagged himself as "The Weird One" and the rest of the group members as "Party Weirdo". Can you believe it? One would really have expected more of this otherwise pleasant, intelligent man with exquisite taste.
The situation was, as you can imagine, completely unacceptable and unsatisfactory for my station in life, so I started a rebellion in the group chat. Here is a slightly edited (mostly only shortened) extract of the group chat.
Bock McMillan: Party Weirdo, huh? I think a laird deserves a much classier tag than that! Pfffffffft
Aisha Ceawlin: LMAO
Harli (harliquin.taurus): I like party weirdo tag
Amanda269 Allen: I complained also
Aisha Ceawlin: I complained too
Bock McMillan: I feel so belittled - almost as if I was walking in the middle of a street at high-noon in only nappies
Amanda269 Allen: I mean....Party Weirdo??
TἶTἶ Lυςαѕ (titianna.omizu): Fits us
Amanda269 Allen: Pfff
Amanda269 Allen: No comment
Harli (harliquin.taurus): I love the tag, wear it all the time lol
TἶTἶ Lυςαѕ (titianna.omizu): Could have been worse
Butch Diavolo: Hmm... the plebs are revolting?
Aisha Ceawlin: O.M.G. it speaks :P
Bock McMillan: Well, Harli, I am sure it could be suitable for some people - but after all I am a laird, mind you
Butch Diavolo: Y'all are weirdos, so the tag fits
Bock McMillan: Pffft if only I was tagged "The much Honored Weirdo" or something similar I would not complain
Harli (harliquin.taurus): A laird of x?
Butch Diavolo: In your case, that title is implied, Bock ;)
Bock McMillan: I am Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls and sovereign ruler of the Southern Enchantment region with all its outer territories etc., etc.
Kiri Dasmijn (kiri.cisse): The Outer Territories being the rest of SL?
Bock McMillan: Nahhh, Solace Island, Mount Whitney and a few more unknown places...
Butch Diavolo: SL and RL
Kiri Dasmijn (kiri.cisse): What about the Moon?
Bock McMillan: The supreme ruler of this group is trying to admonish me in IM
Spanki Moulliez: I've got a feeling Bock's title is not going to fit on the tag :P
TἶTἶ Lυςαѕ (titianna.omizu): lol
Butch Diavolo: Since you cancelled the Kiss-a-Swede day, you will stay a party weirdo <--- admonishment="" i="">
Spanki Moulliez: Every day should be kiss a Swede day! perhaps that can be your title
Bock McMillan: The Moon is only a U.N. Protectorate in my realm, Kiri
Bock McMillan: That day is cancelled due to bad weather
Kiri Dasmijn (kiri.cisse): Yeah it's a protectorate til we run low on cheese, then it's every nation for itself.
Butch Diavolo: ( Lairdy Weirdo? )
Bock McMillan: The Right Honorable Weirdo would be sufficient even though I would feel common
Butch Diavolo: That won't fit
Butch Diavolo: Or better yet... A Right Weirdo
Bock McMillan: The Honorable Weirdo then if it must be shortened
A few days later I got an offline message from The Weird One informing me that my tag had been changed.
I find the new tag satisfactory and appropriately respectful! Thank you so much for your responsiveness to my needs, Butch!
I was of course invited to join, as I am one of his biggest fans. All would have bee good and well, if it had not been for his unfortunate choice of group tags. Butch tagged himself as "The Weird One" and the rest of the group members as "Party Weirdo". Can you believe it? One would really have expected more of this otherwise pleasant, intelligent man with exquisite taste.
The situation was, as you can imagine, completely unacceptable and unsatisfactory for my station in life, so I started a rebellion in the group chat. Here is a slightly edited (mostly only shortened) extract of the group chat.
Bock McMillan: Party Weirdo, huh? I think a laird deserves a much classier tag than that! Pfffffffft
Aisha Ceawlin: LMAO
Harli (harliquin.taurus): I like party weirdo tag
Amanda269 Allen: I complained also
Aisha Ceawlin: I complained too
Bock McMillan: I feel so belittled - almost as if I was walking in the middle of a street at high-noon in only nappies
Amanda269 Allen: I mean....Party Weirdo??
TἶTἶ Lυςαѕ (titianna.omizu): Fits us
Amanda269 Allen: Pfff
Amanda269 Allen: No comment
Harli (harliquin.taurus): I love the tag, wear it all the time lol
TἶTἶ Lυςαѕ (titianna.omizu): Could have been worse
Butch Diavolo: Hmm... the plebs are revolting?
Aisha Ceawlin: O.M.G. it speaks :P
Bock McMillan: Well, Harli, I am sure it could be suitable for some people - but after all I am a laird, mind you
Butch Diavolo: Y'all are weirdos, so the tag fits
Bock McMillan: Pffft if only I was tagged "The much Honored Weirdo" or something similar I would not complain
Harli (harliquin.taurus): A laird of x?
Butch Diavolo: In your case, that title is implied, Bock ;)
Bock McMillan: I am Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls and sovereign ruler of the Southern Enchantment region with all its outer territories etc., etc.
Kiri Dasmijn (kiri.cisse): The Outer Territories being the rest of SL?
Bock McMillan: Nahhh, Solace Island, Mount Whitney and a few more unknown places...
Butch Diavolo: SL and RL
Kiri Dasmijn (kiri.cisse): What about the Moon?
Bock McMillan: The supreme ruler of this group is trying to admonish me in IM
Spanki Moulliez: I've got a feeling Bock's title is not going to fit on the tag :P
TἶTἶ Lυςαѕ (titianna.omizu): lol
Butch Diavolo: Since you cancelled the Kiss-a-Swede day, you will stay a party weirdo <--- admonishment="" i="">
Spanki Moulliez: Every day should be kiss a Swede day! perhaps that can be your title
Bock McMillan: The Moon is only a U.N. Protectorate in my realm, Kiri
Bock McMillan: That day is cancelled due to bad weather
Kiri Dasmijn (kiri.cisse): Yeah it's a protectorate til we run low on cheese, then it's every nation for itself.
Butch Diavolo: ( Lairdy Weirdo? )
Bock McMillan: The Right Honorable Weirdo would be sufficient even though I would feel common
Butch Diavolo: That won't fit
Butch Diavolo: Or better yet... A Right Weirdo
Bock McMillan: The Honorable Weirdo then if it must be shortened
I find the new tag satisfactory and appropriately respectful! Thank you so much for your responsiveness to my needs, Butch!
Posted by
Bock McMillan
7:02:00 AM
Butch Diavolo | Info Group
Cascade Falls
Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment
Southern Charm

Thursday, May 23, 2013
Hooray, the Laird Is Back!
This evening the much honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls etc., etc., to the great joy of his underlings returned home safely after his tour to the far eastern regions of his territories. It is rumored that the laird himself seemed extremely pleased both with the trip and with being back home, although he went to rest without too many words.
His personal assistant is reported to have said that the laird was sleeping with a smile on his face.
His personal assistant is reported to have said that the laird was sleeping with a smile on his face.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
12:53:00 PM
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Laird to Inspect Apple Orchards
A spokesman from the McMillan Household at the daily press conference today announced that The Most Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls etc., etc., is leaving tomorrow morning for a short inspection tour of his many apple orchards in the outer territories.
According to the spokesman the laird will travel incognito only accompanied by a bare minimum of staff and servants so as not to attract attention.
As you all should know, the apples from The Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment are famous in both lives for their deliciousness. They are a large source of income to the McMillan household. The laird is known to have said - on more than one occasion "Without my precious apples I would have had to marry off most of the sponging scoundrels in my family and household. Sometimes I think I will do it anyway."
The entourage of 20 souls are expected to return back home again on Thursday evening.
According to the spokesman the laird will travel incognito only accompanied by a bare minimum of staff and servants so as not to attract attention.
As you all should know, the apples from The Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment are famous in both lives for their deliciousness. They are a large source of income to the McMillan household. The laird is known to have said - on more than one occasion "Without my precious apples I would have had to marry off most of the sponging scoundrels in my family and household. Sometimes I think I will do it anyway."
The entourage of 20 souls are expected to return back home again on Thursday evening.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
2:20:00 PM
Saturday, May 18, 2013
WANTED: Kissable Swedish Avatars
The time is quickly approaching for The Third Annual International Kiss-A-Swede Day in SecondLife. As you all may already know this event occurs yearly on the Swedish national day, June 6.
The much honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls and absolute sovereign ruler of the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment with all distant territories etc., etc., is now calling for all kissable Swedes in SecondLife to join him in catering to the hankerings, desires and wanton lusts of the International community.
"Our Swede-deprived International guests need to be met by the most awesome lineup we can muster to provide them with the charming experience it entails to kiss or be kissed by a Swede. Let's give them a lasting memory and have them coming back for more. If you have kissed a Swede once, there is no turning back!", says the laird with a shy smile.
When: Thursday June 6, 2013, 12 PM - 2 PM
Where: The Southern Charm sim (SLurl will be supplied at a later date)
Who: Any and every avatar who identifies as Swedish and has a humanoid shape (farm equipment or other machinery need not apply).
What: Kiss, hug and have fun to great music and with old and new friends. (Clothing is optional, but bits and parts should be covered - at least at the beginning)
Why: Just for the hell of it and for sharing your charm with humankind.
Please send your information to Bock's email or just drop a note card on the laird's profile in SecondLife. The email or the note card should include your full SecondLife (searchable) name and if you have special needs or requests the organizers need to arrange for.
Participants should immediately start moisturizing, exercising and puckering up their lips to be in perfect condition for the event.
The much honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm, prince of Cascade Falls and absolute sovereign ruler of the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment with all distant territories etc., etc., is now calling for all kissable Swedes in SecondLife to join him in catering to the hankerings, desires and wanton lusts of the International community.
"Our Swede-deprived International guests need to be met by the most awesome lineup we can muster to provide them with the charming experience it entails to kiss or be kissed by a Swede. Let's give them a lasting memory and have them coming back for more. If you have kissed a Swede once, there is no turning back!", says the laird with a shy smile.
When: Thursday June 6, 2013, 12 PM - 2 PM
Where: The Southern Charm sim (SLurl will be supplied at a later date)
Who: Any and every avatar who identifies as Swedish and has a humanoid shape (farm equipment or other machinery need not apply).
What: Kiss, hug and have fun to great music and with old and new friends. (Clothing is optional, but bits and parts should be covered - at least at the beginning)
Why: Just for the hell of it and for sharing your charm with humankind.
Please send your information to Bock's email or just drop a note card on the laird's profile in SecondLife. The email or the note card should include your full SecondLife (searchable) name and if you have special needs or requests the organizers need to arrange for.
Participants should immediately start moisturizing, exercising and puckering up their lips to be in perfect condition for the event.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
3:58:00 AM
Friday, April 26, 2013
"We Didn't Even Get Dessert..."
Yesterday the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, returned back home from the short state visit to the Kingdom of Sweden.
According to the communiqués issued from both nations the visit went well and the peace and friendship treaty between the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment and the Kingdom of Sweden was signed as intended. This blog however, soon after the return of the entourage, picked up on some rumors from the loose-lipped confidants that had accompanied the laird on the trip that perhaps all had not gone as well as the communikqués declared.
As far as it has been possible to establish it seems the laird himself was involved in an unfortunate incident at the closing luncheon arranged by the Swedish hosts. When we approached the laird for some information about what may have occurred he was surprisingly forthcoming.
"It was that German woman, what's her name---?, the tall one with one too many facelifts...? (Prince Wild whispered discreetly "Queen Silvia") "....ahh yes Silvio, thank you Wild. That woman, the queen, had been badgering me for two days telling me that I "simply had to come" to the wedding this summer of their youngest daughter to some American commoner. Finally I could not take more and snapped at her that I certainly would not attend because I had much more important things to do, I could not be expected to attend every wedding I was invited to. Besides the same weekend as the marriage I was going to a spa for a purifying and purging colonic and after that there was the annual Farmers Market at Southern Charm where I was going to be head judge in "The Mr. Sexy Farmer" contest for the sixth year running. This kind explanation lead to the German woman getting upset and starting to howl and cry like crazy and it was then suggested that I and my delegation better leave the lunch. Well, what does one expect really from the descendants of a French revolutionary from the Napoleonic era? We didn't even get dessert before being thrown out, imagine that! "
Posted by
Bock McMillan
1:45:00 PM
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
State Visit to Sweden
The much honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, is travelling to Stockholm, Sweden, tomorrow for a two day state visit on Wednesday and Thursday.
The object of the state visit is to sign a treaty of peace and friendship between the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment and the Kingdom of Sweden.
During his visit to Stockholm the laird will of course also meet up with his dear cousin His Royal Majesty King Charles XVI Gustavus and his family.
To ensure the laird has a comfortable trip, he will be accompanied by the twelve top princes and princesses to care for all his needs and whims.
The object of the state visit is to sign a treaty of peace and friendship between the Commonwealth of Southern Enchantment and the Kingdom of Sweden.
During his visit to Stockholm the laird will of course also meet up with his dear cousin His Royal Majesty King Charles XVI Gustavus and his family.
To ensure the laird has a comfortable trip, he will be accompanied by the twelve top princes and princesses to care for all his needs and whims.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
2:36:00 PM
Sunday, February 10, 2013
The Wedding of Garth and Mitch (Updated)
If it was a fairy tale it would start something like this. "'Twas on the day when Dejerrity Mycron got 11 inches¹ on Manhattan Island, New York, N.Y., that Garth Raleigh and Mitch Underby were married in the humongous cathedral of Splendid Place."
The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, arrived to the cathedral fashionably late with his sullen aide-de-camp the commoner Butch Diavolo in tow. Butch was sullen because he had been ordered to accompany me and forced to wear shoes for the occasion.

Soon after we had arrived and taken our inconspicuous and uncharacteristically humble seats the officiant arrived. It was Draghan Marksman in the guise of a rabbinical neko², or as my aide-de-camp chose to call it "A Kosher Cat". He looked absolutely stunning.
After the ceremony there was a reception nearby. While trying to move there I encountered some troubles and decided to re-log. Before leaving I thought to myself that I should perhaps try unchecking the HTTP Textures again, as previously suggested by Whirly, to try to cure my old #01587329-problem. So I did that before leaving.

There was also a show, mainly with the amazing entertainer Oliver Elton, but also a special appearance on stage by Atreyu Raleigh (or Trey or Craig I got confused by the many names people gave him) a son of one of the grooms who joined Oliver for a rendition of the gay anthem "Its Raining Men". I was so enthralled that I unfortunately forgot to take a picture.
After talking with Craig Raleigh in-world I am proud to add this picture from the part I missed. Thank you Craig!
During this performance, when Oliver and Atreyu turned their backs to the audience and bowed, a guest said "I see cracks, and they´re not on the ceiling mind you..."
The wedding party then moved into the adjoining room for champagne, cake and some dancing.
Above myself and my aide-de-camp flanking the newly weds. Below the officiant gets into the groove with the booze and finally topples over.
The rest of the guests were well-behaved although some intimate ass-fondling could be noticed by an observant onlooker (me).
It was here I re-encountered Rob Colter, the poor man who had been sitting beside me - and behind my emerald gown - at the Miss Wigstock 2013 contest. Rob was a perfect gentleman and tried to convince me that he had not been bothered in the least.
We were also treated to a spectacular fireworks show to the backdrop of the castle. This was again the widely talented Oliver Elton´s work.
After the fireworks show I noticed my typos increasing rapidly, which i a sure sign that I am getting very tired and should go to bed, so I congratulated the happy couple a final time said my good bye´s and dropped out to first life. When I dropped off the party was still going on and it may probably still be...
I hope you live happily ever after, Garth and Mitch!
¹) 11 inches of snow, you dirty-minded little sods, this was the day the northeastern blizzard Nemo hit New York, N.Y., remember? (This joke is credited to my brother-in-law Dej)
²) A neko is sort of a human cat, i.e. an avatar with a human body shape donning a cat tail and cat ears and sometimes also whiskers.
The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, arrived to the cathedral fashionably late with his sullen aide-de-camp the commoner Butch Diavolo in tow. Butch was sullen because he had been ordered to accompany me and forced to wear shoes for the occasion.
"Do you really think that I can arrive at such a festive occasion without being accompanied by a strikingly handsome man or with a peasant without shoes?", I asked him. "Now drop your c**k and grab your shoes, we have to be there in five minutes!"

The cathedral was already full of family and other guests of the two grooms when we finally arrived. Unfortunately I had my double-talk problem (today with a delay of a few minutes). This also affected my movements so I was walking all over the waiting guests before I could grab an empty seat.

A short while later the wedding procession made it´s entrance into the cathedral and the two grooms took their places at the pews.
The wedding service was fairly traditional with highly moving personal vows from the handsome grooms. Mitch tried to make a run from it all mid-ceremony, he most likely got a bout of the wedding-jitters, but to the relief of Garth and the assembled guests he re-logged quickly and the ceremony was completed in an orderly fashion.After the ceremony there was a reception nearby. While trying to move there I encountered some troubles and decided to re-log. Before leaving I thought to myself that I should perhaps try unchecking the HTTP Textures again, as previously suggested by Whirly, to try to cure my old #01587329-problem. So I did that before leaving.
When I arrived back the company had assembled to hear speeches and toasts to honor the newly wed. My double-speech and double-movements had amazingly been cured, to my great relief.

There was also a show, mainly with the amazing entertainer Oliver Elton, but also a special appearance on stage by Atreyu Raleigh (or Trey or Craig I got confused by the many names people gave him) a son of one of the grooms who joined Oliver for a rendition of the gay anthem "Its Raining Men". I was so enthralled that I unfortunately forgot to take a picture.
After talking with Craig Raleigh in-world I am proud to add this picture from the part I missed. Thank you Craig!
![]() |
Craig Raleigh in "Its Raining Men", photographed by himself |
The wedding party then moved into the adjoining room for champagne, cake and some dancing.
Above myself and my aide-de-camp flanking the newly weds. Below the officiant gets into the groove with the booze and finally topples over.
The rest of the guests were well-behaved although some intimate ass-fondling could be noticed by an observant onlooker (me).
It was here I re-encountered Rob Colter, the poor man who had been sitting beside me - and behind my emerald gown - at the Miss Wigstock 2013 contest. Rob was a perfect gentleman and tried to convince me that he had not been bothered in the least.
We were also treated to a spectacular fireworks show to the backdrop of the castle. This was again the widely talented Oliver Elton´s work.
I hope you live happily ever after, Garth and Mitch!
¹) 11 inches of snow, you dirty-minded little sods, this was the day the northeastern blizzard Nemo hit New York, N.Y., remember? (This joke is credited to my brother-in-law Dej)
²) A neko is sort of a human cat, i.e. an avatar with a human body shape donning a cat tail and cat ears and sometimes also whiskers.
Posted by
Bock McMillan
5:20:00 AM
Cascade Falls
HTTP Textures
Miss Wigstock 2013
Southern Charm

Sunday, February 3, 2013
Support Ticket #01587329 XVIII (corrected)
Today I have been testing as required by my friends at Linden Lab. This is the full report that I am sending to my dear friend Theresa Linden today. It is essentially a copy/paste from my SecondLife chat log.
I have corrected the post as I noticed my first stop at KMADD had somehow been lost (10:01-10:04 in the chat log).
Please do not forget to turn on your music at the bottom of the post before reading, as prescribed by +Eddi Haskell.
"Hello again dear Theresa,
I hope you are having a wonderful Super bowl weekend. I have been busy conducting the tests the developers recommended and am sending you a copy of the report with pictures enclosed.
So it seems the suggested changes have cured my repetitions of chat/purchases/teleports but instead I am crashing all the time.
However, I will ask that you please keep the support ticket and the Jira open until I have tried again tomorrow, because there have been a few times earlier that I thought the problems were over but when I logged in the next day they had returned.
I would also like to know how long I must keep the HTTP Textures unchecked and remain in the Male Test Avatar.
The Test Report February 3, 2013.
[2013/02/03 09:57] Bock McMillan: This is the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, speaking.
[2013/02/03 09:58] Bock McMillan: Greetings my friends at Linden Lab!
[2013/02/03 09:59] Bock McMillan: As you see from the enclosed picture (Test 1) I have unchecked HTTP Textures in the Develop Menu and I have also reverted to the Male Test Avatar.
[2013/02/03 10:01] Bock McMillan: Let the testing begin! I wish you all the best of luck in solving the problems I have encountered lately, may your intelligence, your skills and your creativity be with you in assisting me with these annoying problems.
[2013/02/03 10:02] Bock McMillan: It is time for the first teleport, here we go!
[2013/02/03 10:02] Second Life: Teleport completed from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Southern%20Charm/238/53/33
[2013/02/03 10:03] Bock McMillan: We have now arrived at the KMADD store.
[2013/02/03 10:03] Bock McMillan: We have now arrived at the KMADD store.
[2013/02/03 10:03] Bock McMillan: Testing 123
[2013/02/03 10:03] Bock McMillan: Testing 123
[2013/02/03 10:04] Bock McMillan: Ahhh as you see the repeats are still occurring
[2013/02/03 10:04] Bock McMillan: Ahhh as you see the repeats are still occurring
[2013/02/03 10:04] Bock McMillan: Let us move to another sim
[2013/02/03 10:04] Bock McMillan: Let us move to another sim
[2013/02/03 10:04] Second Life: Teleport completed from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kmadd%20Enterprise/188/90/26
[2013/02/03 10:12] Bock McMillan: OK, I crashed soon after I arrived here at the Sey Main Store. The local chat did not go through. I have cleared my cache and come back to the last location.
[2013/02/03 10:13] Bock McMillan: I could not move either.
[2013/02/03 10:13] Bock McMillan: Both those problems seem to be gone now,
[2013/02/03 10:14] Bock McMillan: And it seems the chat is not repeating either...? But sometimes there is a short delay...
[2013/02/03 10:15] Bock McMillan: Let me try buying a Demo here
[2013/02/03 10:15] Second Life: :SEY =Mesh= Vest+T-shirt [DEMO ver.] owned by an unknown user gave you ':SEY =Mesh= Vest+T-shirt [DEMO ver.]' ( http://slurl.com/secondlife/GREED/116/147/26 ).
[2013/02/03 10:16] Bock McMillan: well no buy, but a single click gave me a single demo
[2013/02/03 10:16] Bock McMillan: Lets go back to KMADD and see what happens there
[2013/02/03 10:17] Second Life: Teleport completed from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/GREED/84/169/26
[2013/02/03 10:17] Bock McMillan: Back at KMADD
[2013/02/03 10:17] Bock McMillan: Lo and behold, no repeat?
[2013/02/03 10:18] Bock McMillan: I bought Shape Demos
[2013/02/03 10:18] Bock McMillan: and I actually only got one set
[2013/02/03 10:19] Bock McMillan: Lets try an IM
[2013/02/03 10:24] Bock McMillan: OK I am pasting in my IM with my son in-law Ziggy here.
[2013/02/03 10:25] Bock McMillan:
[10:22] Bock McMillan: Greeting son in-law! Be courteous as I am going to ask you to copy and paste our conversation so that I can send it to my friends at Linden Lab who are examining and trying to help me with my problems.
[10:22] Bock McMillan: Do you get repeats, darling?
[10:22] Ziggy Starsmith: no repeats at all you seem fine
[10:22] Bock McMillan: Yeahaaaaaaaaaaaaw!
[10:23] Bock McMillan: Could you please copy and paste?
[10:23] Ziggy Starsmith: ok 1 sec
[10:24] Bock McMillan: Thanks so much sexy!
[2013/02/03 10:26] Bock McMillan: Moving along
[2013/02/03 10:26] Second Life: Teleport completed from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kmadd%20Enterprise/157/81/26
[2013/02/03 10:26] Touch For ROF iNFO OR TO JOIN gROUP:
Hello Bock McMillan!
[2013/02/03 10:34] Bock McMillan: As you see from the screenshot marked Test 2 I was at the Remembering Our Friends sim
[2013/02/03 10:34] Bock McMillan: When I arrived there I could not chat in local and I could not move
[2013/02/03 10:35] Bock McMillan: With "could not chat" I mean, I sent a message in local but it never showed up on my screen
[2013/02/03 10:36] Bock McMillan: When I tried to move away from ROF to Moa, I crashed
[2013/02/03 10:36] Bock McMillan: I will go back to ROF now and see what happens
[2013/02/03 10:36] Second Life: Teleport completed from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Southern%20Charm/238/53/33
[2013/02/03 10:36] Touch For ROF iNFO OR TO JOIN gROUP:
Hello Bock McMillan!
[2013/02/03 10:37] Bock McMillan: Back again at ROF
[2013/02/03 10:37] Bock McMillan: This time I can chat and move
[2013/02/03 10:38] Bock McMillan: I will try donating by buying candle light for my Ars
[2013/02/03 10:39] BDG - ROF - Gas Light (low Prim) V2: THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND DONATION,WE REALLY APRECIATE
[2013/02/03 10:39] Bock McMillan: Excellent, I only paid once and chat is still not repeating...
[2013/02/03 10:40] Bock McMillan: OK, I am buying another five weeks of oil for the candle
[2013/02/03 10:40] BDG - ROF - Gas Light (low Prim) V2: THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND DONATION,WE REALLY APRECIATE
[2013/02/03 10:41] Bock McMillan: Working fine
[2013/02/03 10:43] Bock McMillan: Cannot seem to find the donation boxes here at ROF, they are not rezzing for me
[2013/02/03 10:43] Bock McMillan: I will come back another time
[2013/02/03 10:43] Bock McMillan: OK off to Moa
[2013/02/03 10:44] Second Life: Teleport completed from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Remembering%20Friends/91/128/21
[2013/02/03 10:50] Bock McMillan: I am now at Moa, I can move and I can speak in local
[2013/02/03 10:50] Bock McMillan: no repetitions either
[2013/02/03 10:57] Bock McMillan: OK I am going to a meeting at Second Pride HQ now, after I have reloaded my Inventory
[2013/02/03 11:00] Second Life: Teleport completed from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moa/67/198/81
[2013/02/03 11:01] Kiosk.Net Greeter: Welcome Bock McMillan! Enjoy your visit.
[2013/02/03 11:04] Bock McMillan: Chat and movement work again
[2013/02/03 11:04] Bock McMillan: Hello everyone!
[2013/02/03 11:04] Rocky Constantine (rockridge.constantine): Hi Bock
[2013/02/03 11:05] Tylo Mabellon: hey Bock
[2013/02/03 11:05] Tylo Mabellon: hey Rocky and Axel
[2013/02/03 11:05] Khar (kharissa.indigo): Hi there Mister Bock
[2013/02/03 11:05] Doc Spad: Was your barber drunk or something Bock?
[2013/02/03 11:05] Axel-the-fox (axelfoxthefoxyfluff): Hi
[2013/02/03 11:06] Bock McMillan: You must excuse my appearances; I am following Linden Labs orders
[2013/02/03 11:06] Axel-the-fox (axelfoxthefoxyfluff): he's wearing a box for a head
[2013/02/03 11:06] Doc Spad: boxes are easy to hold onto
[2013/02/03 11:06] Bock McMillan: Well, with that single addition of my own
[2013/02/03 11:07] Kyle Beckett: I'm back, but I will be invisible because I had to clear cache and reload inventory, lol
[2013/02/03 11:08] Rocky Constantine (rockridge.constantine): fun fun
[2013/02/03 11:08] Khar (kharissa.indigo): wb Kyle
[2013/02/03 11:08] Khar (kharissa.indigo): Hi SquirtN
[2013/02/03 11:08] Doc Spad: afternoon Squirt'n
[2013/02/03 11:08] Tylo Mabellon: sure Kyle... you just can't find anything to wear : P
[2013/02/03 11:08] Bock McMillan: Hi Kyle and Hello Squirt
[2013/02/03 11:08] Bock McMillan: Oh just so you all know, parts of this chat will be sent to Linden Lab - so mind your language...
[2013/02/03 12:19] Tylo Mabellon: i second Khar's motion to adjourn
[2013/02/03 12:19] Doc Spad: Those in favoir?
[2013/02/03 12:19] Khar (kharissa.indigo): aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] Tylo Mabellon: aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] Baz Ceawlin: aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] Tootsie Nootan: Aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] SquirtN Wonder: aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] Doc Spad: This meeting is adjourned
[2013/02/03 12:19] Kyle Beckett: aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] Khar (kharissa.indigo): Thank you all for coming
[2013/02/03 12:20] Bock McMillan: Thanks everyone, this has been a great meeting!
[2013/02/03 12:20] Doc Spad: Thank you everyone for being here...lending your voice and caring about Pride
[2013/02/03 12:20] Bock McMillan: Byeee
[2013/02/03 12:20] Second Life: Teleport completed from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/N%20District/239/173/23
[2013/02/03 12:24] Bock McMillan: I could not chat in local and move before I crashed after I had arrived to home
[2013/02/03 12:24] Bock McMillan: then I crashed
I have corrected the post as I noticed my first stop at KMADD had somehow been lost (10:01-10:04 in the chat log).
Please do not forget to turn on your music at the bottom of the post before reading, as prescribed by +Eddi Haskell.
"Hello again dear Theresa,
I hope you are having a wonderful Super bowl weekend. I have been busy conducting the tests the developers recommended and am sending you a copy of the report with pictures enclosed.
So it seems the suggested changes have cured my repetitions of chat/purchases/teleports but instead I am crashing all the time.
However, I will ask that you please keep the support ticket and the Jira open until I have tried again tomorrow, because there have been a few times earlier that I thought the problems were over but when I logged in the next day they had returned.
I would also like to know how long I must keep the HTTP Textures unchecked and remain in the Male Test Avatar.
The Test Report February 3, 2013.
[2013/02/03 09:57] Bock McMillan: This is the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, speaking.
[2013/02/03 09:58] Bock McMillan: Greetings my friends at Linden Lab!
[2013/02/03 09:59] Bock McMillan: As you see from the enclosed picture (Test 1) I have unchecked HTTP Textures in the Develop Menu and I have also reverted to the Male Test Avatar.
Test 1 |
[2013/02/03 10:02] Bock McMillan: It is time for the first teleport, here we go!
[2013/02/03 10:02] Second Life: Teleport completed from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Southern%20Charm/238/53/33
[2013/02/03 10:03] Bock McMillan: We have now arrived at the KMADD store.
[2013/02/03 10:03] Bock McMillan: We have now arrived at the KMADD store.
[2013/02/03 10:03] Bock McMillan: Testing 123
[2013/02/03 10:03] Bock McMillan: Testing 123
[2013/02/03 10:04] Bock McMillan: Ahhh as you see the repeats are still occurring
[2013/02/03 10:04] Bock McMillan: Ahhh as you see the repeats are still occurring
[2013/02/03 10:04] Bock McMillan: Let us move to another sim
[2013/02/03 10:04] Bock McMillan: Let us move to another sim
[2013/02/03 10:04] Second Life: Teleport completed from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kmadd%20Enterprise/188/90/26
[2013/02/03 10:12] Bock McMillan: OK, I crashed soon after I arrived here at the Sey Main Store. The local chat did not go through. I have cleared my cache and come back to the last location.
[2013/02/03 10:13] Bock McMillan: I could not move either.
[2013/02/03 10:13] Bock McMillan: Both those problems seem to be gone now,
[2013/02/03 10:14] Bock McMillan: And it seems the chat is not repeating either...? But sometimes there is a short delay...
[2013/02/03 10:15] Bock McMillan: Let me try buying a Demo here
[2013/02/03 10:15] Second Life: :SEY =Mesh= Vest+T-shirt [DEMO ver.] owned by an unknown user gave you ':SEY =Mesh= Vest+T-shirt [DEMO ver.]' ( http://slurl.com/secondlife/GREED/116/147/26 ).
[2013/02/03 10:16] Bock McMillan: well no buy, but a single click gave me a single demo
[2013/02/03 10:16] Bock McMillan: Lets go back to KMADD and see what happens there
[2013/02/03 10:17] Second Life: Teleport completed from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/GREED/84/169/26
[2013/02/03 10:17] Bock McMillan: Back at KMADD
[2013/02/03 10:17] Bock McMillan: Lo and behold, no repeat?
[2013/02/03 10:18] Bock McMillan: I bought Shape Demos
[2013/02/03 10:18] Bock McMillan: and I actually only got one set
[2013/02/03 10:19] Bock McMillan: Lets try an IM
[2013/02/03 10:24] Bock McMillan: OK I am pasting in my IM with my son in-law Ziggy here.
[2013/02/03 10:25] Bock McMillan:
[10:22] Bock McMillan: Greeting son in-law! Be courteous as I am going to ask you to copy and paste our conversation so that I can send it to my friends at Linden Lab who are examining and trying to help me with my problems.
[10:22] Bock McMillan: Do you get repeats, darling?
[10:22] Ziggy Starsmith: no repeats at all you seem fine
[10:22] Bock McMillan: Yeahaaaaaaaaaaaaw!
[10:23] Bock McMillan: Could you please copy and paste?
[10:23] Ziggy Starsmith: ok 1 sec
[10:24] Bock McMillan: Thanks so much sexy!
[2013/02/03 10:26] Bock McMillan: Moving along
[2013/02/03 10:26] Second Life: Teleport completed from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kmadd%20Enterprise/157/81/26
[2013/02/03 10:26] Touch For ROF iNFO OR TO JOIN gROUP:
Hello Bock McMillan!
[2013/02/03 10:33] Bock McMillan: OK I crashed again and am back after clearing cache[2013/02/03 10:34] Bock McMillan: As you see from the screenshot marked Test 2 I was at the Remembering Our Friends sim
Test 2 |
[2013/02/03 10:35] Bock McMillan: With "could not chat" I mean, I sent a message in local but it never showed up on my screen
[2013/02/03 10:36] Bock McMillan: When I tried to move away from ROF to Moa, I crashed
[2013/02/03 10:36] Bock McMillan: I will go back to ROF now and see what happens
[2013/02/03 10:36] Second Life: Teleport completed from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Southern%20Charm/238/53/33
[2013/02/03 10:36] Touch For ROF iNFO OR TO JOIN gROUP:
Hello Bock McMillan!
[2013/02/03 10:37] Bock McMillan: Back again at ROF
[2013/02/03 10:37] Bock McMillan: This time I can chat and move
[2013/02/03 10:38] Bock McMillan: I will try donating by buying candle light for my Ars
[2013/02/03 10:39] BDG - ROF - Gas Light (low Prim) V2: THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND DONATION,WE REALLY APRECIATE
[2013/02/03 10:39] Bock McMillan: Excellent, I only paid once and chat is still not repeating...
[2013/02/03 10:40] Bock McMillan: OK, I am buying another five weeks of oil for the candle
[2013/02/03 10:40] BDG - ROF - Gas Light (low Prim) V2: THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND DONATION,WE REALLY APRECIATE
[2013/02/03 10:41] Bock McMillan: Working fine
[2013/02/03 10:43] Bock McMillan: Cannot seem to find the donation boxes here at ROF, they are not rezzing for me
[2013/02/03 10:43] Bock McMillan: I will come back another time
[2013/02/03 10:43] Bock McMillan: OK off to Moa
[2013/02/03 10:44] Second Life: Teleport completed from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Remembering%20Friends/91/128/21
[2013/02/03 10:49] Bock McMillan: OK back again after a third crash, see picture Test 3.Test 3 |
[2013/02/03 10:50] Bock McMillan: no repetitions either
[2013/02/03 10:57] Bock McMillan: OK I am going to a meeting at Second Pride HQ now, after I have reloaded my Inventory
[2013/02/03 11:00] Second Life: Teleport completed from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moa/67/198/81
[2013/02/03 11:01] Kiosk.Net Greeter: Welcome Bock McMillan! Enjoy your visit.
[2013/02/03 11:04] Bock McMillan: OK I crashed again here at Second Pride HQ, before crashing I could not see my local chat here and could not move either[2013/02/03 11:04] Bock McMillan: Chat and movement work again
[2013/02/03 11:04] Bock McMillan: Hello everyone!
[2013/02/03 11:04] Rocky Constantine (rockridge.constantine): Hi Bock
[2013/02/03 11:05] Tylo Mabellon: hey Bock
[2013/02/03 11:05] Tylo Mabellon: hey Rocky and Axel
[2013/02/03 11:05] Khar (kharissa.indigo): Hi there Mister Bock
[2013/02/03 11:05] Doc Spad: Was your barber drunk or something Bock?
[2013/02/03 11:05] Axel-the-fox (axelfoxthefoxyfluff): Hi
[2013/02/03 11:06] Bock McMillan: You must excuse my appearances; I am following Linden Labs orders
![]() |
Bock at the Second Pride meeting (not included in the report to Linden Lab) |
[2013/02/03 11:06] Doc Spad: boxes are easy to hold onto
[2013/02/03 11:06] Bock McMillan: Well, with that single addition of my own
[2013/02/03 11:07] Kyle Beckett: I'm back, but I will be invisible because I had to clear cache and reload inventory, lol
[2013/02/03 11:08] Rocky Constantine (rockridge.constantine): fun fun
[2013/02/03 11:08] Khar (kharissa.indigo): wb Kyle
[2013/02/03 11:08] Khar (kharissa.indigo): Hi SquirtN
[2013/02/03 11:08] Doc Spad: afternoon Squirt'n
[2013/02/03 11:08] Tylo Mabellon: sure Kyle... you just can't find anything to wear : P
[2013/02/03 11:08] Bock McMillan: Hi Kyle and Hello Squirt
[2013/02/03 11:08] Bock McMillan: Oh just so you all know, parts of this chat will be sent to Linden Lab - so mind your language...
[2013/02/03 12:19] Tylo Mabellon: i second Khar's motion to adjourn
[2013/02/03 12:19] Doc Spad: Those in favoir?
[2013/02/03 12:19] Khar (kharissa.indigo): aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] Tylo Mabellon: aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] Baz Ceawlin: aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] Tootsie Nootan: Aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] SquirtN Wonder: aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] Doc Spad: This meeting is adjourned
[2013/02/03 12:19] Kyle Beckett: aye
[2013/02/03 12:19] Khar (kharissa.indigo): Thank you all for coming
[2013/02/03 12:20] Bock McMillan: Thanks everyone, this has been a great meeting!
[2013/02/03 12:20] Doc Spad: Thank you everyone for being here...lending your voice and caring about Pride
[2013/02/03 12:20] Bock McMillan: Byeee
[2013/02/03 12:20] Second Life: Teleport completed from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/N%20District/239/173/23
[2013/02/03 12:23] Bock McMillan: Ughhh when I teleported from the Second Pride HQ to home I crashed again[2013/02/03 12:24] Bock McMillan: I could not chat in local and move before I crashed after I had arrived to home
[2013/02/03 12:24] Bock McMillan: then I crashed
Posted by
Bock McMillan
1:48:00 PM
Cascade Falls
customer support
Linden Lab
Second Pride
Southern Charm

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