You all know how it is. When you login to SecondLife you are overwhelmed by notices, note cards, IM's, invitations and more. Sometimes you just click away or discard, other times you mean to read and respond later.
Well, if you are as forgetful as I am, that "sometimes" means you don't get to read important and interesting stuff, like an invitation from min cher ami Mind Carlberg to join in a fun photography project.
Sample from Mind Carlberg's Flickr |
Luckily, I was made aware of the project yesterday as I am surrounded by great photographers much of the time. One of the guys suggested we go over and take a look, as far as I could see neither my husband Tomais or my brother JJ had made a picture, nor had JJ's husband Wayne.
So when Wayne logged off to enjoy his Friday and my hubby and bro went to model in a photoshoot, I stayed on to take a nudie pic of myself and take part in the exhibition.
This morning I got an email from Mind ominously informing me "you've been framed" and thanking me for my picture. He had accepted my picture although I had informed him that I am not a photographer, merely a snapshooter.
The exhibition has been
extended, so go, go, go!