Showing posts with label photographer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photographer. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2018

A Straight Eye For The Queer Guy

I still haven't gotten over how truly stunning, fabulous and amazing I looked at the "It's A Party"-event, so I am giving you all another chance to admire me.
Photo by JJ Goodman
The fashion-forward CheerNo jumpsuit fitted me really well and kept me cool despite dancing nonstop for two whole hours.

Now that you've gotten your fill of the astounding me, why not surf on over to get The Not-So-Naked Apmel's report from the event: My Avatar's Name is Apmel: "It was Bock's party and notwithstanding Apmel's ass being there Bock's appearance would have made him center of attention at any party" (url). (Don't you just the lovely long title of that post?)

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Snack, Anyone?

Well, when your brother is a skilled photographer and asks you to hop on a posestand, thats what you do.

Yesterday JJ got inspired while watching me trying out a new hair from Vango I had found at the Men's Only Monthly. (I'm not going to be wearing it much outside of a photo shoot, because without the magic of Photoshop it's really not blond but has a ghastly yellowish hue.)
"Bock home alone" by JJ Goodman (click name to visit Flickr page)

“A portrait is not made in the camera but on either side of it.”,  said Edward Steichen, and this time it was definitely made on the photographers side.

Thank you, bro, the portrait is really beautiful. Awesome work!

Friday, May 4, 2018

Picture of the Week - 2

"Naked with a chair III" by Dodo Ahanu (url)
Click the photographer's name to get to their photostream and on the picture to embiggen it.

"naked with a chair" - An Art Project by Mind

You all know how it is. When you login to SecondLife you are overwhelmed by notices, note cards, IM's, invitations and more. Sometimes you just click away or discard, other times you mean to read and respond later.

Well, if you are as forgetful as I am, that "sometimes" means you don't get to read important and interesting stuff, like an invitation from min cher ami Mind Carlberg to join in a fun photography project. 
Sample from Mind Carlberg's Flickr
Luckily, I was made aware of the project yesterday as I am surrounded by great photographers much of the time. One of the guys suggested we go over and take a look, as far as I could see neither my husband Tomais or my brother JJ had made a picture, nor had JJ's husband Wayne.

So when Wayne logged off to enjoy his Friday and my hubby and bro went to model in a photoshoot, I stayed on to take a nudie pic of myself and take part in the exhibition.

This morning I got an email from Mind ominously informing me "you've been framed" and thanking me for my picture. He had accepted my picture although I had informed him that I am not a photographer, merely a snapshooter.

If you want to see all the naked women and men with chairs who have taken part so far, please visit Mind Carlberg's Flickr page (url) or visit the interactive installation at THE BURIED MAN/Love Land (SLurl). While you are there why not undress and take a picture at the chair that is set up there.

The exhibition has been extended, so go, go, go!

Saturday, February 24, 2018

"It Is Considered A Fashion Faux Pas"

I and the guys visited the one year anniversary celebration of Achille's "Men's Nudist Beach" (a.k.a. MNB or Men's Clothed Beach) yesterday.
Holt, I, Tomais, JJ and Wayne 
After awhile I saw something on one of my friends that shook me to the core.

Old men all over the world do it without shame. Germans and Brits do it. Hell, even David Beckham does it! And in the fashion seasons of 2010 and 2014 some designers attempted to make it trendy, but - Thank the Babylonians! - failed. We are talking about wearing socks with sandals.

Now, according to Wikipedia, this is an age old point of contention in men's fashion. "Wearing socks and sandals together is a controversial fashion combination and social phenomenon that is discussed in various countries and cultures. It is considered a fashion faux pas."

So, one of my friends was actually wearing sandals with socks, believe it or not... Surprisingly it was the most fashion forward among us sporting this weird combination, the awesome and well known SecondLife fashion icon, fashion vlogger, film director and producer (link takes you to his YouTube Channel) and not least a brilliant photographer (link to his Flickr), Mr. WayneNZ Esq.
Wayne in socks and sandals
Ladies and gentleman, I am now going to ask you for your opinion, is it the combination of socks and sandals cool or uncool? Please take the poll in the top right corner and add any additional remarks you may have in the comments.

Monday, November 7, 2016

SecondLife's Avi Choice Awards - 2016

Cast your votes here: The Avi Choice Awards

Voting ends November 28th, 2016, at 5PM SLT. As always, voting is limited to 1 vote per person, per category. Thank you for joining with us to applaud our favorites in Second Life!

The categories you can vote in are:

Favorite Holiday Store - Favorite Furniture Creator - Favorite Kids Furniture - Favorite Home Builder - Favorite Home Accessories - Favorite Commercial Design - Favorite Full Perm Mesh Designer - Favorite Garden & Landscaping Store - Favorite Sim to Explore Through - Favorite Sim Designer/Creator - Favorite Place to Take a Date - Favorite Wedding Coordinator - Favorite Wedding Venue - Favorite Shopping Region - Favorite Adult Sim - Favorite Adult Venue - Favorite Role Play Location - Favorite SL Social Network Site or Community Forum - Favorite Blog or Website, Overall (all three genres) - Favorite Blogger, Overall (all three genres) - Favorite Customer Service, Overall (all three genres) - Favorite Annual Event, Overall (all three genres) - Favorite Holiday Event or Production - Favorite Shopping Event - Favorite Gacha Event - Favorite SL Sporting Event - Favorite Gaming Location - Favorite Hunt Organizer - Favorite Land (Rent or Sell)Company - Favorite Vehicles – Land, Sea, Air - Favorite Breedable - Favorite Breedable Market - Favorite Non-Breedable Pet Creator - Favorite Female AO Creator - Favorite Male AO Creator - Favorite Full Perm Animations - Favorite Second Life (inworld) Group - Favorite Texture Store

Favorite Jewelry Store - Favorite Female Skin Designer - Favorite Cosmetics Designer - Favorite Male Skin Designer - Favorite Female Hair Designer - Favorite Male Hair Designer - Favorite Female Mesh Body Store - Favorite Female Avatar Component Store (not mesh body, includes eyes, heads and parts) - Favorite Male Mesh Body Store - Favorite Male Avatar Component Store (not mesh body, includes eyes, heads and parts) - Favorite Mesh Body Compatible Clothing – Female - Favorite Mesh Body Compatible Clothing – Male - Favorite Adult Avatar Accessories - Favorite Female Fashion Accessories - Favorite Male Fashion Accessories - Favorite Tattoo Designer - Favorite Female Shoe Designer - Favorite Male Shoe Designer - Favorite Women’s Casual Apparel - Favorite Women’s Formal Apparel - Favorite Lingerie, Hosiery or Pajamas Designer - Favorite Men’s Casual Apparel - Favorite Men’s Formal Apparel - Favorite Kids Apparel - Favorite Avatar Designer - Favorite Female Fashion Model - Favorite Male Fashion Model - Favorite Fashion Modeling/Fashion Agency/Instruction Course - Favorite Pose Maker

Favorite Magazine, Newspaper or Periodical - Favorite SL Radio Station - Favorite SL Recorded Show - Favorite Machinima Artist / Videographer - Favorite Art Gallery - Favorite Artist - Favorite Photographer/Studio - Favorite Dance/Photography/Media Tool - Favorite Theater/Production Venue - Favorite Tribute Show - Favorite Dance (Troupe) Performers or Show - Favorite Dance or Theater Choreographer - Favorite Dance Animations - Favorite Stage or Theater Set Design - Favorite Gestures Maker - Favorite Media Stream Provider - Favorite Country Singer - Favorite Pop Singer - Favorite Jazz Singer/Musician - Favorite Blues Singer - Favorite Singer in Standards, Classical or Ballads - Favorite Singing Group (2 or more performers) - Favorite Male Singer - Favorite Female Singer - Favorite Musician Management Individual, Team or Business - Favorite Live Music Venue - DJ/Streamed Music Club/Venue - Favorite Club or Venue Host or Hostess - Favorite Club DJ – Female - Favorite Club DJ – Male - Favorite Radio DJ

Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Difference Between A Master & His Pupil


It's the same wonderful chair by Apple Fall and the same man (although in another avatar-shape and unclothed), but a different venue and a different photographer.

It is easy to spot the differences between the two works, this one by Tomais is the better one in every sense of the word. If you should wish to compare with my snapshot, see my post My Man. I have much to learn, but will keep at it.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Depth of Field, New Try

After my last post about using the Depth of Field (DoF) in the Phototools in the Firestorm viewer, I got a few tips from husband Tomais and Skip Staheli, both renowned SecondLife photographers.

Skip told me to play with the settings and Tomais showed me a few of the settings he uses in Phototools and also told me to Alt+Click on the part that I wanted to be sharp. 

So I have given it a new go.
There may be some improvement in the first snapshot, but the second and third ones are much better. My conclusion is possibly that the DoF feature works best if you are closer to the subject you wish tp photograph.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

He's My SecondLife

I was modeling for my hubby Tomais today, and has become my habit I take snapshots and play with Windlight settings while he photographs us and touches them up with Photoshop.
"He's my SecondLife_1" by BMcM
"He's my SecondLife_2" by BMcM

These two turned out rather nicely I think.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Bock Parties at Pride

My buddy Carl Paneer, SecondLife blogger and photographer, for many know better as Naked Carl with blog "NakedCarl" is doing his usual extensive coverage of the Second Pride Festival. During Pride my days haven't really started until I have seen what Carl has posted from the parties.

Carl captured me at a party today in all my pride regalia, including my Jester's Hat in Multicolor Rhinestone by BMcM™ (which is my freebie for the festival this year and can be acquired at my booth) and a special Pride tutu. To my immense pleasure he has today also animated some of his pictures into gifs, among them one of me partying.

I am sure you can all appreciate how my spectacular hat follows and enhances all my movements. That is truly a masterpiece of imagination and creativity. It is of course also a much coveted accessory for all the true and daring fashionistas in SecondLife.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Last Days of Two Worthy Events

There are two benefits that have been running in SecondLife during the month of May 2016 that are coming close to their end.

The first event is the Visions of Hope, presented by Hope Haven Heroes, which is a benefit for Relay for Life of SL, and is a silent auction of photographs and sculptures donated by many of the best known artists in SecondLife. 
The event will come to a close on May 30th. 

Go there to donate and/or get your final bids in for the chance to win a work of art. All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.

Take me to the exhibition Visions of Hope (SLurl).

The second event is the "Benefit for Bri", presented by The Starlight Ballroom, which is a benefit to help a young woman to fulfill her dream of one day becoming a teacher. 

To help raise funds several well known and reputable content creators have donated items for sale (some with discount prices) where 100% of the price goes to the fund to support the young womans dream. 

This event closes on May 31st, so you need to get there soon to get to donate and/or buy some of the good stuff.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Spring 2015 Blog Header

My wonderful  husband and the renowned photographer Tomais Ashdene has - yet again - helped me with a new blog header.

Thank you, my darling, I love it!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Strawberry Praises Tomais

Strawberry Singh is one of the most well known SecondLife photographers and also a renowned SecondLife fashion and lifestyle bloggers, with her blog

Every Friday Strawberry does a post on her Weekly Roundup & Friday Find. In her post yesterday Strawberry revealed that every week in her Weekly Roundup she intends to try to mention a photographer whose work has caught her eye or whom she admires.

The first one to be singled out for this exceptional honor is none other than Tomais Ashdene, to readers of this blog better known as "the royal consort" or "hubby". Strawberry shares her reasons for her selection by going on to say: 
"I wanted to start it off with Tomais’ images. I notice his work pop up often in my favorite twitter hashtag: #SLLooksGoodToday and I am always amazed by it. I especially love his landscape shots of different Second Life locations, such as this one. Make sure to check out his stream!"
 Congratulations on this great honor, my darling Tomais, what a wonderful start to the new year!

Sunday, November 30, 2014


It seems that we are living in a time for social media challenges, the successful #ALSicebucket campaign has a lot to answer for.

From #weareALLclean fights AIDS stigma with photos of hot, naked men:
"The sudden spate of shower selfies is the brainchild of activist Jack Mackenroth, who wants to raise money to fight HIV and AIDS while ending the stigma around the condition.
Men are being urged to take photos of themselves in the buff and post them to social media with the hashtag #weareALLclean, while linking to a donation page to find a cure for AIDS.
“I was inspired by the use of the word ‘clean’, especially common in gay culture, to describe oneself as STI/STD free”, Mackenroth says.
“This implies that HIV-positive people are somehow ‘dirty’. I thought a PG shower selfie or video would be a fun way that everyone could easily show their support on social media for finding a cure by using the hashtag #weareALLclean when they post their photo with the link. Then they donate what they can and nominate 3 or more other people to participate.”
The campaign is taking off online but is far from $1,000,000 goal in donations "

I have been challenged by my friend Rusty Redfield (Playing with the Big Boys: 084: #weareALLclean (yes, a naked picture challenge!).

I threw off my clothes and proceeded to schlep my beautiful husband Tomais, after first getting him naked, into a shower with me and then asked him to make another of his beautiful picture of the two of us. 
"Shower selfie" by Tomais Ashdene
As always the most interesting part of the modelling experience was to observe my own special artist at work with the photo he had taken. It is amazing what funky details his astute and discerning eyes find to correct in Photoshop before he is satisfied with the picture.

This time he even took the time to make it safe for F*c*book, please not the careful and ingenious placement of his signature. It is in that exact spot to cover up my amazing butt crack from the picture-nazis on that site.

I challenge the following of my family and friends:  +JJ Goodman+Wayne NZ  and sirhc DeSantis. And, after due consideration, I am adding +Petr Hastings-Vanbeeck, just because I want to see him in the shower too...

  1. Take a selfie or short video of yourself in the shower or bath.**NO EXPLICIT NUDITY**
  2. Post your photo now on Moovz and all social media platforms with the caption "Take HIV Shower Selfie Challenge raise $ for AIDS cure #weareALLclean"
  3. Nominate 3 or more other people to participate!
  4. DONATE! Please donate if you are able. Every dollar counts!
  5. On World AIDS Day (or before): Monday, December 1st, please change all your social media profile pix to your shower selfie photo and spread the word!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hanging with LP & Guyke

Tomais was away in first life on family business on Saturday so I hung out with my son and his beau LP.

Besides talking and getting to know one another, Guyke and I taught LP how to say Guyke's name correctly [gheee-caa], which rhymes with the Spanish word for girl "chica".

I also entered LP into "The Laird's School of Animation", the class of Hugging.101. I am still hopeful that he will ultimately be successful.
I - and later LP and Guyke - then went on to the Holtwaye Gallery event. As I was entering the venue JJ took the picture below. That man is really fast and an excellent photographer, who always manages to make me look great.