Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Imagine Peacefest -- November 11th-13th

Yikes this will be a busy weekend, with a three day peacefest, a bollywood party and I have a booking for playing Mah-Jong on Sunday...

Why can´t you people consult with the lairds secretary before making all these arrangements - don´t you realize the laird has a busy schedule?! ...but I will do my very best to get some of the action, I am of course most grateful for people who take the time and make the effort to entertain us all in our SecondLife!

Friday November 11
11-12pm: Opening Ceremonies at RAWA, Four Bridges
12 – 1pm: Museum of Afghanistan Tour, Four Bridges

1 – 2pm: Kueperpunk Kohonen, Comedy Cats Circus
2 – 3pm: Reis and Ald Alter, Cat’s Circus

5 – 6pm: Ga Go Gigamon! 7 Member Japanese band, Gwampa’s Castle

6 – 8pm: Unity Productions Imagine World Peace!

Saturday November 12
7 – 8am: Direct Democracy Workshop, Four Bridges N

8 – 9am: Universe is a Green Dragon, Imagine nest, Four Bridges

9 – 10am: Art Exhibition with DJ Gary Kohime! New Caerleon
10 – 11am: Art Exhibition with DJ Gary Kohime! New Caerleon

11 – 12pm: Russell Eponym, Peace is a Choice
12 – 1pm: Blues Heron, Peace is a Choice

1pm Metaverse Art RL exhibition
1.10pm The MANAX story
1.30pm Emoticon
2pm SL TLC
2.45pm New VJazz Show

3 – 4pm: IMAGINE PeaceFest Interview with Sandra Bérard of Cambodia READA w/ Peace Train’s Steve Mahaley

5 –9pm: Key West 3 hours of music
Max Kleene 5pm
Avantgarde Frequency 6pm
Gina Stella 7pm
Allister Westland 8pm

9 – 10pm: Tour of RAWA Museum of Afghanistan
10 – 11pm: Mankind Tracer, Rock Garden stage, Four Bridges

Sunday November 13
6 – 8am: Discussion with Dr. Andrew, SpeakEasy, Four Bridges

8 – 10am: A World Dance Party with images and art from around the world at Daft House Den and Carnival

11 – 12pm: Poetry – open mic

12 – 1pm: Pol Arida, singer / songwriter, and artwork by Second Renoir & Trill Zapatero, Solace Island
1 – 2pm: DRUM! Solace Island

1 – 2pm: RAWA Boho Hobo Fashion Show

2pm-3pm: Jana Kyomoon, The music ALL music Peace Park

2pm-4pm RL event - Old Dominon University hosts IMAGINE PeaceFest Spoken Word night. Location: House of Blues at the Webb Center. Featuring:
Nita Hurt
Poetikk Justice
Neisha Purvis
Cassandra IsFree
Members from the Flowetic Movement Poetry Group

3pm- 4pm: Talk by Delia Lake
at Virtually Speaking

4pm-6pm: More than a Peace of Art Auction

6 – 7pm: Virtually Speaking Sundays with Avedon Carol and Sam Seder

7 – 8pm: Louis Volare
8 – 9pm: Cylindrian Rutabaga

For updates and any programming changes of this immense event I suggest you visit my buddy Apmel Goosson´s blog "Min avatar heter Apmel"

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

For Eddi´s Eyes Only - UPDATED

My friend Eddi Haskell asked for a picture of Anton Hyséns thighs. I tried my best but this guy covers his legs well, so this is the best I could do. Enjoy, Eddi!

And here is the bigger picture I snipped it from for the rest of you to look at.

Young Anton´s father, renowned soccer player Glenn Hysén, wasn't as bashful when he was young as you can see in this picture! Glenn has been - and still is - a heartthrob for many women and men in Sweden the last 30 years. Big thanks to my friend Kandinsky for supplying me with this picture!

At the Stockholm Pride 2007, Glenn delivered a speech denouncing sports homophobia and laid to rest an incident at an airport in 2001 where he had beaten a man for groping him in the restroom. He stated that, "I know that many LGBT people have been the victims of assaults and hate crimes. I can therefore understand if some people have been upset by the airport incident, so I want to be clear: I think that it is completely unacceptable that anybody should be subjected to assaults, insults or hate crimes due to their sexual orientation or gender identity,...The incident had been blown out of proportion in the media...In order to finally flush the Frankfurt Airport punch down the toilet: it is not the case that I beat up a gay person. I categorically deny that,...I'm not proud that I took a swing at him, but I am proud that I have integrity and that I reacted."

In the same speech he asked "How easy would it be for a sixteen-year-old boy who plays football to come out as gay to his team mates?"  In March 2011 his younger son, Anton, a professional footballer himself, came out of the closet to the media.

P.S. Oh Eddi, Kandinsky wants me to inform you to ask her for pictures next time!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Named Avatars 5

I am very pleases to introduce you today to Sjöfn Stoneshield in my series on how we decided on the names for our avatars-

"My cousin, Vanadis Falconer, lured me into Second Life because she thought I needed a little break now and then from the work on my dissertation in psychology.

When I joined I needed a good first name. "Vanadis" was already taken by Vanadis. Since we are almost the same age and cousins, we have grown up with the folklore about the Norse gods Thor, Odin, Frigg and Freya. Now I had to think a little extra. 

We have an old tradition in Scandinavia; If you pick seven kinds of wild flowers from seven different fields in absolute silence on a midsummer night and then put the flowers under your pillow you will dream about your future husband or wife. In the pre-Christian era there was also a goddess named Sjöfn, sister of the goddess Freya, who was worshiped if you had love troubles. The goddess was revered by both men and women.

There was only one small problem with that first name. It was not possible to use the Swedish letters Å, Ä and Ö in Second Life at that time (A´s and O´s with circles or two dots above). The Swedish Ö (O with two dots) is pronounced as "I" in "bird". Should I spell my name "Sjifn"? Nah, it made no sense to other Scandinavians. Should I use the German "OE"? Nah, only Germans would understand that. So I just gave up and called myself Sjofn. 

Then it was time to choose the surname. One name sounded more ridiculous than the other, eventually I came to the "S" and Stoneshield. Sjofn Stoneshield that´s good, I thought. A shield of stone for a strong and independent woman - perfect!

One of the first things I did after joining Second Life was to write to Philip Linden and tell the boy that he should ensure that Swedish Å, Ä and Ö could be used in Second Life names. And because Philip is obviously a well-mannered and obedient boy, Second Life introduced Å, Ä and Ö in the next update. So now I have my dots over the o and Sjofn is now and for eternal time called "Sjöfn Stoneshield".

Ars go Fridars ("prosperity and good harvest" in Old Norse)

If you would also like to participate in the series by sharing your reasons for choosing the name you have given your avatar, please send me an e-mail Please include a picture of your avatar.

I may take some editorial liberties with your text and picture, such as correcting obvious misspellings in the US English and perhaps shortening. However I promise that I will not distort any facts and that I will contact you if the changes are of a major nature (or if I have reason to believe that you would think so).

Anton Gets A Stonewall Award

The Swedish pro soccer player Anton Hysén (20) has been awarded a Stonewall Award as "Sportsperson of the Year". The Swedish player was praised for taking a stand in the sport.

Anton is the world’s only openly gay professional footballer since he came out as gay to the Swedish football magazine Offside in March 2011.

Now let´s see if the Swedish Soccer Federation have balls large enough to celebrate him tonight at their big party with many awards handed out.

The Stonewall Awards is an annual event to celebrate people who have had a positive impact on the lives of British LGBT people.

Anton Hysén of course also has his own blog, Anton Hysén.

UPDATE: Nope, Anton didn´t receive any recognition by the spineless bastards of the Swedish Soccer Federation. They had an excellent opportunity to strike a blow at the rampant homophobia in sports - and they blew it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Advance Notice: Bollywood

My friend Ewa Aska is organizing a Bollywood party next Saturday to celebrate her 5th rezday. The party starts at 22:00 (Paris time no less, which means 1 PM SLT).

At the last Bollywood party that Ewa organized in SecondLife (it must be two or maybe even three years ago now) we had a real blast!

Ars was DJ-ing - and had a lot of fun making the music list - while I was hosting for the first time together with Ewa and her partner at the time. I think this was the party where I got my first tip ever in SecondLife, for being such an excellent and charming host and saying "Namaste" about 568+ times.

I am letting you know about the party early so you can start looking for decent outfits. I will be there and say "Namaste" a few times even if I am not hosting this event.

Happy Rezday, Ziggy!

Today is the second rezday of Ziggy Starsmith, the wonderful, talented, charming, sweet, studelicious and always sexy - through all his changes and makeovers!

I wish you a wonderful and happy rezday. buddy, SecondLife wouldn´t be the same without you!

Love ya, big hugs and lots of kisses!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Visiting With Ars

After midnight my time but fortunately SecondLife runs on SLT/PST so it was still Saturday in-world, there is some benefit with time zones after all.

It was a beautiful night at Mirromere, which is my favorite memorial place for Ars.