Sunday, May 6, 2012

I Should Be Sleeping

I should be sleeping, but I am not.

I had gone to bed and fallen asleep but I woke up after about two hours with acid reflux. It´s a problem I haven´t had in the last several years.

I logged in-world to see how things were there ,with the sim and all. Talked a little with my brother in-law Dej, who had had a rough day but seemed to be doing a bit better now. I may have said it before, but let me say it again, I am so happy to have him on Southern Charm. He keeps me grounded and makes me feel safe.

We talked until I felt sleep attacking me again so I am on my way to get some rest for a little over three hours before I have to get up for work.

I Owe An Apology

Browsing around the Swedish SecondLife blogs today I discovered that some loose and totally unfounded speculations I have shared with one single person seem to have spread and caused the object of my speculations some troubles and pain.

I´m very sorry Aallotar Takaaki for the hurt and troubles my loose mouth may have caused you. There is no excuse for my behavior and I promise to never share any unfounded speculations with anyone again.

Ewa + Polle = True

The wedding entourage (picture "borrowed" from Ewa´s LOGOS)
Yesterday my dear friend Ms Ewa Aska married hunky Polle Knipper and became Mrs. Ewa Aska-Knipper.

I hope she will forever remain the whirlwind of creativity that she has always been known to be and not decide to settle down in humdrum married bliss... but after looking at some old pictures I have of Polle (formerly known as Polleswe), I could easily understand if she would be tempted to settle for a more tranquil lifestyle.

My warmest congratulations to the happy couple!

SecondGAY Magazine, Spring 2012

SecondGAY Magazine Spring 2012 (Click to enlarge)
The new "SecondGAY Magazine" (url) is out now, just follow the link to read it.

Excellent work by the editors on staff Avacar Bluestar, Eddi Haskell-Constantine and Spike Clemenceau with lots of good tips, interesting articles and great interviews!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Dan Savage Takes On The Bigots

Dan Savage
The video that started it all, Dan Savage, speaking on how the Bible got some things wrong at a high school journalism convention

The challenge from bigot Brian Brown of the National Organisation for Marriage (NOM),
"Let me lay down a public challenge to Dan Savage right here and now: You want to savage the Bible? Christian morality? Traditional marriage? Pope Benedict? I'm here, you name the time and the place and let's see what a big man you are in a debate with someone who can talk back. It's easy to make high-school girls cry by picking on them. Let's pick on someone our own size! I'm here, any time, any place you name, Dan Savage. You will find out out how venal and ridiculous your views of these things are if you dare to accept a challenge."
Dan Savage accepts the challenge

And now we wait...

(Follow the story as it evolves on Joe.My.God.

Inner Dialogue

Me, myself, I and Bock (that me, me, me and me for those of you who don´t know me well) have had a conversation running the last few days.

I will only show you the conclusion here.

Bock: "So, to sum this up, we all agree that we believe this bloggers conclusions are wrong based on International law, the constitution of the country concerned (as far as we understand it) and by what we have witnessed ourselves in news reports after the ´incident´, but we are still not going to make a comment about it on that blog or write our own post about it?"
Me: "Yup!"
Myself: "You got it! If the bloggers own countrymen don´t care to comment why should we bother?"
I: "Yes, that´s it! And we are doing this because we like the blogger, even if we do not always agree with the bloggers political assessments, and because we are not going to stick our nose into another nations business which has no immediate impact on our lives. In addition to which we did make an agreement with Millimina, remember? Milli will keep on breathing deeply and calmly while we choose our battles with care."
Bock: "Gotcha, but can we still do the think about Dan Savage huh?"
Myself: "Hell yeah, we all love Danny boy!"
Me: "No shit, that ´Dan the man´, is hot and knows how to stomp out a Bible-preaching bigot who seems to have missed the message in the New Testament completely!"
I: "Yeah, Dan is great, I am so looking forward to see that debate between Dan and Brian Brown of NOM!"