Friday, August 30, 2013

By Popular Demand

As I said yesterday, I absolutely hate my ankles in SecondLife, which is the reason I always wear socktops to cover them whenever I am wearing short trousers.

People asked me to show pictures of my fat and weird ankles in the same pose for comparative reasons, so here it is. Please note, that my private parts are covered by a grey sock so don't report this as porn.

P.S. Today (Saturday August 31, 2013) I received a message from Facebook that my photo had been reported for "nudity" or "pornography". I did not need the hassle so I deleted the picture from Facebook. Someone must really get off on socks!

Men Only vs. Women Only

At the moment I am thinking of something there has been some brouhaha around on the SecondLife pages on Facebook, the fact that certain clubs only allow gay men. To me this issue is really not important one way or the other, but I know it is to some of my gay friends. 

The discussion made me think about the many times in first life, and in SecondLife too, where I have been told that this or that place is not open to men this evening - or ever - because there is a lesbian thing going on or it is a lesbian place and no men are ever allowed. 

I have always accepted that and never made a fuss about it or felt denigrated or shunned. 
Why is it that places, clubs, sims, whatever that only allow gay men are seen as doing something terribly wrong, while places, clubs, sims, whatever that only allow lesbians are seen as something completely natural, tolerated and highly acceptable? Sort of, "We must understand that the girls wish to be alone sometimes, otherwise they feel overpowered by all the gay loudmouths!"

I believe we should accept and respect that a specific group, in this case gay men, sometimes wish to be among their own, with no other gender or straight people (allies or not) present. Sometimes most of us don't want to mix, it's that simple.

On other occasions - and that is most of them - we as gay men love to mix with anyone who respects us, lesbians and straight allies (women and men), hell anyone who is not overtly anti-gay .

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Cute & Cuddly Cats

Yesterday my friend Jasmine Cazalet cried her desperate need for a hug in IM to me. As there - to my complete amazement - were no straight men lined up outside her door to cater to her needs, I offered to come and give her one myself.

Jasmine sent me a teleport to her home and as soon as I arrived we had a good, long and cosy hug!
As most Swedes, both of us love to hug a lot and know that a good and strong embrace is sometimes a good cure for many problems and even if it doesn't cure you feel better after one anyway. This exotic habit of the Swedes always seems to surprise many foreigners, who are more reserved with these overt signs of affection.
After the hug, Jasmine showed me round her home and introduced me to her young cat Whiskers. The fat little bugger was sleeping contentedly on her bed and he didn't even notice my presence.
When I left Jasmine she seemed a bit happier and was doing handstands on her bed. Even this did not disturb Whiskers in the least, he just kept sleeping on.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

On the Terrace (Revisited)

Just me.

P.S. Yesterday, i.e. the same day I posted this picture, I learned that Guyke and Butch absolutely detest the socktops I always wear to cover up my ugly SecondLife ankles.

I am not sure I will stop wearing the socktops, but I am trying right now to see if I can get used to the ankles. It may however ultimately come down to either not wearing short pants or not wearing socktops, in which case I will definitely continue with the socktops. Just saying...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Guyke Caresses His Mushroom

Guyke, Butch and I were sitting out on the roof terrace, my favorite place at my new home, chatting before it was time to go to bed. We were telling each other about our days. The two shopaholics had of course been out shopping  - again - before I logged on. I scolded them for going shopping without me and they bashed me for getting in-world too late, thus the respective guilt trips were evened out.
While we were sitting there Guyke suddenly informed us, "I am caressing my mushroom". I of course zoomed over to him at once, not really knowing what kinky stuff to expect. As it turned out Guyke was only laying on the divan and caressing his new tattoo. The tattoo is in the shape of a mushroom and protrudes above the waistband of his trousers.
Other than this dramatic moment we had a peaceful talk before I decided to log off and they went of to dance the night away.

"Duelling Divas"

When I logged into my second life yesterday I was in a rather foul mood. Nothing important at all, I was just feeling sort of generally annoyed with a few - temporary - bastards at work.

Garth Raleigh must either be really intuitive or knows me well enough to ascertain my current mood from reading my posts. Well, almost as soon as I had logged in he contacted me and suggested two great mood enhancers, 1) shopping and 2) a bit of light entertainment.

I was very grateful for both tips and jumped right into shopping, where I managed to get my son Guyke and my friend Butch to accompany me on the shopping trip. (The two are actually co-founders of SecondLife Shopaholics Anonymous). When I after a while of shopping suggested that they come with me to a show the two uncouth philistines flatly refused and called me pretentious. Moi pretentious, is that fair I ask you?

Well anyway, I left them at The 24 still shopping away like crazy and teleported to the Theater on the Hill all set to enjoy the company's production of "Duelling Divas". The show starred Oliver Elton and Juve Wheelwright, with Othon Weiland as a lesser diva and a whole lot of cute child avatars as supporting acts.
The enthusiastic audience were treated to a string of songs and show tunes - including but not limited to - "The Winner Takes It All", "Performance of My Life", "Gracias a la Vida", "Someone Like You", "This Is My Life", "Out Here On My Own""Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux" and "You'll Never Walk Alone".
Juve Wheelwright
Oliver Elton
The kids
The finale with Othon center stage
I had an excellent time and was in completely different mood when I logged out than when I logged in. Thank you Garth, Guyke, Butch, Othon, Oliver and Juve for salvaging my Monday!

Monday, August 26, 2013

The 24 - August 23-31, 2013

I am sorry for not having noticed this before, but there is still time to go get great outfits for late summer and fall. Some of the limited edition stuff may be sold out already though, but there is lots of more good stuff. So go there and shop til you drop.

For your own sanity don't bring along someone who constantly tells you that things are not rezzing for them, it gets a bit tiresome even for someone like myself who, as you must know already, am well known to be the most patient man in SecondLife.

Here is the full notecard with the information.

24 Amazing Menswear Designers...
24 Wonderful Womenswear Designers...
24 Fabulous Home Designers...
24 Marvelous Pose Designers...
1 Week... 

Will you be able to snap up all these hot limited edition exclusive finds? 

AVENUE, Designing SL, KMADD, The Nest, and The Gay Archipelago along with Siren Productions are excited to bring you The 24. This wonderful event takes place August 23rd-31st, 2013. 24 amazing menswear, womenswear, home, and pose designers have come together by invitation only to create Exclusive Limited Edition Outfits, Furniture, and Poses. Joining them are 8 prominent Skin Designers, 8 Accessory Designers, and 8 Hair Designers creating limited edition exclusive hair, skins, and accessories all for the men and women of Second Life! 

Join us for the Men's opening fashion show on August 23rd, 2011 12-1pm SL and the Women's opening fashion show on August 24th 6-7pm SL as we display all of the Exclusive Limited Edition Outfits on the Runway. Our home designers are preparing special vignettes to show off all their creative collections. Our pose designers are creating special props and pose sets for everyone for all those special photo moments. We have a load of treats in store including industry parties with all of our Media Partners KMADD, AVENUE, Designing SL, Gay Archipelago, Blithe, The Nest, and many more. Wonderful exclusive fashion shows, entertainers, and great events are just the tip of the iceberg! 

Be distinctive, show your own personal style in your clothing, home decor, and photos. Be an original! All of the outfits, home items, and pose sets you see will be up for sale with only 110 being produced. 100 to be sold to the general public, 5 for bloggers & magazines, and 5 for models. You can find more details on the event including, interviews with some of the designer, participants, calendar, and all the latest details at Siren Productions. 

We hope to see everyone there! 

Lexie Jansma & Alon Alphaville
Siren Productions CEO