Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Women´s Fashion

The inner turmoil I imposed on myself the past week, that was released after my visit to my doctor yesterday, have left me feeling exhausted. After a full and busy day at work I am only fit to for my own company so I have spent the evening surfing on the Internet.

Photo Tim Whitby/Getty Images
I came across this beautiful picture of some avant-garde women´s fashion. I was first struck by it´s beauty, but my next thought was about how so much in women´s fashion throughout history and diverse cultures really strike me more as instruments of torture, isolation and control.

Things like high heeled shoes, the wasp waist of the early 19th century, the metal neck rings that some Asian and African cultures use to elongate the women´s necks, the obsolete (hopefully) Chinese custom of binding a girls feet to stop them from growing, the burqa, the enormous crinloines, the narrow skirts etc.

The list is almost endless.


  1. "Fashion is such an appalling phenomenon, that it has to be changed every 6 months"


    1. Hey buddy, I need a source for that statement! ;)

  2. Big smiles and huggles, Bock! Thank you for feeling our pain :) Some of the fashion is actually fun when you are young, but it does grow old. Some of it was/is misogynistic. Am proud to say I wore a lovey silk sheath dress and matching leather flats to a RL wedding last weekend and danced my butt off :) To hell with high heels :) lol


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