Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Belated Second Blogoversary

I am terrible with dates!  Actually I am so bad with dates that I am one of the few people I know that has to remind himself of his own birthday. There were really only four dates I used to be able to  remember without help, those are Christmas eve, New Years day and my parents birthdays.

Nowadays I can add March 12th to that list, which is the day Ars passed away, and the day of my own rezday in SecondLife (because it occurs on the day before) and Ars real life birthday.

Today I discovered that I had missed the second anniversary of this blog, which was first started on August 25th, 2009.

Please join me in singing belated congratulations:
Happy blogoversary to you
Happy blogoversary to you
Happy blogoversary dear "Bock in SecondLife"
Happy blogoversary to you

To help remind myself in the future I have also added a gadget which counts down the days for the next blogoversary. Let´s see if it helps me remember!


  1. lol awww
    Happy blogoversary to you

  2. Happy belated second anniversary Bock!Your blog is a pleasure for all of us to read!

  3. Happy blogoversary dear "Bock in SecondLife" :))

  4. Ojj, jag trodde din blog var äldre.. Grattis!

  5. Happy Blogoversary my beautiful, Swedish friend!
    Love reading your blog and spent 8 hours 2 nights ago reading most of it from the beginning.

  6. Thanks Ziggy, you stunning Canadian!

    I must say that reading the whole was quite a feat of you, not sure I could have done it myself. You get an A+ for both effort and cuteness!


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