Wednesday, December 11, 2013

"Something Has Come Up"

I was out shopping for new apparel with Tom, Guyke and Butch yesterday, when Tom suddenly tells us "Something has come up that I have to take care of". Nothing more. We said our goodbyes and see you tomorrows and the other two and I continued shopping.

Guyke took me to one of his secrets, a wonderful designer where I got an awesome outfit, see the picture below. 
When I logged in to Facebook today I learned that Tomais has gone to the emergency room at the hospital with a suspected blood clot in his leg, although it later turned out to be something less serious that can be cured with antibiotics.

My initial reaction was first relief that Tom was not in any danger, but then I got tremendously angered by the fact that he had kept this news from me. I thought of what could have happened if it had actually been a clot or something equally evil and I didn't know of it and something went awry. I wanted to kick him, beat him up and yell at him for being so thoughtless, while at the same time I wanted to hold him and kiss him and talk to him and make sure he was really safe and would get well. (I am ashamed to admit it, but as you perhaps can notice, everything suddenly turned from worry about Tom and his health to what coulda, woulda, shoulda happened and how it would affect me.)

Tom handled me calmly, I am happy to say, and told me to log in-world where we could talk about it. He soon had me settled down and also promised that if anything like this ever happened again he would keep me informed. With that knowledge and knowing he was safe, I could go for my nap and try to sleep away the headache I have had all day.

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