Friday, January 31, 2014

The Olympic Games, Russia & Putin

I was tipped about this post by John Aravosis on the AMERICAblog by the longtime Bock in SecondLife reader, my dear brother, Dejerrity Mycron.

Despite Dej's present sufferings in an old Manhattan building with a malfunctioning boiler and a worthless managing company in the midst of the coldest winter in New York for ages, my lovely and loving brother takes the time and makes the effort to send me tips. Isn't it clear from that fact alone, that the man is completely loveable?

Oh guys, he is single too at the moment so if you would want to meet this gruff diamond in disguise just drop a notecard on my profile and I may set you up for an introduction.

Send your notecards to The McMillan Matchmaking Agency (a part of the BMcM Corporation), c/o Bock McMillan.

If you pass my scrutiny, I may introduce you! First come, first served! 

The AMERICAblog; "How Vladimir Putin sent 'Brand Russia'  into the toilet". The post starts like this:
"Russian President Vladimir Putin has done more to harm the image of Russia internationally than anyone in a generation.
Putin’s baby, the 2014 Winter Olympics being held in Sochi, Russia in just under two weeks, was meant to demonstrate to the world that Russia had entered the modern age.
Then a funny thing happened. The world actually paid attention to Russia, and found it to be a third-world cesspool run by a despot.
If Brand Russia had already been bruised by Putin’s reign, in the past 12 months it’s been utterly destroyed."

I hope "Little Father" Putin reads it and takes notice, but that may be a vain wish.


  1. I bid 20 Dinars for the dancing boy.

    Bock, my dear brother, stop trying to sell me to Iraqi businessmen.


    1. *pouts* Are you sure, Dej, I have already received bids of 20 camels and more for you delicious body...?

    2. Camels. huh. How many humps?

    3. depends on what part you want to be humped... ;P


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