Monday, September 22, 2014

WOW! Paradise Lost in Second Life

My son Guyke gave Tomais and me an extremely early wedding anniversary present by inviting us to join him for the last performance of the Basilique Performing Arts Company in Second Life's production of John Milton's "Paradise Lost".

I took loads of pictures of this original, unique, sensational and totally amazing experience to the wonderful music of Mozart, but do not have time at the moment to blog them. Instead I will only give you a few pictures before and after the show.

Stay tuned for more pictures this coming weekend.

I give this production the score: ★ ★ ★ ★ 
I and Guyke ready to teleport to the venue
Waiting in line for the ban lines to be removed
Inside the venue, waiting for the performance to begin
Tomais and I saying good night after the show
Thank you so much for this wonderful present, Guykechen!

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