Tuesday, March 24, 2015

To the Queen of Our Hearts

Today we celebrate the rezday of Hare Majesteit Koningin BM, the absolute and undisputed ruler of The Netherlands in SecondLife, and the much, much, younger and much more beautiful dear cousin of the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm etc., etc.

One should never discuss the age of a lady, they are always timeless and ageless once they have passed there 18th birthday, this rule is even stricter when it comes to our nobility and royalty. Nonetheless they do have rezdays, even though they do not celebrate them.

Besides being the supreme ruler of The Netherlands in SecondLife, this spectacular woman is also the Queen of four - at least (unknown lovers are untold) - men's hearts.

The four of us join in congratulating our sweet, charming and amazingly patient Queen and wishing Hare Majesteit a happy and relaxing rezday!

With much love,
Kahvy & Garrett Smith
Tomais Ashdene & Bock McMillan

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