Showing posts with label santorum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label santorum. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gay Porn Outlawed In Turkey

The High Supreme Court of the Republic of Turkey (Yargitay) has decided to assess oral and anal sex as "unnatural sexual acts". Through this decision the list of "unnatural content" in videos which are now forbidden in Turkey consist of  the following activities:
  • oral sex
  • anal sex
  • group sex
  • SM
  • rape
  • bestiality
  • necrophilia
Possession, distribution and publication of videos with "unnatural content", as well as possession of downloaded material from the Internet, is punishable with four years imprisonment in Turkey.

Earlier the word "gay" (including its Turkish pronunciation "gey") and "anal" have been banned from Turkish Internet domain names. Any sites containing such words faces immediate closure. The Turkish Telecommunications Directorate in 2011 sent a list of 138 words to Turkish web-hosting firms, ruling the words are not allowed to feature in domain names and websites that do use them will be shut down.

This is a very devious way for the bigots and homophobes in Turkey to legislate, "Let´s forbid gay pornography by not actually forbidding it - which may effect our application for membership in The European Union adversely - instead we forbid the sexual acts that have to be an integral part of ever gay sex film if there is to be any sexual activity at all, except for kissing, caressing and masturbation.

Anatole France (1844–1924) French poet, novelist and journalist once said something like "La loi, dans un grand souci d'égalité, interdit aux riches comme aux pauvres de coucher sous les ponts, de mendier dans les rues et de voler du pain." (The law, in a large concern for equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets and to steal bread.)

Somehow all this reminds me of the homophobic Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum, formerly a United States Senator for Pennsylvania and previously a candidate for the 2012 Republican Party presidential nomination. Santorum equated homosexuality with pedophilia, incest, adultery, bigamy, and bestiality. 

This lead to a sublime revenge by gay activist Dan Savage, who is also an American humorist and sex advice columnist, who with the help of his readers redefined the word "santorum" to mean "the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex".

I encourage you all to visit Google and search for the word "santorum", in the results please check out the site "Spreading santorum"

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sublime Revenge

This story has kept me laughing the last two days, so I thought I would share it.

Rick Santorum is an American politician and a former Republican US Senator from Pennsylvania. When Santorum in 2003 was asked for his position on the Roman Catholic Church sex abuse scandal, in an interview with Associated Press, he equated homosexuality with pedophilia, incest, adultery, bigamy, and bestiality.

Dan Savage is an American humorist and sex advice columnist with a blog named "Savage Love". He is also a gay activist.

As Rick Santorum's anti-gay comments were being forgotten by the mainstream media, a writer under the pseudonym "Sex and Rick Santorum" urged Savage to organize a reader contest to determine a definition for the word "santorum." The reader reasoned that since Santorum had invited himself into the bedrooms of homosexuals, they should be "inclusive" and name a gay sex act for him. Savage agreed, after pointing out that there are no "gay" sex acts, saying: "There's no better way to memorialize the Santorum scandal than by attaching his name to a sex act that would make his big, white teeth fall out of his big, empty head."

Savage then declared a contest for a redefining the word "santorum" and let his readers vote on the contributions. The winner was a "the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex,"  

Savage then proceeded to set up a website "Spreading santorum"

As Santorum is now positioning himself for a bid to be the Republican candidate for President of the United States in the upcoming 2012 elections he is complaining that "Spreading santorum" and Wikipedias explanation of the word "santorum" unseat his official website in all the search engines (Google, Bing etc.)

For further information on this please read Dan Savage´s account of the story.

We should always do our up-most to keep bigoted fools from positions of power. I am therefore setting up a thing on this blog so you can conveniently click it to keep Santorum in his right place in the search engines. Oh by all means, click as many times as you wish!