Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy Rezzday Bosom Buddy!

He is straight, he is here, better get used to it! Even when he gets in your face!

Apmel Goosson has been around for four years in SecondLife. He also has the oldest surviving Swedish blog om SecondLife, "Min avatar heter Apmel" (My avatars name is Apmel). On it he promotes art, music and culture in SecondLife - not the mainstream!

In fact to keep up with all thats happening in the cultural scene Apmel has created four (4) alts, Uncle Ib, Apmel Meerson, Apmelina and Kludden (who is an Apmel to but I always fort his last name - I break out into sweat every time I see that boy, he´s darn hawt.

I am so grateful for having you around Apmel, through you and your blog I have seen things in SecondLife I wouldn´t have seen otherwise. You make my life richer and more wonderful.

Happy rezday dear bosom buddy, and may you have many, many more!

Most of the pics used in this post are by Ika Cioc or Apmel himself.


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