Thursday, October 6, 2011

R.I.P. Steve Jobs

With your brilliant innovations you changed us and how we perceive our world.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


The Nobel Prize in chemistry has been awarded to Israeli researcher Daniel Shechtman for his discovery of quasicrystals. Quasicrystals are regular but non-repeating patterns of atoms and were discovered already in 1982 but it was a long time before their existence was widely accepted.

According to The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences "the discovery fundamentally altered how chemists conceived of solid matter, since previously they had believed that all crystals consisted of entirely regular, repeating configurations of atoms."

After reporting his ground breaking findings Professor Shechtman was forced to leave his work and was med with ridicule and scorn from his colleagues, but 29 years later he receives the Nobel Prize.

Galileo Galilei said, "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.”

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cinnamon Rolls and More

"The Cinnamon Bun Day" must be one of the most successful campaigns ever in Swedish advertising history.

October 4th in Sweden means we have all stuffed ourselves with, or been stuffed with, the pastry anywhere and everywhere we have gone. 

No decent employer has forgotten to serve the staff with this traditional pastry. Any visit with a friend or to a cafe without a damn bun would be considered a complete failure. 

I had three of them today and now I don´t want to see another for three months at least.

For a recipe of this traditional Swedish pastry see my post last year, Swedish Cinnamon Bun Day.

As the good son I sometimes try to be I brought along a couple of buns to my mother today. She looked at me tiredly and then told me "I have already had one and that was quite enough, thank you very much!". I told her to give them to the night staff.

The problem is if I hadn't brought them along the hospital staff would probably have looked on me as an utter failure as a son, probably my mother also.

Beside that it was a good visit. My mother was very chatty and in a great mood and had been without the additional oxygen supply the whole day.

On Joe Jervis´s ever watchful blog Joe.My.God. I read that "Anonymous" is planning to take down the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) from the Internet in a concerted attack on Monday the 10th, "Anonymous to Wall Street: We Will Take Down Stock Exchange On October 10th".

There is a video declaring their intentions and their motives for the raid, see it.

I cannot really comprehend how creating more disturbances and unrest for the International banking system will accomplish their goals. It seems to me that the only ones who will suffer from more unrest in the economic markets are the 99% "Anonymous" claims to act on behalf of. But who am I to judge, people say I am too judgmental anyway.

Monday, October 3, 2011


"Arrangement in Grey and Black: The Artist´s Mother" (1871)
by James McKneill Whistler
In the early evening on Sunday, as I was getting ready to visit with my mother at the hospital, I got a phone call from my father.

He told me he had just had the strangest conversation with mother. She had claimed that my brother in-law had visited her that day with his granddaughter and during the visit said the most awful things to her in front of the girl. When my father started questioning her about if this really could be true since she had always had a good relationship with my brother in-law, she got very angry with him and hung up the phone in his ear saying "Well you can believe it or not, but I know what happened!"

My mother and I have some similar traits. We are both usually quite even tempered but sometimes blow up. To be completely honest, neither of us are the most patient of people, although of course everyone tells us we are just that - repeatedly.

When I arrived at the hospital ward she was still upset, but now because after thinking about it she had realized that it had been a very vivid and realistic nightmare. So together we called my father on the phone and settled things to his great relief. For some reason, she also felt the need to call my sister and brother in-law and tell them about her terrible dream and tell them she was sorry she had actually thought it had really happened.

Somehow this incident told me - more than any doctors could - that my mother was getting better, even if she is still weak and tired her passion is back. She is of course still on her antibiotics but can now be without the additional oxygen most of the time.

We have started planning for her return home and the help and support she and father may need the first four weeks  and in the long run - to cope with living at home. Hopefully this will all sort itself out during the days to come. She is longing for her own comfortable bed.

1 000 posts


I actually didn't notice until just after I had pressed "publish" that the previous post was the 1 000 post on "Bock in SecondLife".

I knew that milestone was coming soon because I remember thinking about it when I wrote up the last statistics report, but then I forgot all about it again *sigh* I actually didn't believe I would stick with it that long when I started it.

At Sacred Trance with DJ Butch

On Sunday evening I went to the first regular set at my buddy Butch Diavolo´s new club "Sacred Trance".

The club will have a regular Sunday set from 12 PM -  4 PM with two DJ´s on for two hours each. There will also be sets on another day of the week, but I was too immersed in IM´s when Butch told us about that so I have actually forgotten which day that was. Hopefully Butch will drop the information in a comment or I will add it at a later time.

The has been built by Butch himself by "ripping out" and "sticking together" two churches that were originally built by Van Auster. The builder and designer Van himself was there to inspect what damage Butch had made to his building and was impressed by the result like the rest of us.

Van Auster is of course best known as the owner of the store "Post", that apart from beautiful buildings also sells wonderful furniture. Butch boldly claims that he has everything in the store and that his club and home are really a showcase for Van´s work because "almost everything (he) has in his club and home is from the Post".

The music was great, even if I joked with Butch and threw Ars´s old truth "Everyone is a DJ in SecondLife, or at least they think so!"

Sunday, October 2, 2011

We Crashed the Sim

Photo courtesy of my buddy Apmel Goosson
Yesterday was a messy day in SecondLife, partly I guess due to the usual overpopulation during weekends but Linden Lab seems to be doing some major overhaul of their servers also. I crashed two times the same evening, which actually hasn't happened for a very long time.

Anyway, as I promised in my post yesterday, I could be found at the Fride Club & Lounge´s fourth jubilee most of the evening.

My friend and the club owner Midnattsdotter "Mid" Fride gave us a great line-up of amazing live artists this evening, among which could be found my buddy Strum Diesel. Zelator Bahomet, Mid´s business partner, had built an wonderful set befitting the theme of the party, "Super Mario Characters".

All of Mid´s patrons came teleporting in to celebrate Mid and the club, which eventually led to the sim crashing on us. I have always maintained, "Every great party needs at least one sim-crash!" 

The sim-crash occurred during The Rails set, and after that I unfortunately had some troubles with getting the sound to work properly. This meant I had to raise my volume way high to hear Hazideon Zarco and Strum Diesel sing, but still had difficulty hearing them talk between the songs. The sound problem seemed to have solved itself by the time the last artist, AM Quar, started his set but by then I was too tired to stay.

Overall I had a wonderful time and saw many friends and others.