Friday, October 28, 2011


You may  or may not - have noticed that lately I have only been in-world sporadically and for short visits. Whatever the case may be, let me assure you I have no plans of leaving SecondLife.

Still I do think about SecondLife a lot, what has been, what is, what will be and what my future there could be.

I had a sun and a whole solar system of people circling the same sun and surrounding me, supporting me, caring for me and making me feel safe. That solar system is now lost due to developments and voluntary or involuntary decisions and choices made by or for the other people involved.

I must stress that there is no blame or recrimination intended in these statements. I completely respect, approve and even understand the reasons for them not being here. Indeed the rest of my universe still remains and is filled with shining bright stars of people who are my friends, but they are not as close and have others that are closer to them than I am. It is however a drastic change and not a situation I like much, because I feel more vulnerable, exposed and cowardly when left to my own devices.

Due to this you may also have noticed that my recent posts have become more impersonal as my barriers now seem to be coming up again. This could of course be a sign that I am getting more mentally and emotionally stable as an effect of my medication and healing. But if I take myself and my reactions and experiences out of the mix on my blog, it becomes worthless to me and just another SecondLife-blog telling everyone what to wear, where to go and what to do. I do not want that either. If that should happen I might as well shut down this blog because there are others who do that better, have better connections and sources of information and are far better skilled at analyzing the developments.

I need to be raw, not skinless but unclothed, unveiled, in direct contact with my emotions, thoughts and experiences. I don´t wan´t to end up as a "hausfrau-blog" posting just cute pictures of my kids and pets or silly stories of what my kids did during the day. There are many others that do that better to.

So I have a few choices to make in the near future, let´s wait and see what the results are going to be.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

SecondLife Celebrity Spills All

The man, the myth, the legend, the one and only Eddi Haskell agreed to a heart-to-heart with Avacar Bluestar from Gay-Worlds News. Read the interesting result here: Exclusive Interview: Eddi Haskell - Agent Provocateur.

You may not always agree with Eddi but his opinions are always interesting and honest. I am happy to call this man my friend.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

90.000 Passwords Astray

Loads of journalists (which makes for a big news coverage) and many others have reported to the police that the password to their email accounts and other accounts have been compromised and published via a Twitter account.

As many as 90 000 or more passwords and so called "hashcodes" (whatever they are) from a hacked site may be in the hands of wrong users.

The passwords to the journalists email accounts were published on the parliamentarian William Petzäll´s Twitter account. Petzäll was formerly a Swedish Democrat - the ultra nationalistic and xenophobe party in Sweden -but was recently kicked out of the party for among other things his excessive drug abuse. He of course claims he is innocent and that his own accounts were hacked also. 

All the lost codes come from a single database that has been hacked.

The news about this has of course led to some panic and we - the users - are now being told what to do and how to create stronger passwords.

In my mind the fault must be placed elsewhere. Of course the users should and must create stronger passwords but the prime responsibility must always rest with the companies that ask us for them without taking the necessary safeguards to protect them.properly and safely.

William Petzälls role in this mess must still be considered "unclear" at the best.

Is Your SecondLife Getting Cloudy?

The tip of the day comes from my buddy Eddi Haskell´s blog today

Having problems with Second Life performance lately? This is why and what you can do about it

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy Rezday, Babe!

My love, the beautiful avatar Ars Northmead first rezzed into SecondLife on October 25th, 2006. Today would have been his fifth rezday.

Happy rezday, babe, and thanks for the help with the email yesterday! Love you forever!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Is Bock A Closet Techie?

Bock by Chade Dagger
I am brilliant, bloody brilliant, even if I have to say so myself!

At this very late hour I just succeeded in recovering all my mail and contacts from before my meddling with the computer the other day.

Now straight to bed, my project for tomorrow is to find my bookmarks!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

SP2011 Photo Contest - The Results Are In

Photography by Jeff Ellsworth
Photography by Bock McMillan

At last the long awaited deliberations of the Second Pride jury reached us today, as I received a mail with the following message:
Decision was extremely tough to make and we couldn’t make everyone a winner but we’re delighted to announce the winners:
1st Prize ex-aequo: Bock McMillan (L$ 3,000) and Jeff Ellsworth (L$ 3,000);
2nd Prize ex-aequo: Scotty a.k.a. "The Bad News Bear" (L$ 1,000) and Dakar Etzel (L$ 1,000).
Click HERE to read PRISM and see the other pictures.
Next contest comes for Halloween and the theme is "Gay Halloween in SL" so get ready to join! Further information about this new contest will be provided very soon.
Please spread the word among your friends. Thank you and once again congratulations!
My warmest congratulations go to Jeff, Scotty and Dakar!