Sunday, April 15, 2012

Scary at OrmDricka

Meet Gitt and Rika, or maybe it is Rika and Gitt, I am not sure
Just a quick post before crawling to bed.  I had to show you the picture of the evil, two-headed, ogre I met at OrmDricka´s fantasy event today. It is of course, Gittrika Mint having some fun with her avatar.

I hope the sight of this ogre will not prevent me from sleeping.

Life Is Like a Bottle of Ketchup

Whiskey with Blanche
...first there is nothing and then - suddenly - it all pours out.

The object of my secret meeting with a woman the other day has now been disclosed.

Blogger and friend Blanche Argus has now published the interview she was doing with me at the time so you  can stop thinking that I am venturing to "the other side".

The interview is in Swedish of course but if you wish you can read it on Blanche´s Arena: Interview with Bock McMillan. I must say that sharing the bottle of Jack Daniel´s with Blanche seems to have worked; I talked too much!

Sergey Takes A Stand

All Out informs us:
Last Sunday Sergey Kondrashov was arrested in Saint Petersburg, Russia, for holding up a banner that read: “A dear family friend is lesbian. My wife and I love and respect her … and her family is just as equal as ours."

In just five days Sergey will go to court, where he could be fined and even thrown in jail for 15 days for violating Saint Petersburg's new "gay propaganda" law. With lawmakers in Russia's federal legislature (the Duma) looking to extend this "gay propaganda" law to the entire country - Sergey is taking a stand. He is asking Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to denounce the absurd anti-gay law that made him a criminal, and to do everything in his power to stop this unconstitutional law from spreading nationwide.

Sergey doesn't think of himself as an activist. He's just someone who thinks that all Russians - gay or straight - should be treated equal under the law. If you believe that it should never be illegal to defend the dignity of your friends and family who are gay, lesbian bi or trans - please stand with Sergey, and sign this petition to the Russian Prime Minister.

Sign the petition and stand with Sergey at All Out: Stand with Sergey in Russia

I, for one, know the benefits and the support that straight allies can give when homophobia raises it´s ugly face. I am so grateful for the support I have received and wish to pay it forward in supporting Sergey - and trying to get you to do so also. (Hell I would most likely have signed anyway, but that is just between you and me!)

Saturday, April 14, 2012


A century ago on April 15, 1912, at approximately 02:15-02:20 AM (ship´s time) the sinking of the RMS Titanic, on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York, caused the deaths of 1,514 people in one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in history. She carried 2,224 passengers and crew.

"The Final Song of the Second Class Passenger", or to most Swedes lovingly known as simply "Titanic"

Music and lyrics by Mikael Wiehe (Translation to English by Bock McMillan)

It began as a shaking on the lower deck.
It filled us more with wonder than with fear.
We didn't quite understand the reason why the ship had sprung a leak.
We had been told that this was the worlds most modern, unsinkable, ship.

You took our picture of the kids, your jewelry and your hat.
I took a sweater, I thought the ocean is surely cold.
When we stepped out of our cabin and saw how water had started pouring in,
I saw a tear, or was it possibly a drop of water on your cheek

We followed arrows leading to the location of the rescue boat.
It was on the top deck, which really was First Class.
We were quite a few there, but all were rather calm.
There was just a gentleman from Third Class who behaved a little silly.

We met a man, whom we had greeted before.
He introduced us to his daughter and his wife.
When we got up on deck the captain said that the lifeboat could not be lowered to the water.
It seemed it was the chains to a hoist that someone had forgotten.

We went to the bar and got a glass of complimentary champagne.
And we drank a toast to the empire and each other.
Now the ship started sinking faster and the inclination was rather steep.
Many jumped into the water, but we decided to stay on board.

Then the rats began leaving the ship in search of land.
But we remained on the deck and held each others hands.
We thought, the ocean is far too large, and cold, and wild.
And in the boats that had been lowered into the water there was no room for any more.

Then the ships orchestra played '"Nearer, My God, to Thee"
It felt a bit silly, but still rather typical of our time.
We have lost the very last pinch of hope.
We sink to the bottom, where we stand, but the flag flies to the top!


Bock, a woman, a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey and two glasses, what good can come out of this we wonder?

Is Bock perhaps once more venturing "a road (hitherto) not taken" in  his ongoing explorations of his promiscuous sexuality? (Unfortunately our intrepid spy could not get close enough to identify the woman in this nightly session, her name will of course be disclosed to you at the earliest possible time.)

Weekend Distraction

DJ Arcy, Arcangelo Hellman, gives us another therapy session, #18 (Tech Trance Special). You can find more of DJ Arcy´s music here Soundcloud - DJ Arcy

This session could not have come at a better time for me because I need some distraction after having read my bosom buddy Apmel´s latest post.

I am breathing, breathing and breathing. In and out, in and out, in deep and long breaths to keep my composure after reading his revealing post My Avatar´s Name Is Apmel: "Cowardly Attack On Bock" (in Swedish).