Sunday, May 20, 2012

junivers Stockholm Serves 190 Meals

 Did you know that for L$ 100 one can give a child a meal in Kenya? Well, that´s what I learned yesterday while enjoying the wonderful music of junivers Stockholm.

I had a great time, even if I made the faux pas of breaking the dress code that had been requested by the organizer of "Feed A Smile" by turning up at the fundraiser not dressed in white.
Well, I didn't know there was a dress code and that´s my poor excuse. Who cares really, because while I was there we saw junivers prepare 190 meals for the charity and that was the important thing!

Whaddaya Know?

cbreak has logged into first life for a short while and the first thing that happens is that his wife Blanche Argus is seen out on a hot date with a hottie.that has not yet been identified.

I am in a state of utter and complete shock, who would have thought...!???
Blanche in an intimate tête-à-tête with unknown stranger
Well, "when the cat´s away the mice will play", is all I have to say about this. From what I heard the organizers at the "Feed A Smile" benefit had a hard time breaking up the couple, who were going at it in plain sight. The sim was after all only General, not Adult.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

"Feed A Smile" Fundraiser with junivers Stockholm

Who: junivers Stockholm - LIVE
What: Fundraiser for "Feed A Smile"
When: Saturday May 19, 2012, 12 PM (noon) SLT
Where: The Lavender Field - Feed A Smile (SLurl)
Why: Great live music, great show and a good cause

From junivers Stockholm´s bio:
"junivers is a composer. He worked together with the international team CARP. (Cybernetic Art Research Project)  Juni made the music to The Rings and Emoticon (Director Velazquez Bonetto). Both shows ran for many months.
You can find some of his music on CD Baby, Itunes and Spotify, CD Baby - search results for junivers Stockholm (url)
Now and then juni plays live. He works with The Imaginals, led by Medora Chevalier (choreographer & lyricist)  performing "Follow the Light" and "The Dance of Life".
juni plays almost only his own original music. He mostly uses backtracks in which he has composed and played/programmed all instruments. junivers has made several collaborations with Jana Kyomoon.
During 2012 a new show with CARP - The Change -is opening.
juni has a wide range of styles, some with vocals and some instrumental."

Unscheduled Events

Yesterdays main event in SecondLife was going to be my first prom, but things happen and I ended up doing so much more.

It all started going off the well planned track when my brother in-laws Dejerrity Mycron and Jeb Nicholls came over to bring me to Dej´s parcel at the Southwest (please note I got it right this time) corner of the sim. They had been landscaping and decorating and wanted to show me what they had achieved so far.

Even if they both claim they are not done yet and that there is a lot of texturizing remaining, the spot already looks wonderful.
We sat there together at the camp fire for a good while talking about everything between heaven and earth, men (of course), life and loves, my chest hair (too little according to them both), how long Dej can keep a computer in working condition (he just got a newer one after eight years), earlier building projects they had been involved in (The Damocles Project and Ghoul Prison), how Jeb could fuel the Peoples Republic of China by daily flossing and about Ars (of course).
Time passes very fast when you are happy and when we were done covering the essentials I discovered I had already missed the Euro prom, so I had four hours to kill.before the American prom party started.

My buddy Butch Diavolo was doing an impromptu set at the Sanctuary, he always does that when he knows I am busy with other stuff. However, I was able to drop in for the last 30 minutes of his set and had a great time with great music and hilarious chat. Butch is a motormouth who is able to pull up the wittiest remarks at the drop of a hat.

I took a meal break after Butch´s set and was then called by my ex-missus for-a-day, Iendi Laville, to my buddy Apollon Allen´s jetty. Apollon was playing music for the gathered crowd (mostly Swedes) while they were dancing or enjoying the Jacuzzi.
Let me just give you a warning here.

All straight men are not avers to giving you a good time in a Jacuzzi. Ethon Sands has wandering feet that are wonderfully soft and flexible. I am not sure if he was playing with others under the water too or if they were just mocking me when they all started repeating "Ooooooooo Ethoooooon, it feels so good!"

Finally the time came to get ready for the American prom, so I reluctantly got out of the tub with the memories of Ethon´s feet still lingering on my mind.

By the time I got to the prom the party was well on it´s way and people were having a good time. I was too tired to take pictures but thoroughly enjoyed myself for an hour before leaving for bed at 4 AM my time. Avacar Bluestar was DJ-ing (the first time I heard him) to our enjoyment. Beautiful Kharissa Indigo and sexy  and notorious Ryce Skywalker were there among a whole lot of other sexy men and pleasant women.

Oh, you may be wondering if I did get a date to bring me to the prom. No such luck I am afraid, although I did try to entice the studelicious Ziggy Starsmith over with a blind teleport (He absolutely loves them!), but he was at another party and "couldn't come" (Have you ever heard a lamer excuse when being invited to a party by a sexy blond Swede,I ask?), or so he claimed.

Men, you cannot live with them, nor without them! All the same, I had a great Friday evening and early night, and have left out a lot of what happened being the soul of discretion that I am known to be.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Second Pride Prom Night

This is an official Second Pride fundraiser event.

As a Swede I have never really understood the Americans fascination of their high school proms. The all important "date" with the right person, wearing the right clothes and arriving to the event in the longest Escalade Limousine etc.

I am going even if I don´t get a date and I will do my best to look gorgeous, so the guys who didn't ask me can eat their hearts out.

Your Escalade Limousine to the event at The New Lighthouse Lounge (SLurl)

If you wish to become a part of Second Pride in SecondLife you can join Second Pride (url), There is also a group in-world with the same name.

Russians: Media Makes You Gay

PinkNews reports the results of a poll conducted in Russia by the state owned polling agency VTsIOM.

The poll asked Russians on their views of "the causes of homosexuality" and was conducted among 1,600 people in 138 towns and 46 regions of Russia. (The margin of error was calculated to be 3.4%)

According to the results of the poll Russians believe that the key factors for sexual orientation are
  • 47 percent - media & propaganda
  • 35 percent - friends
  • 33 percent - parents 
  • 16 percent - "a bad previous relationship with a member of the opposite sex"

Many regions in Russia have ‘gay propaganda’ laws banning the promotion of homosexuality or transgender identities among minors, which activists believe silence the public voices of LGBT communities.

In a similar poll conducted in April the results showed that while only 6 percent of Russians claimed to have seen "gay propaganda", still 86 percent support a ban on it.

Asked to comment on the results of the Russian polls the Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, today said, 
"It is sad to see the ignorance and bigotry that becomes apparent in the results of these polls. This is of course due to the poor educational system and the lack of fundamental democratic values such as human equality, free speech and free press. However they come as no surprise taking into consideration the poor political leadership in that country from President Vladimir Putin. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and all the way down through the ranks of the political establishment. The prime consideration seems to be to keep the people subdued, ignorant and bigoted." 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sneaking Up On Dej

My brother in-law Dejerrity Mycron lives on the sim with me. He is a very busy man and works a lot.

Sometimes he leaves his avatar sitting with the computer on the back deck,while he is out shopping, taking a nap or working in the kitchen. I have sneaked up on him more than once in hope of getting a little conversation and not only the short greetings, updates about health, family and other relevant information we send each other.

No such luck today though, I´ll try again next time I see him sitting there on the northwest corner enjoying the evening sun.