Sunday, July 15, 2012

Being in Shape

The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, firmly believes that being fit and healthy is a life long commitment that requires both energy and desire. Although it is easier to keep in shape in SecondLife than in first life the importance of a regular work out cannot - and should not - be ignored.

The task of staying fit and healthy has been greatly facilitated since I received a gift from my dear friend Carol Pixelmaid, proprietor, designer and builder of *Virtually Gorgeous*™. (*Virtually Gorgeous* Main Store (SLurl))

The *VG* Work Out Rug really helps me and is a fun way to exercise. Ever since I got it I have been doing my workouts twice a day.

Avatar Hunk of the Year

Nah, I am not going to start copying Eddi Haskell´s wonderful series of "Avatar Hunk of the Day", but I had to find a suitable title for this post.

Photo by Ziggy Starsmith
I stole, borrowed or quoted this wonderful picture of and by my buddy Ziggy Starsmith from his blog "Ziggy On The Edge Of Second Life". Every time I look at it I get in a good mood.

It reminds me a of a scene in the film "Cat Ballou" (1965) where Lee Marvin plays a gunman who is hired by Cat Ballou, played by Jane Fonda, when she is seeking revenge for her murdered father. Lee Marvin won an Oscar 1966 for Best Actor in a Leading Role.for his interpretation.

The Finals of Mr. Gay 2012

Well, that was an ordeal I that will not forget soon.

Everything started out well. With the kind assistance of Garth Raleigh I got the landmark to the venue and arrived early to secure my spot an hour before the contest started.

I chose a seat close to the refreshments because one can never know how long these things last and the bar service is usually slow. if you can get any at all.

As usual the rest of the crowd started dropping in after the official start of the event, some gay men always need to make "an entrance!", it´s a sort of compulsive behavior that I believe could be connected with being gay. Either that, or they had been to the sim N District before and knew that it was lousy. 

With only 40 avatars on the sim and after 15 crashes or so and three sim restarts the event finally started about an hour and twenty minutes late.

Our MC for the evening was the always delightful Ms. Kharissa Indigo. She did a great job at handling everything that happened with her customary charm and calm.

My viewer kept acting up throughout the rest of the event.

I couldn't save pictures to my computer and crashed eleven times more, the first few times because I tried taking pictures and the rest of the time for no reason at all. Alas this meant that I could only take a few snapshots with lower than usual quality.

The final line up consisted of eight gorgeous guys. All selected by the patrons of a gay club in SecondLife.

We were presented with the guys in swimwear, fantasy outfits and formals intertwined with the men´s answers to - prepared or unprepared - questions at previous interviews.

The judges boiled the competitors down to the last three guys.
From left to right, Mr. [N] Club Geremy Pallis, Mr. Sexology Willstar Galatea and Mr. Warehouse #69 Ty Yifu.

Before the final declaration of the winner by the judges I had made up my mind of the order I placed the last three guys in. I had Ty as winner, followed by Willstar and then Geremy. Well that only goes to show, I should never be a judge at these competitions, because the winner was Geremy.

Ladies and gents, I present you with Mr. Gay 2012 Geremy Pallis! He was a little too boyish for my taste but I believe he won the contest with his excellent answers in the interviews.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Event of the Day

Mr. Gay, 2012 Finals – Saturday July 14th, 2012, 2-4 PM SLT at the Gay Riviera (SLurl).

...and I do wish France a  happy day at their Fête nationale du 14 juillet.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Strum At Kannoji Zen

I have had withdrawal symptoms for the longest time now because I haven't gotten the recommended dose of Strum Diesel.

Well today I finally caught up with him again, even if I had to sneak up on him in the middle of my night (7 PM SLT) at the beautiful fireplace in the woods at the Kannoji Zen venue. Although, as he told me, he nowadays also has a set at 1 PM SLT on Sundays.

Let me tell you, our wonderful and talented green-haired boy has been extremely productive the last few months and has loads of new songs, all great. You can buy Sean Kagalis/Strum Diesels music at cdbaby.

A Message From The Chairman

Group Notice From: Second Pride Festival, Doc Spad
Time to declare yourself as a candidate is running out... we still need a few god part of Pride this next year and be part of the fun... check out the website  hit the "About Us"/ SP Bylaws tab...look over the positions on the Board... then drop us a note card with the position you want to run for. send note cards to Avacar Bluestar or brett Fargis.
Be part of something that makes a difference...
Doc Spad
your Chairperson

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The GA Summerfest 2012

The Gay Archipelago´s Summerfest 2012 will be going on Thursday July 12 - Sunday July 15, 2012.

For the events calendar visit Festival Calender

Here is Your gondola to the festival sim. The organizers kindly request that you please use the paper bags provided if you are prone to motion sickness as they just have had the interior cleaned.