Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Verdict Against A.B.B.

On August 24 2012, the Oslo District court delivered it´s verdict in the case of the Norwegian mass-murderer and terrorist A.B.B. I was too preoccupied with my first life at the time to blog about it, so this is mainly for my own records as I have been following the case on the blog since the start..

The court found A.B.B. to be guilty of all charges, i.e.

  • acts of terrorism, 
  • seventy-seven (77) counts of murder, 
  • forty-two (42) counts of attempted murder etc.

The court also found A.B.B. to be criminally accountable for the crimes he had committed.

The court sentenced A.B.B. to a minimum of ten (10)years and a maximum of twenty-one (21) years of preventive incarceration, with the possibility of extensions with five years at a time until such time as he was seen to be fit to join society again.

A.B.B. immediately declared that he would not appeal the verdict, but the prosecutors asked for a two week period to consider an appeal. (As you may remember the prosecution primarily asked the court to find A.B.B. criminally insane and to sentence him to psychiatric care).

Hopefully the prosecutors decide not to appeal the verdict and this will have been the last we see and hear of A.B.B. forever.

Poll on the Effects of Social Media

There is an interesting new poll on my mentor Eddi Haskell´s blog Eddi Haskell´s Second Life.

This time Eddi asks our opinion on how we believe social medias effect us. You will find the poll in the top right hand corner.

You have ten more days to vote!

Blog Stats for August 2012

The total number of pageviews for Bock in SecondLife in August 2012 was 9,407, which is the lowest since May 2010. The all time high for the blog was set in April 2012, with 18,261 pageviews. March 2012 held the previous record of 16,569 pageviews.

Pageviews by country, August 2012
Sweden still leads as my all time largest reader country with a total of 73,846 pageviews, followed by the United States with 71,935 pageviews and the United Kingdom with 10,488 pageviews.

The three largest language groups among my readers in August 2012 were English (64.9 %), German (10,3 %) and Swedish (9,3 %).

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Meet Mr. Clean

When I came home from work today my home was so sparkling and bright, that I now have to wear shades inside.
Mr. Clean is a brand name and mascot fully owned by Procter & Gamble. He is a symbol
of the cleaning industry much like the iconic "Marlboro Man" is to the tobacco industry.

The cleaning team has done an excellent job and I am now walking happily around my apartment and admiring and enjoying their fine work. I am ready for the gossiping craftsmen´s arrival tomorrow.

To avoid slipping back into the same pattern again I am also going to have a cleaning crew coming here every third week. The crews arrival - I know from previous experience - will force me to declutter the days before they come and conditions should be safely maintained at an acceptable level of quality.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Belated Blogoversary and More

Bock in Secondlife turned three years old on August 25, 2012. During these past three years 1,594 posts have been published, 3,711 comments have been made (a few more but I don´t allow spam and filth) and 82 lovely and sexy followers have joined.

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday, dear Bock in SecondLife
Happy Birthday to you!

May you have many more,
May you have many more,
May you have many more, dear Bock in SecondLife
Happy Birthday to you!

The reason I missed the actual day is of course my special project which is now reaching it´s successful end. The team of cleaners - well, two persons can be a team too - are coming tomorrow morning and I am just doing the final touches, shoving stuff into cupboards and drawers or throwing. I will be finished in time to get a good nights rest, well deserved even if I say so myself.

Some days I have been so exhausted that I have gone straight to bed after work and slept all night, but most of the time I have been my proud pedantic parents well-behaved son and have clenched my fists and jaws and just gone ahead and done what had to be done ignoring my momentary weakness.

Love you all and miss you! Think of my sparkling clean and decluttered apartment tomorrow and share my joy!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

With A Little Help From A Friend

Today I threw my feelings of shame overboard and talked with a friend, the most non-judgmental guy I know, and explained the situation that had arisen.

He of course already knows that I am suffering from depression and that I am being treated for it. On previous occasions when I have hinted at the reason why I did not invite him or his family to my home, he has always offered to help, but I have told him I wanted to handle it myself.

When we had talked he just told me he had to check with his wife and kids if there was something special that needed his attention today after work, otherwise he was going to my place to help me out. There was nothing going on so he came over today after work.

We have been working together, with him focusing on the heavy carrying and me doing the less heavy work. He was great because he made no comments or jokes but just focused on what had to be done. In an hour and a half we with joint forces managed to empty the apartment from all the junk that had gathered over two and a half years. The apartment has already regained some of it´s previous charm.

My friend is coming back on Sunday evening, with a drill, to help me get some stuff up on the walls that has been laying around waiting for just that since I moved in here close to four years ago.

Until Sunday I am going to vacuum and do a bit of lighter cleaning and then on Wednesday there is a professional cleaning crew coming to do the rougher work, like washing down the nicotine stains from the kitchen cabinets, washing down the tiles in the bathroom and kitchen and give the floors and carpets a good cleaning.

From now on I also am going back to my original plan when i moved to this apartment of no smoking indoors, however sad, tired, cold or lazy I may feel.

I feel very tired but am also happy and relieved. I am wondering why I ever waited this long before accepting the help that has been offered. I am off to bed for a nap now, hope to wake up in time to get into SecondLife.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Can't A Guy Get A Break?

The title of this post could also be, "The best laid plans of mice and men, often go awry". As this mouse told you in the post "Progress" two days ago I have just started on a project of decluttering my home and had set a generous time limit for myself until mid-December.

Well, today I received notification that my landlord wishes to carry out maintenance of all the windows and window frames in the building. He therefor requests that I leave access to carpenters and painters to perform their jobs next Thursday. Knowing what gossipmongers such craftsmen usually are I have to revise my plans and increase the speed significantly.

At first it felt like a heavy blow- I was stressed out and got discouraged and just wanted to sit down and scream, but after thinking about it a few hours I am starting to think it may perhaps be a blessing in disguise. I will of course need to hire someone to help with throwing the heavy stuff - as I am not allowed to lift yet after my surgery ten weeks ago - and a cleaning crew.

Tomorrow I will book a cleaning crew for Tuesday or Wednesday next week and after work I am going to buy garbage bags and get going with the work I need to do. It should work out, hopefully. I will follow the Nike slogan and
"Just Do It".