Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lena Dunham: Your First Time

(via J.M.G.)

I remember my first time too. How very important it felt to get it "right"! That was of course a very, very, long time ago and was way before I became a jaded and cynical old slut...

Friday, October 26, 2012

Linden Lab - Punish Criminals, Not Victims!

From Insyx Piranha:
"You probably have heard my story about being robbed of my Ls and LL not helping me due to me being only a basic account. I am still pissed that LL has yet to help or even acknowledge the crime against me. I have not been reimburse for the monetary values taken from me either. I am sure this has happened to others. Well now you can stand up and use your voice to help me, and others, fight this injustice that LL places upon us."

For the events leading up to this petition please read Petr Hastings-Vanbeeck´s blog Confessions of a Digital Daddy Bear; When bad things happen to GOOD PEOPLE! or Blithe SL Magazine; You´re a Customer, Not the Resident of a Dictatorship

If you wish to sign the petition please go here, Petition - Linden Lab: Punish Criminals, Not Victims


Linden Lab has an obligation towards all residents in  SecondLife to protect us from criminals and criminal activity as far as they are able to do so and to ban accounts that prey on residents from using SecondLife again.

(Tipped via Ziggy, Eddi, Petr and InsyX himself)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ars Rezday 2012

On this day 6 years ago Joseph Douglas Wilson Jr., who was called J.D. or Doug by his family and friends in first life, rezzed into SecondLife for the first time. In the registration process when entering SecondLife he chose the name Ars Northmead.

Ars lived, worked, loved and thrived in SecondLife up until shortly before his death on March 12, 2010. He was a beautiful man, a kind soul, a wonderful lover and a loyal friend. He has been missed and will be missed as long as there is someone left to love him and remember him.

I love you, I remember you and I miss you. Forever Ars!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Impact of A Blogger

Joe Jervis, the super-blogger who has the Joe.My.God. or J.M.G. (url) blog, shared this story with his readers yesterday. The story came to him in an email from one of his readers, Cindy.

"Hi, Joe, I had an interesting call at the phone banks last night. I have been volunteering calling voters 3 or 4 nights a week to fight the (Minnesota) marriage amendment, and last night I was given a list of voters who previously said they'd be voting yes (to limit marriage to one man/one woman) to try and persuade them to vote no.
One gentleman I spoke with had been firmly in the Yes camp until he saw the ads they began running here on TV. He was so angry with the LGBT community after hearing the things Kalley Yanta said that he went online to find proof of how awful gays really were- and instead managed to Google the real stories behind the newest attack ad, realized they were lying about us and changed his vote to no- along with his entire family.

But it gets even better- after telling me that he found many articles about the specific issues which were in the attack ad, I asked him which sites he'd found most helpful. "Oh!", he said," Have you ever read a website called Joe Dot My Dot God Dot?" I managed not to laugh until after I got off the phone, but told him that I'd look into that website, especially if he found it useful. He told me that as far as he was concerned, (Minnesotans) United For All Families should just tell the Yes voters to go read that guy Joe's website, he had learned a lot from it especially because as far as he knows he doesn't have any gay friends. So, you won one for us - thank you, Joe!"
It is quite understandable that Joe did a cabbage patch-dance at his desk when he had read that email.

To receive such tangible proof that you have had an impact on someones heart and mind is the greatest praise a blogger can get. Joe has worked hard and long to get it and is well worth all the praise, accolades and blog awards he can get!

I read his blog daily and everyone else should do it too, for the always interesting posts but also for the hilarious, knowledgeable and bitchy comments by his readers.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Shooting the Breeze

Following my escapade to the Burn2 yesterday, I felt an immediate need for some peace and quiet at home, preferably in pleasant company but alone would have been fine too.

I was happy when I saw my buddy Ziggy inworld and sent him an Instant Message, I was even happier when he invited himself over for a visit. We started by taking a walk around the home sim and checking the state of things but after our walk we ended up on the porch of the barn and engaging in some idle conversation about this and that and everything inbetween. Comparing stories and experiences is a good way to get to know one and other better.

After a while the youngsters dropped by to say good night before they logged off. Ars, and people in first life too, have always accused me of having limited powers of observation. If I go to a party with friends, be it in SecondLife or first life, we have never been to the same party. Others see and notice things that I haven't payed any attention to at all.

I could of course admit to the fact, but instead I defend myself with the excuse that my powers are not limited, merely selective. I tell them that I see and notice what interests me at that point in time, to notice and memorize more would probably overload my circuits.
Well, yesterday evening my attention was suddenly drawn to a tattoo over one of my son in-law Janttu´s eyebrows. I promise you I have absolutely never seen it before. The boys maintained that he had had that tattoo "for ages" and even that my son Guyke has one too under his eye (covered by the sun glasses at this occasion they told me). I still cannot understand how I have failed to notice any of those tattoos.

When the boys had left for bed, we were joined by our friend Butch for a while, but by then I had gotten too tired to take more pictures. My curfew for SecondLife came much too soon after his arrival but I had to log off to get some sleep before work. The other two party animals went on to a party instead!

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Laird Is Banned From Burn2

The Much Honored Bock McMillan, laird of Southern Charm and prince of Cascade Falls, today took it upon himself to make a manifestation for the artists rights to freely express their opinions at Burn2.

Suddenly and without even a word of warning - which is usually common practise everywhere else in SecondLife - the laird found himself at home. He had been banned from Burn2 and could no longer return.

This is outrageous! The organizers are dictatorial and totally undemocratic.


"As of October 9, 2012, Tim Tebow now owns the trademark for “Tebowing”. Tebow has stated that he did not acquire the trademark for financial gain, and being the good Christian that he is, that is probably true. Tebow’s goal is “to just control how it’s used, make sure it’s used in the right way.”
A Tebow moment AP

Apparently the trademark is not solely on the term to Tebow, but on the pose as well. You don’t have to call it “Tebowing” to be subject to Tim’s approval. Drop to one knee with your fist to your forehead, and if Tebow does not approve of the context, you will pay."

Read more: Tim Tebow now owns “Tebowing” trademark: Setting a new precedent? | Washington Times Communities

Sigh!!! First life is going crazy, perhaps I should join SecondLife permanently...