Sunday, November 4, 2012


Photographer François Rousseau
French rugby player Maxime Mermoz posing for the 2013 edition of the Dieux du Stade calendar.

Take a hint  François, Far too much water, dammit!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

With Ars and Butch

Today I visited with Ars at the Mirromere memorial site. Mirromere is one of the beautiful Calas Galadhon Park sims, owned and operated by partners Ty Tenk and Truck Meredith. I fell in love with the place when it hosted Ars memorial and have come back regularly ever since.

Today I invited my friend Butch Diavolo to join me there, because we needed to catch up on some things that had been going on in his first life, I had heard the first part earlier and wanted to get an update on recent events.

Butch came almost directly from a wedding where he had been the best man. He looked smashing and very stylish, except for the fact that he had taken the time to stop in at home and take off his shoes and socks before joining me. Well, he had washed his feet for the wedding so that was a small blessing.

We had a good talk and I was happy that things were looking promising although Butch convinced me that we should be patient and not take anything for granted yet. That man has a good, sensible  head on his broad shoulders.

This Is Cher, Bitches, Do What She Says!

(via J.M.G.)

"What about the guy that looks like Dracula?" when referring to Paul Ryan is priceless! And that is only one of the many gems in this video by Cher and Kathy Griffin.

Romantic Entanglements

While I was hanging out with my son Guyke and our friends yesterday I received an Instant Message from my son telling me that he wished to speak with me in private.

I was somewhat worried about what would follow, but told him "OK, what?". Whereupon Guyke said he had to ask me a very personal question, to which I answered "Of course" getting slightly more worried. Then Guyke asked me what my true feelings were for Ziggy. I had thought much about that subject so the answer came easily, "I like him alot  but I am not in love. He is partnered in first life, so on my behalf it´s a no go on the romantic level."

"Uhm well", the boy said, "we have been getting close."
"How close, my darling?"
"Well, very close actually. Is that a problem for you? Janttu knows this and the two of us will still be together in first life. "
"No, not in the least as long as you are all OK with it. I promise, I have no problems with you and Ziggy but please be good to him. I do not wish to see him hurt or lose him as a friend", I told him.
"You won´t!", Guyke assured me.

So there it is. I fully accept and completely encourage and support the relationship between Guyke and Ziggy. I congratulate them both on finding such good men as each other.

I know myself well enough to know that for me a romantic relationship with someone who already has a first or second life relationship is off the charts. I can barely handle one man, even the thought of making allowances for another romantic relationship in the life of my chosen one completely overloads my emotional systems and always has. I am a "one-man-at-a-time-guy", which is neither better nor worse than being able to handle more than one at a time but just the way it is.

The only thing I may miss a bit is Ziggy´s flirting with me... but I will survive that I am quite sure!

All Saint´s Day

Photo Sören Hallgren,
©Nordiska museet

This is the day in Sweden when we remember those of our friends and family who have passed away. It is a day of peaceful and calm remembrance preferably spent with those that are close to you, to grieve and reminisce our dear departed.

We visit our beloved and light candles at their graves to the point where the graveyards are often completely illuminated by all the candles.

I took my mother on a tour to the graves of our family members that are buried nearby yesterday, my father had a cold and prefered to stay at home. We lit candles in remembrance of those laying there and those that are buried on more remote places.

Ars got a candle too of course!

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Splash

The evening started out slow. I went over to Guyke´s and Janttu´s place and we were joined by Ziggy after a while. We had a good, long and enjoyable chat, just lounging around with some interesting news and a lot of foolishness.

When we got a notice about DJ Yifu´s Splash party at the Gay Riviera we decided to go there for some music and dancing. Before going we had to prepare ourselves for the party by undressing and putting on some necessary attachments.
The place was filled with naked - or almost naked - guys and girls. The music was great, the chat was funny and the sights made my head spin.

News From Dejerrity

Photo by Charles Sykes/AP
My brother in-law Dejeritty lives in Manhattan, New York, N.Y. in first life. I have been worrying about him since the Frankenstorm Sandy, the largest Atlantic hurricane in recorded history, hit New York City on Monday October 29, 2012.

Thankfully I got a message from him today telling me that he is well but that all of lower Manhattan lost power at 8:15 PM Monday night when a transformer station literally exploded. They are expecting power to be restored in his area sometime on Saturday - hopefully.

Well, that´s a load iff my chest!