Thursday, November 29, 2012

UN Recognises Palestinian State

The UN resolution A/67/L28 granting Palestine non-member observer state status has been passed in the United Nations general assembly with the votes 138-9, with 41 abstentions.

The distinguished representative of Southern Charm to the UN, prince Wild Zepp, in a brief comment said. "Southern Charm welcomes the outcome of the vote. We, like the UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon, believe that Palestinians have the right to its own state, just as Israel has the right to exist and to peace and security."

Assangeistas, Eat Your Hearts Out

The World Justice Project (WJP) has recently issued its annual report for 2012, the WJP Rule of Law Index® 2012.

The WJP Rule of Law Index is an innovative quantitative assessment tool designed by the World Justice Project offering a detailed and comprehensive picture of the extent to which countries adhere to the rule of law in practice. It provides original data regarding a variety of dimensions of the rule of law, enabling the assessment of a nation’s adherence to the rule of law in practice, identify a nation’s strengths and weaknesses in comparison to similarly situated countries, and track changes over time.

The results show that Sweden, contrary to the claims made by suspected rapist Julian Assange and his cohorts and supporters (the Assangeistas), actually is a country that ranks among the highest in the world (often among the Top 3 and always among the Top 10) in all factors and subfactors that are indexed in the report. You can download the full report for 2012 here and there is a cool interactive map here.
Criminal Justice
Sweden´s  overall scores & rankings

The NOH8 Project

I have now published pictures from all the avatars who have been kind enough to supply me with their NOH8-pictures so far. More pictures are welcome for the good cause, but I am not going to twist anyone's arm for them.

For more information about the The NOH8 Campaign and how to join it in SecondLife please read my previous post The NOH8 Campaign in SecondLife. There you will also find instructions on where to find the necessary duct tape and cheek painting free of charge.

If you would like to be a part of the NOH8 Campaign on this blog please send me your picture (fullperm), I will be happy to post it. Name the picture NOH8 and your avatar name and drop it on my profile or send it to my email

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Big Bear Blend

Well, who would have imagined... and the company isn't even based in San Francisco, California, but in much more innocent sounding Northampton, Massachusetts-

Product description
Announcing our newest roast - Big Bear Blend! This rich and full-bodied blend of Indonesian, Papua New Guinea and Timor beans is smooth as silk . Special thanks to Vince, our Bear Contest Label photo contest winner, who graces the label with his adorable smile. 10 ounces. Fair trade organic, ground for auto/drip/k cup basket.

For a larger assortment of gay coffee blends (and actually some straight ones too) check out Gay Coffee (url)

"Gay Coffee is fabulous, 100% fair trade, organic coffees from farmer cooperatives across the world

Gay Coffee is gay owned and operated and donates a percentage of profits to local and national LGBT organizations.

Gay Coffee is the fusion of camp and queer culture – we take common themes and even some stereotypes, we own them and have some fun with them, while complimenting each theme with a piece of LGBTQ cultural and civil rights history

Cabaret Sans Chagrin

(via A Tribe Called sirhc)

"We invite you all to our charity event at Cabaret Sans Chagrin on Wednesday November 28, 2012, starting at 11am-2pm

  1. Korvids playing the Piano 11am-12pm
  2. Dj Biebi spinning exotic - reggae tunes 12pm-1pm
  3. DJ sirhc spinning a mix of music from the 80's, and all kinds of awesome tunes!
The charity organisation we are supporting this day is the Belgian first life organisation ''Vzw The Lucky Stars'' for cats in need."

Your special cat carrier to The Animal Rights and Welfare Land (SLurl)
(Please Note: Cabaret Sans Chagrin is part of the Animal Rights and Welfare land, and can be found as a skybox in the sky. When you land, you may not land directly in the Cabaret, so please take our teleporter on the ground, Thank you!)

NOH8 Avatars 17

Jeff Ellsworth
More NOH8 pictures with the amazing Jeff Ellsworth can be found on his blog Jeff Ellsworth Witnessing A Second Life: NOH8 In Second Life.

For more information about the The NOH8 Campaign and how to join it in SecondLife please read my previous post The NOH8 Campaign in SecondLife. There you will also find instructions on where to find the necessary duct tape and cheek painting free of charge.

If you would like to be a part of the NOH8 Campaign on this blog please send me your picture (fullperm), I will be happy to post it. Name the picture NOH8 and your avatar name and drop it on my profile or send it to my email

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

NOH8 Avatars 16

The Laird´s Premier Butt-Watcher
Spanki Moulliez
For more information about the The NOH8 Campaign and how to join it in SecondLife please read my previous post The NOH8 Campaign in SecondLife. There you will also find instructions on where to find the necessary duct tape and cheek painting free of charge.

If you would like to be a part of the NOH8 Campaign on this blog please send me your picture (fullperm), I will be happy to post it. Name the picture NOH8 and your avatar name and drop it on my profile or send it to my email