Friday, January 4, 2013

Why Dej Called Me A Pervert

The subject of our conversation
Mikedacook Dinzeo
When I was speaking with my brother in-law Dej yesterday, I told him that I was going to Mikedacook Dinzeo´s birthday party later. Dej told me he remembered Mike from the old days.

I then confessed to Dej, that for a long time I had always mistakenly misread Mikey´s name as "Mikedacock" (with a c instead of an o).

Dej laughed and said "Pervert!". When I agreed with him and said "Yeah that's what I thought too" he laughed again and said "No, I meant you!".

I had to admit he was right of course. Isn't it strange how our brains sometimes play games with us and lets us read what we believe should be there, not what actually is written?

The craft of proofreading is really not adequately appreciated in our time.

Two Parties

This was the evening of the two parties, both with great DJ´s.

I started out at Mikedacook "Mikey" Dinzeo´s birthday party. Mikey and I share the same birthday in first life and there was a third guy named Kevin at the party who had a birthday next week. GO CAPRICORNS!

Ryce Skytower and his husband Benja Aquila where at the party too (see pics above). They were - as always - all over each other but sweet all the same.
Birthday boy and DJ Mikedacook "Mikey" Dinzeo
Next I was invited to drop in at DJ Shepherd´s set, and of course I could not say no to that, even if I had discussed the importance of being able to say "No" with Mikey´s husband Robin Dinzeo earlier in the evening.
Kharissa Indigo as "The Shrimp"
DJ Shepherd at the booth
The loving couple at this party were my stepson Guyke and his partner Ziggy, they looked cuter than ever!

Besides the pleasant company and the great music at both parties it was another hell night for me. All my problems were there and I realized that I also repeat my teleports. I sure hope that Linden Lab can help me soon because this is killing me.

Salvaging A Lost Friday

One of the greatest benefits with having two realities is that if you have wasted away a day in your first life you are given a possibility to salvage it in your second.

I slept through this Friday in my first life, but as my first life Friday is about to end I am preparing to snatch something of it in my SecondLife.

I hope to see you all at Mikedacook "Mikey" Dinzeo´s birthday bash.

More information about this event can be found on Eddi Haskell´s Second Life; Special Event Tonight at DaPier: DJ Mikedacook´s Real Life Birthday Party.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Support Ticket #01587329

Illustration from Farend´s website
I finally lost patience with the problems I have been having for more than two months (see my previous post Technical Malfunctions) and submitted a support ticket to my darling tech-geeks at Linden Lab, even if many have told that they themselves - or someone they know - have had similar issues that suddenly stopped after awhile.

I got the following confirmation via email from Linden Lab..
A new case has been created
Case: 01587329
Avatar: Bock McMillan
Type: Other Inworld Issues
Status: New

To comment on this case, either Reply to this email, or visit:

(To view the Case online, you will need to log into with this Avatar: Bock McMillan)

I will keep you updated on the progress of the case.


In first life I was born on January 3, 1970, at 12.35 PM CET in Lund, Sweden. Which means that I am 43 y.o. today.

This is my very 43rd birthday so I don´t really know what to expect. However, 43 seems like such an extremely agreeable and nice number that I am thinking I may enjoy it.

I never really had an interest in age, neither my own or other peoples. Either we get along splendidly or we don´t, but age has nothing to do with it. Besides some people are born as old bitches (whatever gender they may be) while others are eternally young. I have always felt that the only alternative to growing older is worse.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Same Love

(via +Joe Jervis at J.M.G.)

On Dr. Butch´s Couch

From the American Psychoanalytic Association´s website concerning The Use of the Couch in psychoanalysis:
"Following Freud’s practice, many psychoanalysts recommend the use of the couch for their patients in psychoanalysis. To some onlookers, the practice appears arcane or puzzling. Why the use of the couch?
Most psychoanalysts find that the couch is helpful because it takes analytic patients’ focus off the external. Instead, patients turn their attention inward, to fantasies, daydreams, feelings. Dr. John Munder Ross (1999) notes that, in lying down, peoples’ perspective changes. They focus less on objects in the environment and more on images that arise from their own minds. Not bound by an awareness of the analyst’s facial expressions and gestures, the analytic patient is more readily able to imagine what the analyst is thinking or feeling, too, which enriches the experience of analysis.
In addition, many analysts find that they, themselves, work more productively when their patients use the couch. Not constrained by social conventions— maintaining eye contact, for instance— analysts can relax more fully. Therefore, they can focus better on what the patient is saying and feeling and resonate more fully with the patient’s spoken and unspoken communications. The couch, in essence, helps analysts and their patients immerse themselves in the extraordinarily rich world of the mind."