Saturday, February 9, 2013

Congratulations Kandi!

Today is the sixth rezday of Kandinsky Beaumont. Kandi is a dear friend, a wise lady with a sharp and lovely bite (when she needs it) and a talented and renowned artist in SecondLife.

I wish you all the best on your rezday and for the future, Kandi!

(Many thanks to my bosom buddy Apmel Goosson for the reminder.)

Friday, February 8, 2013

#01587329 - No, It´s Not Over Yet!

Illustration from Sato AsiaPacific
"Dearest Theresa,

Guess what just happened?

The darn repeats are back again! The fix I thought I had found with the Quality and speed/setting only worked temporarily.

This is so horrible, now I feel like I am going to be stuck with this terrible affliction forever!

Bock, despondent and sad and tired"

I am calling it a day and going to bed now, this sucks BIG TIME!

New App for Facebookers

There is a new app for Facebook-users. It´s called "Bang Your Friends".

The app, which was launched a week ago has already gained more than 20,000 users in four days, is aimed at matching users with potential partners who don’t want to beat around the bush. It only notifies “couples” when both parties want to bang each other, so no need to fear rejection there.

The creators of the app are a trio who - for now -  wish to remain anonymous.
“By being honest and forward, we’re taking the no bullshit approach [to sex]. One night, we were shooting the shit about how online dating is broken. What a lot of people want is just to skip all the shit and get to the sex. It would be great, as guys, if you could find out which girls are actually into you and not dance around anything,”, one of the creators said.

I am guessing the creators are men in their late teens or early twenties. I am also guessing that there is about 1 woman for every 1,000 men or something equivalent.

Sometimes I feel proud to say "I am no longer on Facebook", this is one of those moments.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Today it felt like I had gotten my second life back again!

After first making sure that the effects of changing the setting of "Quality and speed" in the graphics was still there, I felt a lot of the anxiety and worries just leave me. It was a glorious and wonderful warm feeling, because for a while I had believed I might have to abandon Bock, which would be like cutting away an arm or a foot. So much of me is tied up with Bock.

Well, the effects were still there and I could actually recreate the strange phenomenon of #01587329 by changing the graphics settings to between High and Ultra. And stop it by changing the settings back to High or Ultra.

The strangest thing about this whole experience is that I had two avatars (Bock and Cruella) running simultaneously on the same hardware, software, ISP and the same viewer with the exact same settings and one of them had the problems while the other one did not. Very curios!

My only problem now is that I freeze up after many teleports and a short while later I crash, but that I think I can live with even if it is a little annoying.

The warm and happy feeling made me do a few mischievous things, I went trespassing to the homes of a few friends who were otherwise occupied or away in first life.. Would you believe it, at one of the places the owners had actually had the nerve to change things since my last visit there so that I landed in water? Cheeky buggers!

When the cat is away....!
When the boys are away....!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Support Ticket #01587329 XX - Hopefully Last (Updated)

Om my, while I was being busy gathering all the information to answer the questions Whirly posed in the latest email relayed by Theresa Linden at Linden Lab I think I may have stumbled over the solution to my repeat-problems all by myself.

It has nothing to do with bandwidth, my computer, HTTP Textures or whatever but the default settings of the viewer in combination with the Bock-avatar. (As you may remember my alt Lady Cruella has no problems and never had.)

Since a few months I get these graphic settings by default.
Please notice particularly that "Quality and speed" is set to somewhere between "High" and "Ultra" .
Well, I never bothered to change that once it turned up that way, but when I went to the Miss. Wigstock 2013 contest on Sunday January 27, 2013, I was expecting loads of lag so I though I better pull down the "Quality and speed" to at least "High" and uncheck shadows. All that evening I did not repeat one single time!

After the the contest I did not access SecondLife until after I returned home again from a business trip and there was an email waiting for me from Theresa. Before starting the tests I reset all the settings to default.

It was at this time that Whirly had asked me to uncheck the HTTP Textures, as you may remember that was quite successful during my testing after the first three or four minutes. However, when I logged back in one of the following the repetitions came back even though I kept the HTTP Textures unchecked.

That made me very despondent, sad and weary, I thought I may have to trash my Bock avatar and everything that was tied in with it. I stayed away from SecondLife a couple of days to think about it. Anyway, while I was in first life I began to think about the contest and what a great time I had without any repeats and that made me remember that I had changed the settings.

So today I tried it, and lo and behold, glory, glory, hallelujah it worked! Actually it worked well when I pulled down Quality and speed to High or if I pulled it up to Ultra, the only time I got repeats was if I set it in between High and Ultra.

...the only problem now remaining is that I freeze up after almost every teleport and cannot move or speak and then crash. But that is actually a problem I can live with - I think...

I am sending these results to Theresa Linden now!

Update February 7, 2013.
The improvements still last.

I can recreate the chat repeats if I change the graphic setting to in between High and Ultra. And when i change back to High or Ultra it goes away.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Support Ticket #01587329 XIX (Updated)

I got this email from my friend Theresa Linden at Linden Lab this morning. It is quite a lot to respond to so I am posting the response I am sending when I have gather the information that Whirly wants.

Illustration from PCCare
Somehow they seem to be under the impression that the unchecking of the HTTP Textures did not help, I cannot understand why because I thought I told them in my report that it actually worked very well, except for the first four minutes or so. 

I blame myself, my English must be poorer than I thought and I will have to clear up that misunderstanding in my response to them. So here goes with the email from Linden Lab.

"A comment has been added to your Case.. 

Case: 01587329
Avatar: Bock McMillan
Type: Other Inworld Issues
Status: Information Requested
Hi Bock!

More fun and more suggestions from Whirly here:

Sorry to hear Bock is still having problems.

Some more thoughts...

When did this problem start for Bock? Can he think of anything that changed at his end that coincided with this issue starting?

eg) Change of ISP, moving house, new computer, new router/cable modem, change of router configuration, installing different firewall/antivirus, installing any "gamebooster" type software, Kitty walking on the keyboard...

His system info is taken when not logged in so doesnt show packet loss.

When he is seeing the repeating chat etc, if he goes to Help -> About Second Life, what does his packetloss show on the last line?

Where did he actually take his connection readings to?

Are his readings looking as good if he measures to where LL have their servers?
Follow these links, then select "Your Preferred Server":

Does he have another computer in the house connected to the same network and can he reproduce his problem on that?

He has reported that he created an alt LadyCruellaMcMillan, and there are none of these issues happening with it.

Is he totally sure about that?

It seems this problem can seem cured & then reappears the next day. Did he test long enough on the fresh noob before declaring there was no problem?

If his problem really is account specific, that seems quite strange & probably isnt a good sign for a hopeful cure lol Is there anything unusual about his Bock account that could possibly have an effect on his problem? 

eg) Does Bock have a massive inventory size and is he maybe clearing his cache each login? (People do this often >.<) or was Bock a reactivated account after being deleted?

It sounds like Bock has already been put in test character & that didnt help the issue, so I guess t...

To reply to this case, either Reply to this email, or visit :

(To view the Case online, you will need to log into with this Avatar: Bock McMillan)"

Monday, February 4, 2013

Whaddya Think?

Interesting question huh?

Tell us what you think by answering the weekly poll in the top right hand corner of Eddi Haskell´s Second Life!