Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Note Card From Dej

Yesterday I had an offline message from my brother in-law Dejerrity Mycron in my e-mail, saying that he had something important he wanted to talk with me about. Knowing me as well as he does, he also added that it was nothing urgent or bad.

When I logged in we met and talked a little. During the conversation he brought up the subject of the upcoming third anniversary of Ars' passing. I had already been thinking about that so we were on the same page. We both agreed that a casual get-together of Ars' immediate family and friends on Sunday March 10 would be the best. Weekends are better because it alleviates some of the hassle with coordinating the the timezone differences between Australia, Europe and America. The time was to be settled after I had spoken with Sarco to see what would work for him.

After settling that business, Dej told me that he had been in the middle of writing me a note card to clarify the important matter he wanted to talk with me about as a basis for our talk, but he gave me no clue as to what the subject was going to be. He also told me to remember that he loved me when I was reading the note card.

With growing anticipation, but no major worries, I left him to finish the note card and went to Oliver Elton's Valentine Show.

At Oliver's show was approaching the end, I received Dej´s note card and started reading it.

It was one of the most intensely personal and deeply moving messages I have ever received, in any of my lives. The message was loving, caring and extremely considerate. It had me in tears from start to finish.

I will never share the bulk of it with anyone, but this is an excerpt from the end of the note card that also shows the essentials of what Dej wanted to convey to me.
"... . But grief has to end, and we cannot torture ourselves all of our lives. We're all human, and all humans die.

We lost Ars almost 3 years ago. Some days I see you sitting all alone at his memorial and that makes me so sad. Ars would want you to move on, and 3 years of grief is enough for anyone. I suggested a remembrance service next month because I think you need to say a last goodbye. (***) isn't coming back, neither is Ars. You need to move on with your life, you have so much love to share. 
You have to let him go, and no matter what you say, you haven't done that yet. And I say this from experience, that's why I wrote all I did above. I know how much you loved him. I understand the pain because I went through it 6 years ago. And you know I loved Ars too. But it's time to let him go, Bock. You have to say goodbye. 
I know this is not what anyone wants to hear, but I write this with love and the best of intentions. We'll always remember them, but we have to let them go."
Unlike the previous time two years ago when a stupid "shieldmaiden" (who did not know me or care for me and whom I despised intensely) blurted out on her blog that it was time for me to let go and move on, this came from someone I love and trust, someone who I know loves me back and someone who also knew and loved Ars.

I knew I had to come to grips with what Dej was asking me to do. The subject was not something I had not thought about, but you must understand that for two and a half of my first three years in SecondLife my Ars had been the absolute center of my universe, in both lives.

When we discussed his message to me, I told Dej that I was grateful to him for writing me the note card. for sharing his experiences and that I had remember that he loved me while I was reading it.

I saidj, "I have always needed 'separation time', unlike others I cannot go from one to the next, it makes me confused."
Dej said "Babe, the whole point of my's been 3 years now. We have to move on"
I agreed and said, "Yes, but that doesn't mean we throw ourselves at the first possible option that arrives. And I KNOW you don´t mean that."
Dej answered, "True enough. I just want you to be happy"
To which I answered, "I would say I am happy now, sweetie, happier than in a very long time. I am just going to enjoy life and see what happens."
Dej told me sternly, "No. We make things happen, with our choices and our regrets and mostly with our hopes.  Seize the moment, throw caution to the wind and take a chance that your heart could be broken again. (...) Because sometimes, things work out.  But you'll never know if you don't try :) It's ok to fall in love again."

I am still thinking about what Dej wrote and said. I realize that what he told me is true, but I am still not sure if I am ready to fall in love again. It gives me some food for thought.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Oliver Elton's Valentine Show

I have encountered the talents of Oliver Elton three times in a very short period of time.

The first occasion was at Miss Wigstock 2013, where Oliver was the stage designer and one of the entertainers. The second time was at Messrs. Garth and Mitch Raleigh-Underwoods´s wedding where Oliver was the entertainer at the reception party and the master of fireworks. Today Oliver was an entertainer, a set designer and the master of fireworks.
The main set was magnificent and reminded me of the scenographies in the musicals from the late 50' s and early 60's. The talented Oliver loves "larger than life" productions and has charisma enough to carry it off.

Although he is quite a small person, he has a large presence even in his huge sets. He is like a glamorous Edith Piaf, if you can imagine such a strange creature. Today he offered his captivated audience a string of love songs - of course - mostly alone but in two songs with the support of Juve, the winner of Miss Wigstock 2013. It was a highly memorable exhibition of excellent showmanship and the audience was thrilled throughout the show.

The European Trade in Horsemeat

More than 60,000 tonnes of horsemeat was traded by European countries in 2012. This data, from the Eurostat internal trade database shows exports of Equidae over the year - that is, 'horse-like' animals, such as horses, donkeys, mules and asses. Roll over the buttons on the left for details of where each country received its equidae from.


While considering how I have been lied to by the manufacturers and traders of meat over the last 20+ years I am on the verge of becoming a vegetarian.

The Importance of Forwarding Your Mail

This is a commercial currently running on Swedish television on the importance of ordering forwarding of your mail when you change your address.

The captions at the end say, "Today Kjell lives with Britt-Marie", "Don't miss important mail" and "Order mail forwarding when you move"

Kjell asks: "A croissant?":
Britt-Marie answers: "No, I'm fine!"

Cute isn't it?

On Anonymous Commenting

The Egg-Despiser (Hamburg 1931), photographer  Herbert List
Today I have changed the options on Bock in SecondLife concerning commenting.

Anonymous comments will no longer be allowed. The reason for this decision is that lately I have been overwhelmed with spam-comments and that 99.8 % of those who comment anonymously are spammers.

To those of you who have earlier made legitimate comments anonymously I kindly suggest you get a Google Account or some other Open-ID account, as all comments from Registered Users will be allowed. You can choose any name you wish for yourself through these services.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

OBR 2013

The day of the One Billion Rising had arrived, I threw myself on the computer when I got home to take part in the fun and the manifestation against men's violence against women. I could not stay very long because I had only slept about three-and-a-half hours the past night so I was very tired.

Despite that I, and despite I most likely was there after most of the Euro´s had logged off and before the Americans logged in there were quite a lot of people assembled. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and met a few nice people, some that I knew already and others that were charming anyway. 
SaveMe Oh, the well-known performance artist had been pre-banned from the event by some meddling fool, but she turned up at the event all the same in the form of her alt Ms. SaveMe Ohare. Even though she behaved like a perfect lady as far as I could judge, the meddling twats kicked her off the sim and banned her anyhow. I despise unforgiving, vindictive and petulant a-*-*-h-o-l-e-s.
Ziggy, my buddy the furry red-striped tiger joined me for awhile, before he had to go off to have dinner. It was nice meeting him again, I haven´t seen or talked much with him since his and my stepson Guykechen's break-up.

I stayed and danced until the sun had set, then I felt the tiredness overwhelming me, so I logged off to write up this post and then crawl to bed for an early night.

Don't Forget!

This is probably the most important event of the year in SecondLife. Lets stand together against men´s violence against women.

One in three women on the planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetime.
One billion women violated is an atrocity
One billion women dancing is a revolution

A global strike
An invitation to dance
A call to men and women to refuse to participate in the status quo until rape and rape culture ends
An act of solidarity, demonstrating to women the commonality of their struggles and their power in numbers
A refusal to accept violence against women and girls as a given
A new time and a new way of being

Join the manifestation!