Monday, April 8, 2013

Congratulations "Ziggy On The Edge...."

Today my mentor Eddi "Eagle Eye" Haskell noticed that my buddy Ziggy Starsmith's blog "Ziggy On The Edge..." had passed 100,000 pageviews since November 2009. (The counter is at 101,567  pageviews at the moment so the event happened 2-4 days ago)

Bock in SecondLife wishes to congratulate Ziggy on this achievement and hope that we will be able to follow Ziggy´s unique view of SecondLife and the world at large for a long time to come!

The Lady Has Turned

Margaret Thatcher (13 October 1925 – 8 April 2013), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 1979-1990

"To those waiting with bated breath for that favourite media catchphrase, the 'U-turn', I have only one thing to say: "You turn [U-turn] if you want to. The lady's not for turning." Margaret Thatcher speaking at the British Conservative Party Conference on 10 October 1980.

P.S. There are only two things I believe we should honor her for. The first is that she succeeded in becoming the first female P.M. in the U.K. (and the longest serving one in the 20th century too). The second is that she managed to outplay all her competitors in this mans world by being more of a "man's man" than any of the other men.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Support Bara & Free

(From a press release in the Bara Jonson Fan Gang group)

Bara Jonson and Free Balan are two Swedish live artists in SecondLife. They are now competing in the Swedish top charts in first life, "Svensktoppen Nästa" and need our help and support.

To get through to the national level they need lots of "likes" and you can help by following this link (url)  and then clicking the star just above their picture.

Please tell your friends to do the same! 

Telephone Commercial

Well, I am not sending this to +Joe Jervis at J.M.G., he would most likely "not get it" *I think to myself with a bitter smirk that doesn't suit me*

This is a commercial by a Swedish telephone service provider.

Take Ziggy's Poll on Blogs

My buddy Ziggy Starsmith has a poll running on his blog whether you "think blogs are becoming a little passé or even boring now...?"

I would suggest you go there and set him straight!

In my not-so-humble opinion blogging in itself is still a viable and excellent way of expressing yourself to both yourself, your community and the world as a whole.

So what if nobody else reads it? You atleast have the possibility of unloading shit and putting your views out there for the world to see and know. Many bloggers may wish that they could be more relevant to many more readers and accumulate a huge following, but nonetheless it is a way for all of us to leave a little trail of ourselves on the world wide web.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Colored Eggs

Eggs are great, for whatever reason you eat them and whether they are painted or not.

Happy holiday!