Sunday, November 3, 2013

Movember Photo Shoot

I got a request relayed through my friend Kahvy Sands that I must share with you.
All you guys out there! Kimly is looking for you!
MOVEMBER is an annual, month-long event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of prostate cancer and other male cancers.  I am looking for 20 men, who want to participate in the Kimly Crystal Visions Movember photoshoot. Please spread the word and let Kimly Crystal know if you're interested. Participation is Free of charge, no nudity, Mustache can be photoshopped in if you don't have one.
So what are you waiting for men? 

I am going to contact Kimly a.s.a.p. and you should too. Of course, unlike some of you young men, I will not need to have a mustache photoshopped in.

So you will know what it will look like, here is an example of Kimly's shoot for Breast Cancer Awareness last month. I would say that it looks like we get to take our shirts off...


After working hard to block out all the silly games my contacts on Facebook play - and all the invitations to join - I have finally reached this state of deliverance.
I must have been successful in - temporarily I am sure - blocking out all games known to Facebook.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Metronomic Oscillation Harmony

"If you place 32 metronomes on a static object and set them rocking out of phase with one another, they will remain that way indefinitely. Place them on a moveable surface, however, and something very interesting (and very mesmerizing) happens.
The metronomes in this video fall into the latter camp. Energy from the motion of one ticking metronome can affect the motion of every metronome around it, while the motion of every other metronome affects the motion of our original metronome right back. All this inter-metronome "communication" is facilitated by the board, which serves as an energetic intermediary between all the metronomes that rest upon its surface. The metronomes in this video (which are really just pendulums, or, if you want to get really technical, oscillators) are said to be "coupled."
The math and physics surrounding coupled oscillators are actually relevant to a variety of scientific phenomena, including the transfer of sound and thermal conductivity. For a much more detailed explanation of how this works, and how to try it for yourself, check out this excellent video by condensed matter physicist Adam Milcovich."

Judas - Skyfall

Here's another video gift from my friend Craig/Atreyu/Judas that I want to share with you all. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dealing With Backlog

I am drowning in post-it stickers and paper stacks at work at the moment.

The situation has changed drastically over just a few months, due to two experienced lawyers leaving and being replaced by two less experienced lawyers. Simultaneously there has been an increase in the workload. My forced attendance at the Polish conference last week did not help either, although it was pleasant to get away and think of and worry about the work instead of doing it.

All we can do at the moment is prioritize and handle the emergency cases with deadlines, put in long hours at work and try to charm the disgruntled clients, who of course always believe that their problem (or sometimes even nonexistent problem) should be our top priority.

We support each other as well as we can in the workgroup and seem to make an impact on the piles by our joint efforts. Hopefully we will be getting to the lower prioritized stuff by the end of next week.

This means that I am almost braindead when I get home, so I am no good company. However, I am going to try and log in a little tonight and make good time for my friends in SecondLife during the weekend. I need the rest otherwise I will go crazy.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


If you don't understand Spanish it may be a great idea to turn on the the English translation in Captions.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Back Again

Blogging is really strange, at least for me. When I am in the habit I keep on getting inspired to do new posts and can easily write 3-5 times a day, but if I have not posted in a couple of days I just get stressed out and go completely blank.
This is a pointless post with a beautiful picture just to get warmed up. The picture was posted on Facebook, at this time I cannot remember by whom.

My visit to Poland went well and I returned home late Sunday evening. Krakow is a beautiful old city with beautiful men but with horrendous, really awful, food. The traditional Roman Catholic homophobia and antisemitism still flourishes, but - as I was informed by a resident - the citizens of Krakow "are a bit more polite about it".

I am happy to be back home again, sleeping in my own bed and with complete access to both my lives again. I have missed you all, but some of you more than the others.