Sunday, February 9, 2014

Early Morning

This morning I woke up just around 8.30 AM, much earlier than usual on a Sunday. Although I had only slept for about five hours, I felt well rested and ready to face the world and what the day could bring me.

While I was waiting for the coffee to brew I logged into Facebook to check on what people had been up to. There I got a call from my son Guyke to come in-world, my hubby was having problems sleeping. I got a cup of my newly brewed, wonderfully smelling coffee and logged into my other life and on Skype to see if I could help. 

Soon after I had joined the two I established that my Tomais was overtired and all tensed up from sleep deprivation and body aches, what he needed most of all was to relax, to allow his body to get the much needed sleep. I shooed my son away and ordered my man to join me in the bed at the beach house.

With my husband laying in my arms, we slowly talked and shared things about our first lives and our SecondLifes.  I was mostly listening, trying to comfort him and sometimes telling him there was nothing urgent for him to do on Sunday, he could sleep all day if he needed to. All would still be well.

After a while I could hear his breathing getting slower and deeper and I knew we were on the right track. Finally my darling told me that he was going to get up from the floor, where he had been resting during our talk, and go to bed to try and sleep again. We said our farewells and hopefully my sweet husband slept well. 

I returned to Southern Charm, to take a look at the new corner with a pergola that we had set up on Saturday. It looked wonderful, so I jumped into the water and took a swim with my shark Jaws and then sat in the pergola enjoying the breeze, the birds chirping and the calmness while thinking to myself how amazing it was to be happy again.

P.S. And then I log into Facebook again and see that Tomais was up two hours ago, so maybe he still didn't get much sleep despite my efforts. Damn!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

A Man of Many Talents

When I and Tomais returned to our beach house today, after a busy - and highly successful - day of gardening and dewinterizing at Southern Charm, we found Dru Eiren-Milneaux there already.

Dru was finishing off his work of building a staircase from the beach up to the house. As it was an extremely hot day, he was working in the buff so he wouldn't suffer from heat exposure. Apart from being a talented builder Dru is a wonderful photographer in both first life and SecondLife and, Tomais tells me, he is also talented in many handicrafts in first life.

During our conversation, I had to go AFK a while to "wash my hands" and get a smoke, when I returned I was greeted by a message written in the sand. It seems Dru had a special talent he wished to show me.
I laughed so hard and long that I nearly fell off my chair. While I and Tomais were still laughing and coughing and almost falling to pieces, Dru showed off with a little more of his "pee-art".
Isn't it simply amazing how many of us discover hidden talents in SecondLife? If the world only knew...

The Henge Party

Our friends Nikolai Warden and his partner Rylan Sirnah have built a henge. Last Sunday it was time to inaugurate it with a party,  to suit the historical venue and the season the theme was Imbolc (Saint Brigid's Day), but as it was so cold the nice guys suggested we wear furs.

I - as usual - complained that I had "nothing suitable to wear" in my 24,000+ items Inventory, so Tomais had to take me shopping first. Tom knows where to shop so in a short time I was suitably attired as a barbarian.

Tomais and I brought Guyke and JJ Goodman II along with us to the party. JJ was kind enough to share some of the pictures he took with me, which is why most of the beautiful photography in this post are by him below are by him.
"Barbarian Bock" Photography by JJ Goodman II
Left to right, Guyke, JJ, Tom and I. Photography by JJ Goodman II
"The Beautiful Barbarian Tomais" Photography by JJ Goodman II
"Tomais & Bock" Photography by JJ Goodman II
"Barbarian. Self Portrait" Photography by JJ Goodman II
"Guyke & JJ" Photography by JJ Goodman II
Freezing Nikolai, our host
Rylan, our host and DJ

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Newest Olympic Sport

(via J.M.G.)

Save the Date

March 8, 2014 (exact time not yet set), will be the day Tomais and I make up for eloping and invite our families and friends to celebrate our marriage with us.

Although the exact time has not been determined yet, it will most likely be somewhere between 10AM-5PM SLT.

Clear your calendars and stay tuned for additional information!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Keep the Games Gay

Make this image your Facebook pic and show your support for the equality of ALL athletes.