Thursday, January 8, 2015

Picture of the Day - 268

I Said A Brrr . . .
"I Said A Brrr..." by Divos Titanium

If you wish to see more of Divos' photography, please visit his Flickr photostream here.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Jeg har trukket nitten
Jeg har jokket i en lort
Samlet den op og bidt i den
Og det' nitten
Og når jeg prøver på at give den videre
Til en anden idiot
Får jeg den lige i hovedet igen

Det startede med at jeg kom lidt for sent op
Så missede jeg mit tog og mistede mit job
Men jeg sagde godt nok at jeg selv havde sagt op
Da min kæreste så jeg kom tidligt hjem

Jeg sagde: "Det' fordi jeg trænger til at realisere mig selv"
Hun svarede: "Det kan du sgu gøre for dig selv"
"For jeg er træt af alt dit pis" og så sagde hun farvel
Tog sit tøj og gik sin vej

Så jeg har trukket nitten

Siden er det hele gået helt ad helvede til
Det kører som på skinner fra DSB
Og forleden blev jeg smidt ud af min lejlighed
Så jeg er flyttet hjem til min mor

Og jeg lige som jeg troede at det umuligt kunne blive meget værre
Så finder jeg sgu ud af at hun har en affære
Og de larmer hele natten -- og naboerne klager
Om jeg vil det eller ej
Min mor får mere sex end mig

Så jeg har trukket nitten

Jeg har prøvet både med healer og med numerologi
Og jeg har skiftet navn til Karsten 510
Men det nytter ikke noget -- det hjælper ikke en skid
Så jeg må bare i gang igen
For lorten æder ikke sig selv

Jeg har trukket nitten

Jeg har trukket nitten
Jeg har jokket i en lort
Samlet den op, tygget godt og grundigt i den
Spist op, skidt en ny og nippet til den
Og det' edermame nitten
Og når jeg prøver på at give den videre
Til en anden idiot
Får jeg den lige i hovedet igen


In this Danish song Thomas Holm portrays the poor guy who complains about how his life is falling to pieces, whatever he does. He has drawn a blank ("nitten") in the lottery of life. It all starts with him oversleeping slightly, he misses his train, loses his girlfriend who gets tired of his bullshit, loses his apartment and is forced to move back to his mother.  And then he learns that even his mother gets more sex than he does, which he discovers when he and neighbors are kept awake by the sounds of her loud lovemaking...

SL Photography - January 2015

The January 2015 issue of the SecondLife monthly magazine Photography is out.

To view it please go here: SL Photography Monthly - January 2015 Issue.


Charlie Hebdo is a French satirical weekly newspaper, featuring cartoons, reports, polemics, and jokes. Irreverent and stridently non-conformist in tone, the publication is strongly anti-religious and left-wing, publishing articles on the extreme right, Catholicism, Islam, Judaism, politics, culture, etc. The magazine is published every Wednesday, with special editions issued on an unscheduled basis.

Due to controversial Muhammad-themed cartoons published in 2011, the magazine has experienced two terrorist attacks. A firebombing in 2011, and another shooting attack yesterday on Wednesday January 7, 2015. Twelve people were killed, in the attack by three young male terrorists armed with Kalashnikov's.

Social media has reacted strongly against this terrorist attack on free speech, 

Picture of the Day - 267

"WILD WEST" by Anna Ivanovna

If you wish to see more of Anna's photography, please visit her Flickr photostream here.

Project -15: May the Works Commence!

Yesterday I and my home-team met again with Samuel Fallen of Lytton & Fallen (L&F)  for further discussions and to see if we could seal a deal on the project. L&F consists of Samuel and his partner Spliff Lytton. The company provides services in interior design, landscaping and custom builds for SecondLife.

Although it is still winter on Southern Charm, the first touch of spring can be felt. It was a rather mild day yesterday so I decided to show some leg during the discussions. To be quite honest, that has been a highly successful tactic and has in hindsight landed me with more advantages than I would otherwise rightly deserve. 
So with bare legs I, my royal consort Tomais and my royal groundskeeper Butch "Bj" Diavolo-Gracemount met with Samuel at the site. We had a very good discussion in which Samuel evidenced some qualities that I appreciate very much in my fellow humans. Samuel was receptive to our thoughts and ideas but was also outspoken and straightforward in his responses in a pleasant manner. He also has a no-nonsense attitude and strives for a realistic look in his designs.

I am happy to inform you that we sealed a mutually advantageous deal yesterday and that the work on the project will now begin.

After the meeting I was totally thrilled and excited, this is going to be so much fun!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Picture of the Day - 266

"ばぁー" by himehime slade

If you wish to see more of himehime's photography, please visit her Flickr photostream here.