Monday, October 22, 2018

A Straight Eye For The Queer Guy

I still haven't gotten over how truly stunning, fabulous and amazing I looked at the "It's A Party"-event, so I am giving you all another chance to admire me.
Photo by JJ Goodman
The fashion-forward CheerNo jumpsuit fitted me really well and kept me cool despite dancing nonstop for two whole hours.

Now that you've gotten your fill of the astounding me, why not surf on over to get The Not-So-Naked Apmel's report from the event: My Avatar's Name is Apmel: "It was Bock's party and notwithstanding Apmel's ass being there Bock's appearance would have made him center of attention at any party" (url). (Don't you just the lovely long title of that post?)

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Party Pictures by JJ Goodman (Now With Longer Video)

A nifty thing my computer just showed me, I don't know how to edit or play with it yet and not sure it will work either.

Edited and added all JJ's awesome pictures and set it to music. Enjoy!

And here is my second try, a bit more energetic and with funkier music.

It's A Party... Today 12 PM (Noon) SLT

I hope you all can make it to the celebration of Life, Love and the opening of Static Frenzy's new exhibition at The Northmead Gallery today, 12 PM (noon) SLT.

For all the details please revisit my post It's A Party... And You Are All Welcome (url), where you will find how to get where you need to be and more about the event.

Wear whatever you feel like wearing to celebrate life, love and the amazing art of Static Frenzy!

Friday, October 19, 2018

It's A Party Tomorrow...

Rumors have it that a naked straight man may attend the party tomorrow. Apmel Goosson, my mentor and bosom buddy, who is as straight as they get and loves to dress down has not said definitely no.
If he comes, he may bring along one of his dearest friends Ms. ush, but you should consider her almost as a beard and treat her kindly. 

We have all been in situations where we "have (...) depended on the kindness of strangers", just like Blanche DuBois in Tennessee Williams play "A Streetcar Named Desire".

For all the rest of the information about the party read It's A Party... And You're All Welcome! (url)

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

SP Meeting 10/06/18 - Minutes Posted

The minutes from the Second Pride Board meeting on October 6th, 2018, have now been posted on the Second Pride website.

Here's a link directly to the minutes (url).

After the eventful meeting, the Second Pride Board now has the following members.

Rez Vale-Starfall™ (DJReZ Cyberstar)

Mikey Vale (MikeAdam)

Bock McMillan

Events/Marketing Director
Nicky Windstorm (DunceMidwest)

Community Relations/Marketing Director
i0n (AlPrunty)

Security Director
Tootsie Nootan

Building Director
Starter Evenstarr (starter232)

Technology Director
Lee McKay

It's A Party...And You're All Welcome!

Please join us in celebrating Life, Love and the grand opening of Static Frenzy's exhibition at the Northmead Gallery, Southern Charm, SecondLife on Saturday, October 20th, 2018, at 12 PM (noon) SLT.

Music will be provided by the amazing Lee McKay. (By special dispensation, music by ABBA will be permitted - for the first and only time ever - on Southern Charm.)

SecondLife photographer Static Frenzy, as many already know, is renowned and loved for his vision of what it means to be an LGBT-man in a virtual reality with scenes from his everyday life, budding romances, and hot sexual encounters.

The Northmead Gallery also has its permanent galleries showing the works of JJ Goodman, Wayne Allan, and Tomais Ashdene besides parts of the Laird of Southern Charm's vast collection of  SecondLife artwork.

Wear whatever you feel like, but wear something. (The only one permitted to be completely nude is Mr. Apmel Goosson Esq., should he wish to attend.)

Remember, all the best parties should have at least one sim crash.

Here is your limousine waiting to transport you to The Northmead Gallery at Southern Charm (SLurl).