Tuesday, June 18, 2013

SL10B - The Spanki Moulliez Exhibition

One of the best thing about SecondLife is the creativity that more-or-less  every avatar you know displays. Sometimes it gets very apparent to me that all my friends and  acquaintances are extremely talented in one way or another.

One such insight came to me the day before yesterday when I visited the Rhino Writers pavilion at SL10B with my friend Butch. It turns out that just across the road from that my friend Spanki Moulliez has an exhibition also.

I have known Spanki for ages, literally ages, but he has been hiding his light under a bushel, so I did not discover until Butch took me to his exhibition that not only is he one of the most handsome men in SecondLife but he is also a  master photographer, it completely blew me away!

I highly recommend everyone to drop in at SL10B Spanki Moulliez (SLurl) for a visit, and then go to his permanent exhibition somewhere else in SecondLife. (I will add the landmark to his permanent exhibition as soon as I get it.)

Spanki, do your thing in comments, please!


  1. Bock, thank you for visiting my show at SLB and what a lovely surprise to see that you had made this post, thank you so much! You made my day! :D *big hugs!!*

    oh, the LM for SL10B is

    Spanki :))


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