Monday, November 18, 2013

Good Night


  1. I bet someone slept like a baby... eventually :D

  2. Wishful thinking dearest Ziggy and Guyke, what you see is what happened and then I added a black frame to get you thinking that maybe something more did happen...

    I promise you both, if and when anything of the sort you are hoping for happens I will indeed let you know, at the latest when I do a follow-up on my new years wishes for 2013. ;)

  3. So my photographic talents are not enough to document such an occasion, is that what you are trying to tell me?

  4. >>>>>opens champagne she was saving for New Year a bit early, pours a glass for Hunter and herself.......let's out a big WOOOOHOOOOOO!!! Takes a big gulp and smiles.... congrats Bock!
    Begins shuffling through the marital property agreement documents on her hard drive looking for just the right one......just in case :)

    1. Haha my dearest Diana, if and when we get even close to that point when such paperwork is needed I will certainly notify you and have you talk to his lawyers about drawing up documents...

      Hugs darling - and don't forget the usual slap on Hunter's marble hard hiney from me!


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