Monday, June 23, 2014

SP 2014 Fashion Statement

Well, who would've thought it, but it seems that my Jesters Hat (originally created in 2010) finally is having it's breakthrough to a wider range of people than myself.
Photo courtesy of Carl Paneer
Blog: NakedCarl
The hat was for a while sold on Marketplace with the slogan "Only for the most daring of fashionistas", if I remember correctly the demand was not tremendous. I think I sold only eight of them, whereof two to kind family members. People are not as fashion-forward as one sometimes would have reason to expect.

At Pride I am giving away (free/gratis/at no cost whatsoever) an especially for Second Pride 2014 hand-crafted exclusive edition at my storefront. 

Come and pick up your item and flaunt your Pride and exquisite taste at  The Bock in SecondLife Store @ Second Pride East (SLurl).

For more great pictures from this years Second Pride Festival, please visit my blogger buddy Carl's blog NakedCarl Second Life

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