Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bock Is Kidnaped

After a long period of having few dreams - or rather not remembering having them - I started having nightmares regularly, especially when I take a nap during daytime. I am seriously considering to stop taking my midday naps because of these awful nightmares. Or should I say "daymares"?.

Today´s daymare was as follows.

I am sitting in my office with Bock. We are having a telepathic conversation about our day when suddenly a heavily cloaked figure swoops in and carries Bock away. He is immediately blinded and muted by the kidnapper. I cannot see through his eyes - as I usually can - who it is that has separated us, but I hear his telepathic scream although there is no sound.

In my mind we have an agitated discussion over who it can be that is doing this, where they might be taking him and what the motive for this vicious deed could be. Suddenly I hear Bock mind-scream painfully and feel how someone has started cutting into him with a chisel as if he were made of marble.

Even if the chisel doesn't harm him the force of it going through his flesh makes both him and me cry out loudly.

I am awoken by my own scream and am really upset and angry until I - although still in a daze - realize it was a dream.


  1. Damn, sorry that was me that kidnapped Bock...
    Eat your hearts out!

  2. Ahhh Ziggy, we wish! ;)

    But your comment just reminded me there was something, I am not quite sure what, perhaps a vague scent of perfume or something in the touch that made us think it was a woman.


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