Showing posts with label pissed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pissed. Show all posts

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Are We Equal?

(via J.M.G.)

I was totally pissed (Sorry Diana, but there was no more fitting word to describe my feelings) by the complete indifference among my female - and male too - coworkers, especially the younger ones, on the significance and importance of International Women´s Day. Most of the younger women stated, "I  am treated equally, therefor it is not important to me!"

It may well be that Sweden is one of the countries that have come the farthest, but we still have staggering inequality here also.

Women in Sweden
  • still earn (on average) 10-15 % less for the same work.
  • are still not represented in a fair way in political assemblies.
  • are still not represented in a fair way in management positions or on company boards in business. ("The Old Boys Club-syndrome")
  • are still almost exclusively the victims of sexual crimes, stalking and domestic battery.
  • are still forced into prostitution by partners, pimps or trafficking.
etc., etc ad infinitum.

In other parts of the world the situation is even worse. I simply cannot get my head around their complaisant attitude when they claim that the International Women´s Day has no bearing on them or their situation. Is it a "Me-generation" thing and an effect of the "Whats in it for me-attitude" towards life?

How are we ever going to get a society where all the minorities human rights are safeguarded if we cannot even agree that women, who are the majority of the nations and the worlds population, should have the full and equal rights of the men?

(And yes, I do feel a bit stupid as a gay man ranting at women for not caring enough about their human rights, but you can blame my mother - and father - for this! If you should wish to talk with them please ask me for their phone number.)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bock Is Pissed

 A certain blogger is taunting me by naming my blog anything except "Bock in SecondLife", so I decided to take the same liberty.