Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What About A Contest?

I was thinking - pffft yeah I do do that sometimes - about this several times today. In the back of my head or actively.

Let me just toss out this idea to you all and let's see how it flies.

There are in my possession 108 contributions of wonderful pictures in my project "Nakna avatarer i SL" ("Naked avatars in SL").

Even if we take away my own contribution, my contribution of Ars, my contributions of my two alts, Wild and Hedda, the contribution that was withdrawn and the entry number 108 - which really is just a sneak photo at an event, there are still 102 amazing pictures left.

I love them all for different reasons, but still I think that some are on the whole a tad bit better than the rest, and one could possibly even be considered the best in show.

What if I offered to pay L$ 25 000 to the winner, the rest get nothing.

I think if we could get a jury consisting of five people who were willing to go through all the 102 contributions and each give the ten pictures they like best points - in falling order from first to last - 12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 point(s).

From the jurors votes we could select the five or ten that get the highest total scores put these pictures out for popular voting. Everyone who wanted to take part would then be free to vote once on the three contributions they liked the best giving them the points 12, 10 and 8. Voting would of course be free of cost.

From the sum of the popular vote we would award the prize to the picture that got the highest score and the one on the winning picture would receive the prize money on Christmas Day, December 25th 2010.

For the final prize ceremony we could have a party on the field by my barn. I could get a DJ or two to play for us.

Just a rough idea yet! Please tell me what you think about it and if you have any suggestions for changes.

P.S. I would of course not be a juror or take part in any other way than donating the money and the use of the field and paying for the DJ´s.


  1. Coo, I volunteer to be absolutely nowhere near that jury hahahahaha I value my skin too much. Sounds like a great idea:) Go for it buddy

  2. Funny and great idea and >Id love to come to the party anyways:)

  3. Bock, you are a REAL Santa :))) Great idea!


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