Friday, December 24, 2010

JOY - a sneak preview

I am going to tell you more about this event later today, but there is really only a few things you need to know.

Mark the date and time in your calendar, be there, be there in time, bring your wallet along and have fun! 

And for the love of Rod Humble, aka Rodvik Linden, don´t complain about lag in local, it´s so boring and the rest of us are already dealing with it on our own. If you really, really, really need to verbalize your frustration write a note card about it and send it to yourself or one of your alts.

"JOY" is brought to you through a joint venture between "Ventura Arte & Jardin" and "The Bock McMillan Art Foundation (a part of the BMcM Corporation)"

1 comment :

  1. I will have to let one of my alts keep an eye on this new mysterious Art Foundation...


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