Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Owe You an Update

Well I whined publicly about my state of mind a few weeks ago so I guess I owe you an update now.

I saw my doctor today and we had a good long talk. The thing I like best about my doctor is that he really seems to listen to what I have to say. After listening to me he gives me his evaluation and his recommendations for the continued treatment, also taking into account the results of the biochemical blood work.

To sum it up he is pleased with my progress over the last year, the blood work has improved vastly and the chemical imbalances are mostly gone. He also tells me that it is not unusual that you experience a "plateau" after awhile with the medication I am on. All the same he recommends that I continue on the same treatment a while longer. He believes that a reason for my present emotional fatigue is a result of the burden I have experienced during the last year coupled with my heavy work load.

What I need is rest and a few weeks away from work to start feeling better again. I will see him again after the summer and then we will decide if changes are still needed.

Luckily I start my vacation of Friday, so I have five glorious weeks off from work!


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